Calling Newbies!!! A Challenge for us...

How often should we post to the 2009 Newbie Challenge?

  • Weekly

    Votes: 29 54.7%
  • Every 2 wks

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • Every 3 mos

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Hey Everybody!

I am coming out of the shadows :look:. And...inviting all us newbies to pull together for a Newbies in 09 Challenge. I'm through goin' it all alone.
While there is lot's of support and love going on for newbies all around, I'd like to start off a home base with Newbies in 09 Challenge...

I'm Niiq, been natural no chem for 12 years, have done it all (alone) (locs, fros, bushes, braids, twists, presses). I was working FT nights, taking care of my family and in school FT.

I am 4a/4b with much shrink and drink. All last year I pressed my SL (shoulder length) after a big chop (Big chop). Now I want my huge fro back and more styling options. Using growth aids like WGHO, Megatek, Boundless Tresses. Having fallen in love with co-washes, I will be using no heat (like Bootcamp).
My fotki is coming together and I already use You Tube for loads of help. I am getting the knack of getting my signature, pic etc.
I need styling and moisturizing help with this really dense and shrinking hair. Right now I do bantu knot fros.I am willing to start...


Wouldn't it be nice to have a place where everybody post where you been, where you are, where you want to go! The place to get and give friendly support for stuff like pics, stickies, stash, fotki's, reggies, and goals.

If you are a newbie then you no doubt are ready to give up lurking for growing some hair.....let's stick together and extend a HAND to newbies!

Can you commit to post weekly or so and tell us

1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?
2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie (regimen)? What's in your stash? What's your style?
3: WHAT do U need to know?
4. What forums do u like?

Have I overlooked anything? PM (private message) me please with suggestions and comments!
Stay tuned for more


Addendum: This 2009 Newbie/Freshman Challenge has the following structure:
We can offer more structure for Freshmen and more support for NewbieNewbies by doing so! Below is a lil chart to cut and paste so we can be clear about the support we can give each other. Please post every wk or two with links (tutorials, recipes, products), suggestions, lessons learned,
Join date:
Hair state/length:
Goal length:
Heat commitment:
Stretching goal: if applies:
Posting goals:
Albums? Links?
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I am Aspire and I just joined the boards a few days ago.

I am doing a lot of research on the boards and love the new things I am finding. Just received my first bottle of Mega Tek (I say first because I will definitely buy again), and so far I like it. Even if it is only providing moisture, but I do believe I may be getting some growth. I refuse to measure again though til the first week is over.

Tonight I am researching the Indian powders (Ayurveda). I am planning on ordering some if I can figure which ones to use.

- I think my hair type is 3C.
- I love Aphogee, CHI, and Profective
- My hair is in asymmetrical layers so the lengths are different
- I relax 4/year (need one now at about 13 1/2 weeks)
- Would like to know more about texurlax??? Is that under processing? Will be researching that next.
- I think I might be a PJ

So my hair journey has officially started and I am on my way. No real map or GPS - But I know where I started and I know where I want to go. Now I just needs some guidance. :yep:
Hi! I'm so glad someone started this forum. I feel so lost on this site. What are and how do I participate in these contests? What's 'np' stand for?

1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?
I have done everything. Natural. Permed (1 year) Natural. Texturizer (broke my hair) Braids. Weaves. Twists.
My goal is to grow long hair past my bra strap. And to have healthy, straight (easy to anage) hair. I'm tenderheaded and hate perms. I also excercise daily and sweat.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie (regimen)? What's in your stash? What's your style?
Currently I'm growing my hair out natural and I have a weave in. In 2 weeks I'm going to color my hair and get the Brazilian Keratin Treatment. I wash my hair every 2 weeks and deep condition with Cholesteral (old school). Every other day I put in this oil from Carol's Daughter because my hair gets dry easily. My hair is 4b

3: WHAT do U need to know?
How to grow long hair. Product recommendations, style and treatment recommendations.

4. What forums do u like?
Hair treatment and health
Hello and thanks for this thread!!

1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?

