Calling 3a's, 3b's and 3'cs


Well-Known Member
I think I am a 3b and my hair is very very fine and everything weighs it down. I am looking for new products and advice on what to do to get below the bra strap thicker and even. Thanks in advance ladies!
:) Many ladies have found that Henna has added thickness to the hair shaft.
Perhaps they can comment on that for you.

The products that I use that are mentioned in my siggy work pretty good for my hair, they are not too heavy. I have not found anything that works for me to thicken up my hair however, a blunt trim to the ends gives the appearance of thicker even hair. Many prefer to trim after they have met their goal length.
Hey!! :wave: I'm a 3 sumtin checking in. I'm also curious what products you ladies are using. My hair needs moisture, but I can't hold a lot of product without getting weighed down.

I currently use Keracare dangling poo, Humecto, Dove Sheer Mist leave in, Elasta mango butter and coconut or vitamin e to seal. I can't really co-wash unless I add a tiny bit of poo because the results are too heavy.
I just started trying garnier fructise sleek and shine. I am still shopping for new products. I used to use humectress daily and whatever shampoo my hairdresser uses. (I know its a shame I don't know)
But I want to start co washing on my own between visits as well as baggying.

I'm also in the 3 family. NTM silk touch leave in work great for me as a moisturizer. Also Qhemet Biologics Amla & Olive Heavy cream. I use the cream very sparingly though, probably about a dime size for all of my hair because it is heavy. But I found if I only use a little, I'll still have soft, shiny hair that's not weighed down.
Those are my staple moisturizers. HTH!!

ETA: I mix a small amount of castor oil in my NTM for thicker hair.
tarheelgurl said:
I just started trying garnier fructise sleek and shine. I am still shopping for new products. I used to use humectress daily and whatever shampoo my hairdresser uses. (I know its a shame I don't know)
But I want to start co washing on my own between visits as well as baggying.

Just be cautious of overmoisturizing your hair when baggying, meaning having constanty wet ends it may cause it to become weak and possibly become thin. With practice and other recommendations you will find the right balance for you hair. I use a DC with a mild protein after every shampoo. My hair, although thin, has become stronger.
I am also in the 3 family. I have very thin hair I find that black castor oil is working wonders for me in terms of giving me thickness. I also mix it in with my leave in and apply to my ends during the week. HTH
I'm a 3b/c but not sure if I can help because it takes a lot to weigh my hair down!

You could try coconut oil. I find it to be a light oil that it's hard to 'OD' on.
Also, jojoba oil is supposed to be good.

And for getting long/even hair, the usual tips for preventing breakage, cut down on heat, and wear protective styles (so your hair doesn't rub on your clothes).
I'm 3 sumthin with very fine hair and I love Qhemet products. I use the detangler first after washing (one pump), then I put olive and heavy cream on the ends and seal with the olive and hone moistureizer, wrap or dry in a ponytail and it is soft, lots of body and bounce and not greasy. HTH
Thanks so much everyone! Another question: when you baggy your hair has to be wet? And do you seal only the wet hair with the oils?
RainbowCurls said:
I'm a 3b/c but not sure if I can help because it takes a lot to weigh my hair down!

You could try coconut oil. I find it to be a light oil that it's hard to 'OD' on.
Also, jojoba oil is supposed to be good.

And for getting long/even hair, the usual tips for preventing breakage, cut down on heat, and wear protective styles (so your hair doesn't rub on your clothes).

My hair is the same way! I agree about the coconut oil. Also I've found that apricot kernel oil is pretty light.
I'm a 3 something, but my hair strands are super thick and cannot be weighed down that easily :lol:
In fact, I do braid outs and buns to make my hair lie down more :)
ProFECTIV has a line of products that are moisturizing yet light on your hair. You just have to choose the one that you feel would serve you best.

Here's the website:

I have relatives that have 3b hair and they swear by olive oil or jojoba oil as a moisturizer but not both and they wash their hair every 3 days.

Good luck!
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tarheelgurl said:
I just started trying garnier fructise sleek and shine. I am still shopping for new products. I used to use humectress daily and whatever shampoo my hairdresser uses. (I know its a shame I don't know)
But I want to start co washing on my own between visits as well as baggying.
dont use fructis my friend is a stylist and she says dont touch that is very acidic...all the fruits and will damage your hair over time
I use coconut oil and find that pantene products are great on my hair.

Flowerhair i have thick hair strands too and am forever trying to get my hair to lay flat! im glad im not the only one!
Hi! I'm a 3b-c and I do daily CO washes with Suave Milk & Honey or Suave Tropical Coconut, rinse about 50% of the conditioner out, seal with coconut oil or EVOO, and then apply a thin layer of gel on top. I don't use shampoo, but every now and then I'll use baking soda, lemon juice, or ACV rinses to clarify.

At night I wear my hair in a low ponytail + loose braid, and sleep on top of a satin pillowcase.
Ah man Seriously RachiQue? I have really been enjoying so far. I was thinking about getting some NTM and see how that goes. I see I am turning slowing into a product junkie!

Basically, my hair is fine, but there is a lot of it. It is very spongy and soaks up anything I put on it. I am trying to come up with a regimen I can do between my hair appointments that will help it get stronger and grow past the bra strap. Right now it is just above BSL and the ends are uneven.

