Calling All "Armpit and Below" Girls!!! Come on in here!


Well-Known Member
"Armpit girls unite!!!" Too bad I can't join yall. I'm struggling at damaged shoulder length hair. :perplexed

So now that I got everyone here, I NEED to know your best hair care tip. Only one. Not two or three. It'll make the thread too long. Us nonarmpiters want to go through this info quickly. So give us the one tip that you are convinced put you pass shoulder length. And while you're here, I'm checking ev'rybodies Fotki. That's my second reason for this thread. I wanted to get all yall together, in one place. :grin: You know how when you KNOW you look good and all the women are checkin you from the corner of their eye??? Well that's me. I'm gonna be looking at all of yall out the corner of my eye.:eek: I'm not trying to play with yall. I'm trying to join the armpit club no later than the end of this year. So yall get my membership card ready!!!! :D
Cute thread...I think you will get alot of responses saying "bunning"..the shoulder stage is supposedly the hardest on your ends because of the rubbing up against clothing. My other favorite is NO HEAT!!:)
I wore those half wigs/falls.
It kept my hair from being exposed and curled all the time and I still had length. The front of my hair didnt mind the manipulation but my back did....was that too long?:p
Keep your hair up. Doesn't have to be a bun, but keep it tucked away. There are more...but you said only one. :) HHG!
Cichelle said:
Keep your hair up. Doesn't have to be a bun, but keep it tucked away. There are more...but you said only one. :) HHG!
Yep! what she said. Keep your ends from brushing the top of your shoulders. It worked for me!
listen to your hair and if it works for you don't change it

find products and methods that agree with your hair

for example if a conditioner isn't moisturizing enough or makes you hair hard, you will experience dryness from breaking, if your hair doesn't like a product don't try to make it work for you just because A,B anc C on LHCF said it's amazing, that amazing product maybe crap to you

another example bunning doesn't work for everyone, some people retain length and others experience breakage, receding hairline and ratty ends, if you are doing more hair than good bunning it's time to find another protective style or nix protective styling all together

it just takes trial and error
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Moisture and since this is a two step process-----> oil. Find the two of these that YOUR hair adores you will be unstopable:D .
I finally past the shoulder stage when I stopped having the salon trim my ends at every relaxer (6-8 weeks). I would be so upset that I could never see my new length so I got fed up and would decline. Once I did that, bingo, I began to see my hair's growth.
Deep conditioning, moisture as much as your hair can take, then seal with oil or butters.
Keep it in a your life depended on it. Boring hairstyke, but worth it.
Cichelle said:
Keep your hair up. Doesn't have to be a bun, but keep it tucked away. There are more...but you said only one. :) HHG!

^^^This is it right here. When I was at that stage I wore crochet braids(hey, they were popular then!) for over 2 years. My hair took off like gangbusters.

Protective styling, whichever method you like, is so helpful.
Keep the direct heat to a minimum. Deep condition, and try not to play in your hair. Also, try not to trim as often. HTH!
Keep your hair off the shoulders long enough to get past the shoulder stage, then your hair will take off. I did this the first 6 months or so of LHCF in 2003. Doesn't have to be a bun either, could be a French Twist or any other updo you love. ;)
marie170 said:
Cute thread...I think you will get alot of responses saying "bunning"..the shoulder stage is supposedly the hardest on your ends because of the rubbing up against clothing. My other favorite is NO HEAT!!:)

DITTO!!!!!! (hands down)
Just know that is hard for us! lol

Keep your hair up. (bun, french twist, clipped up, etc.)

(whew, it was hard for me not to keep typing!)
Less manip. via updos, braids and buns, and scarves at night.

I don't keep an up to date fotki, the pic below is representative of the length my hair usually stays.
Miss Nina said:
Keep the direct heat to a minimum. Deep condition, and try not to play in your hair. Also, try not to trim as often. HTH!

This is hard for me:look:...I have hand in hair disease.....BAD....cant stop touchin my new growth, thats why I keep it in a scarf at home...but the rest of the day I'm all in there:p