This is my second time around going through the transition. I made it to 6 months back in 2007 and gave up. I had already found the board but everyone around me was not happy with it and so I caved in. This time around I have the support of my husband and he is really into going natural on everything...shampoo, soap, name it. So my goal is to transition for a few more months and hopefully work up the nerve to BC. I want to do it but I am a bit skeptical on what I'll look like and I am hair style challenged.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie
(regimen)? What's in your stash? What's your style?

I think my hair is 4A/B and my last relaxer was just before Thanksgiving 2008. It is super thick! I have been trying all sorts of stuff and haven't quite come up with a regimen

- Baking soda rinses
- DC's
- ACV rinses
- Wet buns ( i lose a lot of hair with this one)
- Twists
- Blow dry after washing (makes for easier handling) stash. I have jojoba, almond, olive, castor and coconut oils. Tea tree, peppermint, grapefruit ylang ylang also. Glycerine, rosewater. Shea butter, mango butter, IC fantasia gel and of course my mizani shampoo, conditioner and thermal serum which I use when I use heat. I am also a part of the Chlorella thread more so for health than hair.

3: WHAT do U need to know?

I would love to know what others are doing with their hair to help me with this transition
I really need some style options! I think I have enough products already.
I want to know ways to minimize hair loss as I am transitioning. I could probably make a full bang with the hair I lose on wash days...

4. What forums do u like?

I love this forum and also the one for childrens hair. I am trying to encourage my sister not to relax my nieces hair and this thread really comes in handy.
Yo. I'm Giggletush, and I too am a newbie.

I knew about this board back in '07, but didn't really lurk/explore. I just decided to subscribe about a month ago.

I became interested in taking care of my hair last summer/fall when I finally got fed up :pullhair:! I had gotten a bad relaxer in June, and a weave. Then had to take the weave out in early August. I had sooo much new growth and reversion (of course I didn't really understand these terms at that point). My hair was EXTREMELY dry and the demarcation line was not taken care of, causing my hair to fall off in clumps. I started searching the web for help and solutions. I had learned about cowashing a while before, and had been doing it at least once a week. But I had been using a protein conditioner, and no moisture...which attributed to protein overload and extreme breakage. Anyhoo, I decided to just not deal with my hair anymore and get a lacefront. That was when I found BHM, and was obsessed with the lacefront section....I wanted to research for at least 1 full month before investing in one. One day I got bored with the section and wondered over to the growth section, and have never looked back since. I never did invest in that lacefront, and have rediscovered my hair, in a more manageable state.

I LOVE LHCF, and am sooooo glad that I finally subscribed.

My hair was about neck length when I started on the 19th of Dec, and am now shoulder length (But not quite full shoulder). I'm 4a/b hair type, and it's pretty thin. I'm still in the process of learning to balance my protein and moisture. And TRYING soo hard not to be too much of a PJ. My goals right now I guess are:
1. To build the health of my hair
2. Learn proper retention methods
3. Then focus on length.

Sorry for the loooong story, when I start typing I just can't seem to stop :spinning:
1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?
I'm a mix of 4a/b. I think my hair is texlaxed. I use a Texturizer for children to make my hair easier to manage. My hair was bra strap length when I was in high school, but hasn't been since. It's currently SL in the back. I have a really hard time because I pull out my hair. It's not something I do consciously, I just twirl, and when i find a strand that i like the way it feels, i have to pull it out. I have lots of short spots in my hair and crazy split ends. My hair is thick, but I finally decided I want length.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie?
I don't really have a reggie. I was going to the salon every 2 weeks, but since I bought a house I can't afford to do so. I wash and condition with Pantene Beautiful Lengths, add Pantene R&N oil cream before I blow dry and flat iron straight. I manipulate my hair everyday and add mouse/gel. All that's going to stop. I already bought some henna, glycerine, & some amla powder. I'm getting all my materials together before i start, but I'm not sure what goes with what.

3: WHAT do U need to know?

What's a pre-poo? I think it's a pre-shampoo, but what do you use and why?

I've never added protein to my hair, how do i know when and what do i use? & what's the difference between protein and moisture? I just thought both were conditioners.