I want to have a moisturizer I can put on at night on dry hair. I also want to come up with a good co wash routine and all of it can't weigh down my baby fine strands and make me look like a rat! I guess that is one tall order! That's why I joined up here to get as much information I can. Thanks to everyone that has offered up the great advice!
I think I am a 3b. I use henna monthly which has improved the strength of my hair, but it does add color. I do heavy coconut oiling just before cowashing or washing and I think this has helped, as well.

Currently I'm actually using a hand/body lotion by Desert Essence as a leave in. I always apply it when my hair is wet, but have occasionally used it on dry hair. I usually use butters. Have you tried them? Some are heavy, but shealoe is lighter, I think. My favorite is hemp seed butter. But I don't care if my hair is weighed down.

I use protective styling to retain length, but I know there are people who can wear their hair out and still retain. I don't know if that would work for me. My hair tangles easily and needs to be treated carefully. I guess the strands are medium/fine. But I'm not sure.
sugarose said:

I'm also in the 3 family. NTM silk touch leave in work great for me as a moisturizer. Also Qhemet Biologics Amla & Olive Heavy cream. I use the cream very sparingly though, probably about a dime size for all of my hair because it is heavy. But I found if I only use a little, I'll still have soft, shiny hair that's not weighed down.
Those are my staple moisturizers. HTH!!

ETA: I mix a small amount of castor oil in my NTM for thicker hair.
This is my staple moisturizer as well. I seal this w/ coconut oil. I'm a 3b/c fine and my hair gets weighted down easy. It only takes a little bit of the heavy cream.
Thanks ladies for all your help. I will start experimenting this weekend! My next relaxer is next week (last was nov.30 2006) so I will start trying all the new stuff after that. Thanks again to all of you!
I am more of a 3c/4a and my hair is not very fine,(more med-thick) but i find for myself almond oil works very well to not weigh my hair down, my hair likes oils and some people do not.
I washed and roller set last night...I tried out my coconut oil afterwards, and I really liked the results! I feel moisturized but not weighed down and greasy!! Great recommendation ladies :D
I have very fine hair that absolutely loves ORS Carrot Oil.

Mizani Rose H20 Creme Hairdress is also excellent for delicate strands and doesn't weigh the hair down at all.

Cleve_gryl said:
Hey!! :wave: I'm a 3 sumtin checking in. I'm also curious what products you ladies are using. My hair needs moisture, but I can't hold a lot of product without getting weighed down.

I currently use Keracare dangling poo, Humecto, Dove Sheer Mist leave in, Elasta mango butter and coconut or vitamin e to seal. I can't really co-wash unless I add a tiny bit of poo because the results are too heavy.

Hey Cleve gryl! I am near you in Ohio. I am just to the south in the 330.

I thought I was a 4a for alooong time but found that I am a 3c/(b in a few spots) based on a couple of pictorial observances on some members whose hair looked like mine. I can't remember who they were :( . But mine is so thick that I need heavy creams and oils and deep moisturizers. Now if I wear it straight, that may be another thing!! But in its natural state I load it on and braid it or twist it:p .
tsiporah said:
Hey Cleve gryl! I am near you in Ohio. I am just to the south in the 330.

Hey girlie!! :clapping: Someone from NE Ohio!! You in the AK??

I actually have a couple different textures in my hair too. The top is like 3b, then underneath (nape) is almost 2c, then I have a nice little patch in the middle which I feel is 5D, but its more like with all that I still can't find the correct mix of products :(
Cleve_gryl said:
Hey girlie!! :clapping: Someone from NE Ohio!! You in the AK??

I actually have a couple different textures in my hair too. The top is like 3b, then underneath (nape) is almost 2c, then I have a nice little patch in the middle which I feel is 5D, but its more like with all that I still can't find the correct mix of products :(

I have the same thing going on with my hair! The top is like 3/c with a mix of 4/a, the middle is about the same with some patches of I don't know what but its in its own universe :perplexed , and my nape is like 2/c or 3/a.
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I'm mostly 3A, but my individual hair strands are pretty thick.

Virgin coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, Chardonnay grapeseed oil, are all very light. I like to mist my hair with water and then rub a little oil between my palms before smoothing them over my hair. I might give the ends a few more drops.
So, I went out and got some coconut oil and put a little on before bed. It was really nice the next morning! My next relaxer is Thursday and after that I will begin experimenting and report back to all my fellow 3's what my results were!
I think the first go round I am going to try the NTM silk although I am tempted to also try the mask. My plan is to begin co washes (haven't figured out with what yet), NTM leave in and coconut oil.

I am a little scared to try the MTG because it looks like it would be really heavy even if it is on just the scalp. I'll wait and see how this first experiment goes.
tarheelgurl said:
So, I went out and got some coconut oil and put a little on before bed. It was really nice the next morning! My next relaxer is Thursday and after that I will begin experimenting and report back to all my fellow 3's what my results were!
I think the first go round I am going to try the NTM silk although I am tempted to also try the mask. My plan is to begin co washes (haven't figured out with what yet), NTM leave in and coconut oil.

I am a little scared to try the MTG because it looks like it would be really heavy even if it is on just the scalp. I'll wait and see how this first experiment goes.

What type relaxer are you going to use? Or do you go to the salon? I think I may jump on the MTG bandwagon in the spring once its warmer outside.