Calling all PJ's! How do you store your products?


New Member
Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Yes - you PJ's in denial can post too.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Someone posted this question on another board long ago, and people had some great ideas. So what do you ladies do? Give me some ideas please - cuz I'ma need a new WING soon for mine!!!!!! /images/graemlins/ooo.gif /images/graemlins/tongue.gif /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Hi. I don't know if it is the best of ideas but my husband just got tired of the clutter. He bought this huge door rack for all my products. It is filled to the brim. He also bought another standing one that goes over the toilet like a cabinet except without doors. I would be interested in some better ideas because I still need more space. /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

I store the following items in my bedroom armoire (the double door part of it) since I wash my hair in the upstairs bathroom:
pre-shampoo treatment, shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner (things that I only use in the shower)

I store the following items in a 7 drawer bin w/wheels (that I keep in a closet):
hair sticks, bear claws, jaw claws, scrunchies, plastic hair pins, Remington steam roller set, magnetic rollers, flexi rods

I store the following items in the same closet:
hard bonnet hair dryer, soft bonnet hair dryer, Mastex heating cap

I store the following items in the same closet:
moisturizers, SSLD, oils, hair rinses, shine/glossing spray,

I only comb my hair in the shower OR in the downstairs bathroom. So, the closet that I'm referring to would be the closet downstairs (in the bathroom).

Everyone considers me to be overly organized. /images/graemlins/grin.gif Hey! It's the only way I can manage. /images/graemlins/wink.gif And it definitely works for me.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

I fogot to add..... I think Adrienne has the greatest little storage thingy. You tell 'em all about it Adrienne. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

I store all mine under the sink (it's full now) /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I also have stuff all around the tub which is irritating but what can I say I'm a product junkie /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

<font color="#666666">

I have gotten rid of all of the products that I wasn't thrilled with by giving them to relatives or donating to a local shelter. I now am exercising more restraint; I don't allow myself to exceed a certain number of products. I can't try something new until I finish or give away what I currently have.

The only exception to this is some of the oils that I buy in bulk. I keep a small amount of the oil in my bathroom and keep the large bottles of oil in my refrigerator. </font color>
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Embarrasing, now that I think about it! In my kitchen, I have an upper cabinet shelf filled with my hair vitamins. And below I have a cabinet filled with all my shampoos, conditioners and relaxer stuff since I wash my hair in the kitchen sometimes. And in my shower I have a few of my natural shampoos, Jason's &amp; Aubrey Orgainics, and lastly, in my room, I have a big 'ol 3 drawer plastic roll around tupperware type thing filled w/rollers, flexirods, combs, brushes and styling aides!
Wow, I have hair stuff almost everywhere! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Okay...I didn't want to admit this but I have gone from storing things in my linen closet to.....well, let's just say I am turning my guestroom in to a mini salon this weekend. When I am finished I'll have shelves and storage bins for everything. I just hope I won't have any overnight guest for the next year....I have to use all of this stuff.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

LOL! okay, allandra.... just tell everyone about my not so little cabinet. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

let's see if this link works...

product cabinet

Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

I am so ashamed, but I keep some of mine in a bankers box. I just can't keep them all under the sink and in the hallway closet. SIGH. LOL! I am clearing some out though, because a lot of the stuff I got wasn't stuff I "LOVED" so I'm also putting those products in a seperate box to give away
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Half of the area beneath my bathroom sink in reserved for conditoners, pomades, styyling gels, shampoos, etc. I also use a small bathroom wastebasket to store all of my curling irons, blow dryers, flat irons, etc. under there also. I really have too much stuff considering that my bathroom has a double sink! My combs and brushes are in a cute little plastic crate on a shelf in the bathroom.