My hair is oily... I usually only add oil to it maybe 2x's per month. If I wash my hair on Monday, by Wed there's no more bounce and it's starting to weigh down. I do know i have dry patches, do I really need to oil my scalp? I bought some amla oil but I know i'll have to wash every 3 days or so if I use it.

What's a foki? Is it just a way to track your progress?

4. What forums do u like?
I haven't seen a bad one so far. I LOVE this website. I just discovered it last week and joined this weekend. LOTS of great information. I've already told my sister and my friend.
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Its funny this post came up, because this past weekend, I was thinking the exact same thing! I have been here since December, so I have learned a few things, but I still have a lot more to learn. So am calling December 08-December 09 my freshman year. I hope to graduate out of here by 2013.

1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?

The logest I have been is BSL, but I have been SL since 1998. I hope to be WL by 2012.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie (regimen)? What's in your stash? What's your style?

I usually was every 2-3 days with Karacare poo and Joico condish, use a good leave in, then bun. Bunning has really been working out for me!

3: WHAT do U need to know?

I think I can answer a few questions!

4. What forums do u like?

I used to go into the different forums, but I found some of the women a bit too catty for me. I still lurk the entertainment forum and the childrens hair care forum.

I am Aspire and I just joined the boards a few days ago.

I am doing a lot of research on the boards and love the new things I am finding. Just received my first bottle of Mega Tek (I say first because I will definitely buy again), and so far I like it. Even if it is only providing moisture, but I do believe I may be getting some growth. I refuse to measure again though til the first week is over.

Tonight I am researching the Indian powders (Ayurveda). I am planning on ordering some if I can figure which ones to use.

- I think my hair type is 3C.
- I love Aphogee, CHI, and Profective
- My hair is in asymmetrical layers so the lengths are different
- I relax 4/year (need one now at about 13 1/2 weeks)
- Would like to know more about texurlax??? Is that under processing? Will be researching that next.
- I think I might be a PJ

So my hair journey has officially started and I am on my way. No real map or GPS - But I know where I started and I know where I want to go. Now I just needs some guidance. :yep:

Oh Yeah. I have enjoyed everything I have read so far. Lots of info - somewhat overwhelming. So I a using the search function.

I just researched those Ayurveda powders and now I am more confused than ever. I would like to know where do I start?

Also, can someone suggest what I can use to stretch my time to my next relaxer? I would love to make 3/year15 weeks, but my scalp starts to protest after about 3 months. I am set to put one in this weekend, but will delay if I hear some good options.


- Would like to know more about texurlax??? Is that under processing? Will be researching that next.

You are absolutely correct! Texlaxing is where you underprocess to just relax the curl pattern a bit. You wash the relaxer out before your hair becomes bone straight.

3: WHAT do U need to know?
How to grow long hair. Product recommendations, style and treatment recommendations.

I would like to recommend my fav product: Hairveda Green Tea Herbal Butter! It is soooo moisturizing, far beyond anything else I have EVER used. I would also like to tell you that the most important thing is to keep your moisture/protein balance in check. Your hair needs moisture most of the time, but if it ever feels mushy or too elastic, then you need to up your protein a bit. I use a little protein on my hair every week to keep my hair on track.You also want to get yourself on a good reggie and stick to it. Bandwagons=setbacks!

3: WHAT do U need to know?

I would love to know what others are doing with their hair to help me with this transition
I really need some style options! I think I have enough products already.
I want to know ways to minimize hair loss as I am transitioning. I could probably make a full bang with the hair I lose on wash days...

I wish I coud help you with this one hun, but I am relaxed. But there are a lot of great threats out there and a lot of sistahs with BANGING natural hair that can help you. I found that a lot of the women on here were very willing to tell you what worked for them. Just send PM's or post.

3: WHAT do U need to know?

What's a pre-poo? I think it's a pre-shampoo, but what do you use and why?

Pre-poo is when you add oils to your hair before you wash. I think people do it just before they wash to add additional moisture.

I've never added protein to my hair, how do i know when and what do i use? & what's the difference between protein and moisture? I just thought both were conditioners.

