Buy Less In 2009

I did purchase today....

Megatek (cause I was running out)
Elasta QP Mango Butter (needed a new moisturizer)
Aphogee green tea Leave in--needed my daily shot of protein! My hair hearts it!
And one spiral curled phony pony! (Great protective style)

That's it for March!

You did really good sonya, Im thinking about investing in a wig next month idk. I used to wear them all the time but i started getting lazy with my own hair or maybe a fall.
I really want some henna.

But, I'm not allowing myself to buy it until I do all my research. It would bemy most expensive purchase in a long time.

I'm also trying to figure out if I want to get a weave or braids, so then I'd have to buy hair. But I don't know yet. Either way, I'm still not going to spend a lot. It'll be synthetic for me.
I started cutting back in 2008. The amount of money I spent on hair products was astounding and downright shameful. Now, I have my staples in place. I am using up the products I kept when I purged in 2008 (gave away a TON of products) so I'm straight.

Re: Wen - Cuz (MonaLisa), I am delighted you found and love Wen like I do. We are truly family! :hug2:
I have not come across another product (an all-in-one) that works as well for me.
I use the Trader Joe's Nourish Spa too, but it's no replacement for Wen IMO. No way, no how.

Also, I've found that Wen costs no more than other products. The initial outlay is more, but it eventually pays for itself since you don't need to purchase so many other products just to cleanse, moisturize, detangle and leave-in. $ for $ it is no more costly than other mid-priced products.

I use the Nourish Spa to add to my henna mix and rinsing my henna and indigo treatments. It's excellent for this purpose. It leaves my hair soft and lightly scented after henna/indigo. For the price point (2.99), you can't beat it. I do keep a bottle or two handy always.
I feel you, I have only spent $1.40 this month; I could not pass on the pathmark sale of vo5 for 70cents each, so I bought two bottles.

I have so much stuff that I haven't even used, its getting ridiculous. The only other items I am willing to buy this month are bobby pins and wig clips, and thats it, nothing else; so I guess that will be like another $5
I started buying less last year and I am shopping my own stash (bss) these days.
I only buy staple products and products that are discontinued or changed formula.
So count me in.
Bumping im doing great on bills and house hold things. Why do i have such a problem with hair products?:perplexed I really need to get it together:sad:.