My vitamins are in a plastic container in an upper shelf in the kitchen (6-7 bottles). Hate to admit it, but since I wash my hair in the kitchen a lot, I also usually have shampoo, conditioners, and hair oils sitting right beside the Dawn dishwashing liquid. My rollers and hair clips are currently in a used plastic bedsheet set bag (ghetto) and it is on the couch right now beside the soft bonnet hair dryer. All of this stuff gets thrown in the bedroom if I have company though. /images/graemlins/blush.gif "Nobody can know of my addiciton!"
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

I store the stuff I use frequently in the bathroom in one of those over the toilet cabinets with doors. I only use ONE of the cabinets (there are two) for hair products.

The hair products I use less often are stored in my living room in a decorative cabinet thingie with doors. (This cabinet holds other items in addition to my hair products.)

I keep my barettes, hair pins, elastics, etc. in a miniature set of drawers that sits in the bathroom on a shelf. Each mini drawer holds a different item (e.g. one for elastics, one for small hairpins, one for large hairpins, one for barettes, etc.)

My rollers are stored in a container (with lid) that I keep in a closet on a shelf along with my bonnet dryer. My hood dryer in stored away in a cabinet (with doors) that is part of an entertainment unit.

Whisper: Everything is pretty hidden from view. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

LOL I got tired of stuff falling off of shelves and cluttering my bathroom counter. I broke down and bought 5 stackable plastic drawers from Family Dollar for around $10.
They are full... /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?


This thread is so much fun. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I forgot to add, I also keep my combs and brush in my 7 drawer thingy with wheels. Geez, how could I leave out the combs and brush. LOL.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

My but you all are resourceful! I got so many ideas! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Mine are in a four shelf linen closet. The linens are on the floor of my clothes closet. (Adrienne ROFLMAO at your little cabinet - mine is the same jsut on a larger scale because it's actually a closet that's buit into the wall! LOL!). Each shelf carries a different product type. Proteins conditioners on top. Moisturizing conditioners on the nest shelf. Shampoos on the next shelf. Styling products on the next. My rollers are also in an old bed in a bag case with the zipper (yes Gigi girl - ghetto but imaginative! /images/graemlins/cool.gif). My roller clips go in the same bag inside of a ziplock bag. It's my accessories and combs and brushes and stuff I have trouble with! But you girls have some great ideas here! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Comming out of the PJ closet. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

This thread is too funny, thats why I love this forum.

Adrienne, I would love to get into that cabinet of yours /images/graemlins/smile.gif
must be all kinds of goodies in there.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

see! now i don't feel so bad, tracy! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

ginger, if you lived closer, i'd invite you over to pick out what you want. no sense in all that stuff going to waste. lol!

Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?


If I hadn't had all of my items organized prior to seeing your product cabinet, I would have found one of those bad boys for my goodies.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

allandra, girl, if i was as organized as you, i probably wouldn't NEED that cabinet. mind you, my Caruso rollers, oils &amp; scrunchies and stuff aren't even in there... no room!!

Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Oh my. /images/graemlins/ooo.gif Is there a product cabinet number two in your future? /images/graemlins/grin.gif You know a girl as got to do what a girl as got to do.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Under the bathroom sink... 2 shelves in my linen closet...the top of my dresser in my bedroom....and lastly in a plastic storgae tote in the bottom of my clothes closet....I've got to clean this stash out! lol /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

I combs and rollers and brushes are in 2 large see through stackable totes. My hard bonnet dryer is in the living room behind a chair. My soft bonnets - one is next to my computer. One is on the bottom shelf of my night stand and the 3rd one is on a shelf next to my sewing machine... I like to multi task. I also have a plastic bag of products by the front door that I know I don't want and give away as 'parting' gifts!
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your produc

I like these ideas!