Protein conditioners have some sort of protein like silk or vegetable. I usually use a protein condish for my deep conditioner, and a moisturizing (non-protein) condish for my leave-in.

My hair is oily... I usually only add oil to it maybe 2x's per month. If I wash my hair on Monday, by Wed there's no more bounce and it's starting to weigh down. I do know i have dry patches, do I really need to oil my scalp? I bought some amla oil but I know i'll have to wash every 3 days or so if I use it.

I don't know about the alma oil cause I don't use it personally, but I would like you to check out jojoba oil. I read on the bottle that it's supposed to eat bacteria and some other things from the scalp. It's not too heavy either, if you just wanted to put it on your dry patches only. I would not encourage you to oil your scalp, but rather look and feel your ends and see what they need. The ends are the most fragile part, and usually the dryest. I would concentrate on them, since your scalp is producing its own moisture.

What's a foki? Is it just a way to track your progress?

A fotki is something people keep pics in. It's like an online journal. It's great to help you keep up with your progress. I haven't started one yet. I plan on starting mine after my "freshman year".

HTH ladies!!

I feel like a newbie even though I have been on Long Hair Care Forum since 2005. I am a Long Hair Care Forum drop out:look:, but I found my way back:grin:.
Where I have been? Me and my hair have been down the block and up the street, we even skipped states. The longest my hair has been is mid-back length. My current length is shoulder unstretch. My goal is bra strap length unstretch.
What's your hair doing now? My hair is natural no chemicals. I have never had any chemicals in my hair except dye:ohwell:.
What do I use? Conditioner, conditioner and some more conditioner:lachen:. Leave in conditioner and oils.
What is my regimen? Go to my profile and get my Fotki address my regimen is in my Fotki.
What's in my stash? Dominican conditioners, Cheap conditioners, Leave in conditioners, Oils, Indian products, KeraCare.
My style? In a bun:rolleyes:.
What would I like to know more about? Henna
What forums do I like? Skin And Make Up Forum
Can I commit to a weekly post? Yes, I will post weekly in my Fotki Journal. Or on my blog on here.
My Fotki is not finish but will be done by the end of this month.
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Hi and WELCOME Newbies! I was in the Newbie 08 Challenge and just wanted to stop in and say hello to you all. A few words of advice:

~Please be optimistic about reaching your goals. :yep:

~Don't be afraid to try different things but resist the urge to jump on every bandwagon. Doing too much sometime causes setbacks. :yep:

~Don't feel bad when you have a setback. It's natural. Come into this thread and share it with your sisters. Chances are, someone has already been through the same thing and can share advice. :yep:

~Don't be afraid to reach out to the ladies you admire. Everyone won't be as open and accomodating for different reasons :ohwell:, but don't let that deter you. Keep communicating with the ladies who have reached goals that you want to reach, it will prove invaluable. :yep:

~Share products with one another. If you don't like it, pass it on! Someone will benefit. :yep:

~Don't feel bad if you start a thread and you don't get many responses. If this happens, chances are the topic you are asking about has been discussed ad nauseam. A simple search will find a wealth of info. :yep:

~Learn how to use the search feature! Search is your friend. :yep:

~Stalk fotki's...that's what they're there for. :yep:

~Don't forget to welcome other newbies! :yep:

~Check in and share you're progress at least monthly (even if you haven't made much noticeable progress, the encouragement will keep you going). :yep:

As my sisters and I began reaching our goals and became more acclimated with the board, we didn't post as much. I can say that my Newbie sisters were my first friends, and the Newbie 2008 thread was like home. When no one else would listen or answer my posts, they were there. I wish you all must success and happiness in the journey.
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1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?
I joined the board in the past few months. My hair is not relaxed but I have been wearing color for about 5 years. It is probably 3c, BSL. I do not want any longer than MBL, and really I just want my hair thicker.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie
I use Trader Joe's nourish mixed with coconut oil and olive oil and an egg for protein and sheschentit banana brulee as a DC. Alternate between a few different poos.

