By this time next year I will...

By this time next year I will have

Reached: MBL

Have hair that is: thick from root to tip, top of hairline fully grown in, healthy, shiny, and relaxed

I'll do these things to achieve these goals: Bunning a minimum of 5 days a week, keeping my same regimen (shampoo/dc 2x a week; cowash 2-3x a week); Don't over-trim!!!!! A perfectly straight hemline is just not happening for me no matter how much I trim! I have to accept this and move on! :spinning:
By this time next year I will have:

Reached: Full APL or close (transitioning)

Have hair that is:
healthy, soft, moisturized

I'll do these things to achieve these goals. (PS, DC, steam, etc.)
cowash, dc, oil and massage scalp, protective styles (braids, tie zillions, wigs, sew-ins),
Take multivitamin and biotin
Reached: Full Tail Bone Length

Have hair that is: Healthy and Thick

I'll do these things to achieve these goals. PS, DC, Little to No heat,Keep it moisturized.
Reached: BSL

Have hair that is: Healthy and plush

I'll do these things to achieve these goals: wear it either curly or in twists the majority of the time. Keep my simple regimen.
By this time next year I will have

Reached: My ultimate goal of whip length :)

Have hair that is: Full beautiful Ends and going into maintenance mode :)

I'll do these things to achieve these goals. Continue taking care of my hair.
By this time next year I will have:

Reached: Full WL

Have hair that is: thicker, particularly the hemline

I'll do these things to achieve these goals: PS'ing, following my regimen
Reached: waist length

Have hair that is: thicker, healthier and overall better

I'll do these things to achieve these goals.ill continue to do what ive been doing for the past 2 years. co washing several times a week, wearing my low manipulation style of 2 pochahantas braids when i dont feel like doing my hair and wearing wash and goes on all the days in between lol. i will continue with the use of proteins and moisture and using good quality natural products. i will continue to do what i know to be best for my hair and not jumping on any band wagons.
By this time next year I will have

Reached: CBL (in curly state)

Have hair that is: Healthy, pretty much free of SSKs & splits

I'll do these things to achieve these goals: Nailing down a simple to keep regimen. Protective style @ least 1/2 the time. Keep an eye on Protein/moisture balance. Use stretched styles mostly; hardly any wash and gos.:weird:
have reached full, healthy top-of-thigh.

I will do this by staying vigilant with my haircare routine and dusting the ends regularly until fullness is accomplished.... I hope to come back to this thread next year to make a report.

By this time next year I will have:
no more colored ends
mastered self relaxing

full SL ( I had some breakage that is going to stall me a bit and my front grows slower than the back
full APL
BSL *crosses fingers* (not full because I have some strands that are much shorter)

Have hair that is: the fullest and thickest so everyone will want my hair:blush:
I'll do these things to achieve these goals. What I am doing now and stay on the relaxing thread for new tips

Also: stay on the hunt for the next best conditioner
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By this time next year I will have......

MBL/Grazing WL (natural waist)

Have hair that is:
Fully back to my childhood thickness, strong, super-healthy

I'll do these things to achieve these goals:
Continue my current regimen - stay focused- no distractions! I'll give myself regular "distraction" passes AFTER I pass my December 2012 deadline....gotta stay focused until then lol
By this time next year I will have...

Reached: BSL/MBL

Have hair that is: Thicker, No Split Ends, Less Breakage

I'll do these things to achieve these goals: DC, ACV rinse (monitoring water concentration), rotating DCs

I love this thread, it's exactly what I needed!:grin:
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By this time next year I will be:
Maintaining my final goal of u-shaped WL

Have hair that is: Healthy and thick, from root to tip

I'll do these things to achieve these goals:
Continue my current regimen and limit trims/cuts
By this time next year I will have...

Reached: BSB or atleast grazing

Have hair that is: Thick & healthy...minimal/no spilts or SSKs

I'll do these things to achieve these goals: low manip/protective styling, vitamins, diet/increased water, little to no direct heat, regular trims/dusting, keep it simple
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By this time next year I will

have reached: BSL

have hair that is healthier, split end free, thicker.

to get there I will ps, exercise, take my vitamins, moisturize, and continue to check this site daily for tips!
By this time next year I will have

Reached: Full APL, grazing MBL

Have hair that is:
- Fuller & thicker
- Filled in at the crown and one newly discovered thin area.

I'll do these things to achieve these goals.
1) Following my current routine of moisture/protein DCs once a week.
2) Upping my exercise routine
3) Returning to my regular vitamins/green smoothies.
4) Using a second weekly garlic DC.
5) Ensuring I get at least 7-8 hours (or more) of sleep each night.
6) Using sulfur/MT mix nightly or at least 4 times a week.
By this time next year I will have

Reached: A full MBL or on my way to WL (I dont thin I will keep it that long though.
Have hair that is: Thicker with nice delish ends!
I'll do these things to achieve these goals. Attempt my first stretches ever! Hair hidden of course. (:
By this time next year I will have......

MBL/Grazing WL

Have hair that is:
Strong, Thick healthy hair

I'll do these things to achieve these goals:
Continue my current regimen of dcing weekly PSing for at least 5 days a week. Moisturizing, Sealing, CoWashing as needed. Give myself 4 passes per year to coincide with my BKT treatments.
By this time next year I will have

Reached: full HL

Have hair that is: Healthy

I'll do these things to achieve these goals: I'll Protective Style 75% of the time
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By this time next year I will have:

Reached: Full APL, BSL

Have hair that is: Strong and healthy. Swinging down my back.

I will do these things to achieve my goal: Stay consistent! Keep believing that my goals are possible.

This thread is great I can't wait to come back next year and update it!
By this time next year, I will be Full MBL.

I will have healthy, thick and full ends.

I will maintain my regimen, moisturize daily, take vitamins, exercise at least 3x a week and eat healthier and cleaner
By this time next year I will have

Reached: APL :woohoo2:

Have hair that is: Natural :afro:

I'll do these things to achieve these goals. : PS, Low-mani, Co-wash, mosturize & seal, protein balance - all things I do now. And not be a p.j. :yahoo:
By this time next year, I HOPE to be at least full APL all around

I will have a head full of healthy, THICK, moisturized kinky, curly hair

I will continue to do my ayurveda treatments, deep condition, moisturize, BC (11/1/2011) and protective stylin'
By this time next year I will have
Full WL
Have hair that is:
Free of most splits, and color (other than henna and indigo)
I'll do these things to achieve these goals.
Bun gently, get a professional trim (from a cheapy space like great clips, I think my cheap scissors are a part of my breakage problem), Flat iron less <3
By this time next year I will have

Reached: Full MBL heading towards WL

Have hair that is: Super duper long*crosses fingers* and *says a prayer* for some thickness.

I'll do these things to achieve these goals. Same thing I have been doing.... moisturizing, washing in braids, oil rinsing, gently detangling, stretched styles, and covering my hair when I sleep. I also might try wiggin it for a little bit, be we will see.
Let's see by this time next year:

I hope to be nearly MBL

My hair: will be strong and have less unnecessary shedding.

I plan to wear more P.S, continue DCing & low maintenance styles.
By this time next year I will have

Reached: Full shoulder length and nearing APL

Have hair that is: healthy, thick, and luscious

I'll do these things to achieve these goals. Continue with healthy hair regimen - moisturize, condition, low manipulative styles and find the HG products that I can use consistantly so I won't become a PJ.