Right now I keep my stuff under both bathroom sinks and a shelf in the linen closet.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

no, allandra. i'm clearing out the one that i have. i don't have room for another cabinet. lol!

sweetcocoa, three soft bonnets??? did you buy until you found the perfect one? and of course you don't just throw the other sorta okay ones away, right? /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

I store the shampoos and conditioners I regularly use in a basket that attaches to the shower head. The shampoos and conditioners I abandoned, after learning which ingredients were harsh on the hair, are in a clear plastic tupperware container in my linen closet. In the same linen closet, I keep my hair accessories, curlers, travel-sized items, and heating cap. Each of these listed items is contained in a clear plastic box and labelled, except for the heating cap. My leave-ins/oils, brush, and combs are stored on a shelf in my bathroom, in a wire basket that the store probably intended to sell for silverware (hey, it works). I keep my essential oils in a kitchen cabinet, where they can remain in a cool, dark place.

This might seem a bit overly-organized, /images/graemlins/smile.gif but it helps to see what is where in a glance, especially if I am in a hurry. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I can't remember which poster mentioned this, but I loved her idea of giving away the unwanted products to a shelter. I will do that for two reasons: 1) it will be helping those in need and 2) it will clear out the containers so I can store new products in them /images/graemlins/laugh.gif.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Adrienne. I have 3 old GE dryers. They are the best! I had one a long time ago and the motor burned out. I've been looking for one in 2nd hand shops for years....then along came EBAY...I have 3 so I'll never be without again. That's how passionately I feel about this dryer. They don't make them like this oldie but goodie. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your produc

Well a few months ago I tabulated my stash and came out with 52 bottles of conditioner and 27 bottles of shampoo. That has since come down because since the summer I have been conditioning my hair about 5 times a week.

But, all my stuff is stored in the bathroom.

Most of the conditioners were one and two ounce samples. So now I am down to about 30 bottles of conditioner all various sizes and at various stages of use. But I am all set, at least through next summer, with supplies.

The stuff that is in current rotation is on a built in shelf/window sill inside the shower.

My leave-in cream, gel and oils are kept on one shelf inside the linen closet, which is inside the bathroom. Unused bottles are kept inside a large vitaminshoppe box on the floor of the linen closet. I have a curtain over the linen closet so it is all hidden. You wouldn't detect any P.J ism.

My product graveyard is under my bathroom sink. But it is getting smaller since I have started using my sulfate-based shampoos as body washes and I re-discovered the benefits of Aphogee.

I keep my scrunchies and hair combs in a little basket with a lid in the linen closet. My old hair dryer and curling iron are stored on the top shelf of the linen closet. I don't have a bonnet dryer or rollersetting equipment.

Finally, I lied, everything isn't in the bath. I keep my aubrey's GPB, J.A.Y, and a bottle of pure aloe vera gel in the refrigerator. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I think that if ever get my own townhouse I want to have dorm-sized refrigerator built inside of the bathroom.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

Hey Tara! Good to see you here. I've missed you. I hope all is well with you.

That's all..... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I was just thinking about where I am going to find a dryer to replace my Lady Dazey that is currently on its last days.

I'm wondering if I had this converstaion with you before because I posted this question before 1-2 years ago and someone mentioned how much they loved the GE hair dryer. Was it you or is the dryer just that good?

I'm off to EBAY to see if I can dig anything up.
Re: Calling all PJ\'s! How do you store your products?

I am a recovering PJ who occasionally splurges from time to time. The first thing I did was give 32 bottles of shampoo, conditioner, hair grease, and leave-in conditioners to one of my close buddies. She was sooo happy and said that she should come to me since I'm like a little Korean store.

The next thing I did (and I'm still doing) is giving extra bottles of shampoo and conditioner to my boyfriend. At first he was using up the products quickly because he was growing out his 3bc-4a hair out and it was at 6 inches. But since he's shaved it off, the products are starting to grow in my bathroom.

O.k I have products under my sink. I bought 3 large bins from Walmart and have placed all my shampoo's and conditioners in there. I have everything else I couldn't fit in those bins placed neatly next to the bins.

I have 2 bottles of conditioner in my shower caddie, and a bottle of shampoo there too.

I'm slowly getting rid of things. But not fast enough for my taste's. Everybody knows I'm a product junkie which didn't develop until I was a senior in college and has grown with each year. /images/graemlins/blush.gif