3: WHAT do U need to know?
4. What forums do u like?
I became a subscribed member about a week ago
1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?
I have done about everything except be natural, i'm relaxed.
My goal is to grow my hair past my bra strap and to have a healthy thick hair.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie (regimen)? What's in your stash? What's your style?
My hair texture is fine at the moment and am trying to build up thickness, I've started to exercise which is a bit of pain cos of sweat. I just relaxed a week ago and am hoping to have a weave done in about 2.5weeks. I wash and deep condition with ORS Mayo and oil treatments, I use my oil mixture of MT,Coconut, Jojoba and castor oil daily as my hair gets dry exp the scalp. I plan to have weaves, kinky twist and canerows mostly for the rest of the year

3: WHAT do U need to know?
How to get thickness and length - Product, style, treatments recommendations.

4. What forums do u like? Hair and health
1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?

I was actually natural for years - braided in micro braids for 10+ years but without any clue of how to care for my hair when it was that way i had virtually very little/no growth. Coming to this forum, and coming out of lurking, my goals are to maintain healthy hair, learn more about the products I use - maybe learn about some new ones and to try and get some length to my hair. It currently is layered longer in the back. The front is about eye/nose length. The back is a little past shoulder length. In January I started relaxing again because I was tired of the braids, which I did myself and because I truly needed a change.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie

My hair currently is relaxed. I just did a retouch about a week ago and used mizani butter blends lye relaxer for coarse hair. I dc at least twice a week alternate with Protein(aphogee) and moisture(mositurefuse) I do a 2 step treatment every 4 weeks. I shampoo several times a week and it depends on what went on that day as to what I will use. i.e. if i went to the gym and just washed the day before I will use a moisturizing shampoo

What's in your stash?

Mizani Butter Blends hair bath(shampoo),Mizani Hair Honey, Mizani base gel, Mizani Perphecting Creme, Mizani Moisturfuse, Aphogee Sampoo for Damaged Hair, Aphogee 2 step protein Treatment, Aphogee Two Minute Reconstructor, Aphogee Tea Tree Reconstructor, Keracare Humecto, Lacio Lacio silk Protein Conditioner, Chi Silk Protein, ORS Deep Conditioner (olive oil), ORS hair lotion with olive oil, Aubrey's JAY shampoo, Mizani, Purify shampoo, Mizani Botanifying shampoo, and Mizani Microfusion conditioner. Clairol Jazzing - Toasted Chestnut

As I started out relaxing with Affirm fiberguard no-lye but switched i have a box full of affirm relaxer, the protective gel, neutralizing shampoo which I will probably trade away just been too busy to post it.

What's your style?

mostly a bob or back in a mini bun or pony tail

3: WHAT do U need to know?

what to do with neck length, extremely coarse, resistant hair (lol)

4. What forums do u like?

I mainly frequent the hair tips forum - not much time or inclination to go to the other forums much although from time to time i do visit the vendor forum and peek over at the reviews but pretty much have read up on anything of interest over there.
Its funny this post came up, because this past weekend, I was thinking the exact same thing! I have been here since December, so I have learned a few things, but I still have a lot more to learn. So am calling December 08-December 09 my freshman year. I hope to graduate out of here by 2013.

1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?

The logest I have been is BSL, but I have been SL since 1998. I hope to be WL by 2012.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie (regimen)? What's in your stash? What's your style?

I usually was every 2-3 days with Karacare poo and Joico condish, use a good leave in, then bun. Bunning has really been working out for me!

3: WHAT do U need to know?

I think I can answer a few questions!

4. What forums do u like?

I used to go into the different forums, but I found some of the women a bit too catty for me. I still lurk the entertainment forum and the childrens hair care forum.

Thanks TopNotch for jumping right in to support other "Freshman" ! This is the type of presence and support we you think that we can start a Newbie "Freshman" Challenge where we:

1: Join! Each one of us has to Develop/post a good reggie (moisture, protein, oils/growth aids, schedule poos/cons) for the remainder of the year for either our or relaxed or chem-free hair. State our personal commitment and goal to stretch if we relax. Everybody's needs are different--a good reggie for YOU is the key to stretching while preserving length.
2:State our commitment/goal to be heat-free or at least lowering the temp, the blow-frying or frequency of heat styling.

3: State our styling options for the year. We should regularly report what our protective styling options are and support one another with pics, links and tutorials.

4: Be prepared to check back and post regularly to assist fellow "Freshman"/ Newbies. One to two weeks max?

5: Post a pic (we will all get through this together ) show us your start! and every three months at least! Start and link your photo album ! Try or or for storage off-site.

BTW: Try this link for posting pics in your signature:

Yahoo doesn't allow you to hotlink to photos that are hosted on its site. I suggest the following:
Create an account on or
Upload your picture to your new account.
Once you do that, either site will give you a list of the different link formats, i.e. HTML, forum, etc.
Copy the link in "Img" on photobucket or in "Forums" on imageshack.
Paste the link in the field on LHCF for editing your signature.​

6:Show everybody some luv! We Freshman (can we use that TopNotch? It just so fits!) all need support at the weak spots when we are stretching, going protective or have setbacks. Or when our Mama is crying at the site of our heads! If you cannot relate--be grateful!

We can offer more structure for Freshmen and more support for NewbieNewbies by doing so! Below is a lil chart to cut and paste so we can be clear about the support we can give each other.

Join date:
Hair state/length:
Goal length:
Heat commitment:
Stretching goal: if applies:
Posting goals:
Albums? Links?

Its funny this post came up, because this past weekend, I was thinking the exact same thing! I have been here since December, so I have learned a few things, but I still have a lot more to learn. So am calling December 08-December 09 my freshman year. I hope to graduate out of here by 2013.

1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?

The logest I have been is BSL, but I have been SL since 1998. I hope to be WL by 2012.

2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie (regimen)? What's in your stash? What's your style?

I usually was every 2-3 days with Karacare poo and Joico condish, use a good leave in, then bun. Bunning has really been working out for me!

3: WHAT do U need to know?

I think I can answer a few questions!

4. What forums do u like?

I used to go into the different forums, but I found some of the women a bit too catty for me. I still lurk the entertainment forum and the childrens hair care forum.

Real quick, what is bunning? Putting your hair in a bun when wet and letting it dry?
Hey, fellow newbie checking in!
Join date: Lurker since Nov 08 joined in Feb
Hair state/length: not bad but could be healthier, hovering right above SL
Goal length: I would like to be MBL, but i would be happy w/ APL
Regimen/Reggie: Still figuring that out. But i pre-poo/DC with ORS replenish pak, shampoo and quick conditioner, 1x a week
Styling: Rollerset and wrap
Heat commitment: no direct heat
Stretching goal: if applies: i tried stretching and its not for me, :nono:i can make it 9 weeks top
Posting goals: none
Albums? Links? in my siggie
I have fragile fine hair, and i cant figure out how to properly moisturize with out weighing it down. Ive figured out that a mild dose of protein weekly really helps with my breakage
Hey, fellow newbie checking in!
Join date: Lurker since Nov 08 joined in Feb
Hair state/length: not bad but could be healthier, hovering right above SL
Goal length: I would like to be MBL, but i would be happy w/ APL
Regimen/Reggie: Still figuring that out. But i pre-poo/DC with ORS replenish pak, shampoo and quick conditioner, 1x a week
Styling: Rollerset and wrap
Heat commitment: no direct heat
Stretching goal: if applies: i tried stretching and its not for me, :nono:i can make it 9 weeks top
Posting goals: none
Albums? Links? in my siggie
I have fragile fine hair, and i cant figure out how to properly moisturize with out weighing it down. Ive figured out that a mild dose of protein weekly really helps with my breakage

Welcome! We'll soon get to the bottom of your breakage! Maybe you could try fewer poos more co-washes & DC EVERY time you shampoo. Some say a prepoo does not as much. Stay tuned and welcome,

I just joined today...WHOHOO!! I love LHCF ive been lurking for about 6 months! Finally decided to get my butt actively involved and start growing some hair!

1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals? I am a 4a/b and have never attained any growth past my collar bone... Between the weaving, perms, hands in my hair... i believe i just do too dag on much to it. My hair has always looked nice, but its never been the length that i want. My goal is to reach AP by the Dec of 09'. I know to reach that will be very hard, but i am commited to it and to KEEPING my hands out of out.

2: What's your hair doing now? I had worn weaves for the majority of 08' a feeble attempt to not manipulate my hair.. and grow out the perm. i didnt get much growth for some reason though... so i took out the weave about two months ago, omg! i found myself washing, blow and flat ironing my hair twice a week!! I have thick curly NG and the moment i did anything active it i put it back up in a Full head weave, and this time...I WILL RETAIN LEGNTH
What do u use? What's your reggie.. i use AVEDA, and NEXXUS, essential oil blend of Olive Oil, Pepermint, Rosemary, Orange and chamomile oil
.. my reggie.. 1 raw egg w/ wheat germ daily, CO wash 2x week, DC 1x week, message scalp daily, vitamins- folic acid, biotin

3: WHAT do U need to know? I would love to wear my hair natural sometimes, so i dont have to put so much heat in it. Someone PLEASE tell me how to find curl defination in 4a/b hair that has mostly waves and loose coils... :wallbash::wallbash:
Real quick, what is bunning? Putting your hair in a bun when wet and letting it dry?

Don'tSpeakDefeat has a great fotki about wearing buns as a protective style. She has a great technique w/lot's of pics. Here is the link... You could do it modified wet or dry,



Yes, she has a lot of great ideas in her fotki. Sometimes I air dry before I use my sock donut bun, and sometimes I just do it wet, if I am short on time. My hair is only long enough to do the donut bun for now. But when it gets long enough, I wil try some of the others. Bunning has helped my shoulder length hair stay off of my shirt, so my ends aren't constantly rubbing on cotton. I have retained all of my growth that way.
1: Where you been, where you wanna go with your hair? Goals?

I've been lurking for about a month and then I decided to join. I want to get to waistlength preferably by Dec 09
2: What's your hair doing now? What do u use? What's your reggie (regimen)?
What's in your stash? What's your style?

I just keep my hair in a bun and wear a satin scarf to bed. I wash and DC weekly with trader joes nourish spa shampoo and Aubrey Organics GPB conditioner. I do braid outs maybe twice a month

WHAT do U need to know?

stretching relaxers succesfully
4. What forums do u like?

this forum and off topic and the make up and skin care
Join date: January 2009
Hair state/length: relaxed, 4b, and somewhere very close to BSL. i need a trim as my ends are probably pretty unhealthy.
Goal length: full BSL.
Regimen/Reggie: shampoo twice a week. DC twice a week. i use megatek every time i wash. rollersetting is my drying method of choice. or blow drying on the cool setting. i also take a variety of vitamins....
Styling: i wear my hair in a bun or a banana claw or i wear it down.
Heat commitment: twice a week, roller setting. it is hard to roller set mid week though so i am tempted to air dry, if i can figure out a way to do it without having my hair in a matted tangled mess.
Stretching goal: if applies: 12 weeks.
Posting goals: i don't really have posting goals.
Albums? Links?: i have a fotki. it only has 1 albums though. see my siggy.
Join date: Lurked for 4 months, joined Dec 08
Hair state/length: 4a/b natural, big chopped 2 weeks ago, about 2 inches long
Goal length: pushing for bsl by Feb. 2010
Regimen/Reggie: co wash daily, poo/DC weekly, a little protein, taking biotin supplements
styling: wash n go's, that's about it. Trying desperately to maintain curl definition
Heat commitment: hooded dryer only on low setting
Albums? Links? not yet, been a little camera shy since my BC
Join date: Dec 2008
Hair state/length: Thick Hair Just BC in February and Im in Braids Now so I Dunno
Goal length: APL
Regimen/Reggie: Wash once a week , oil scalp wit WGHO every other day , use infusium 23 every day
Styling: Braids
Heat commitment: None ! Unless i really need to
Stretching goal: if applies:
Im a 4a Natural Now
Albums? Links? No albums nothing yet atleast
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