LHCF addict
@sunnieb - used the bendini clip and love it, so much that I went back to Walgreen's and purchased a white one.
I'm not the best at doing reviews but here goes - the clip is small but sturdy. The downside to it being small means that comb placement is vital to keeping the style in place and that I can only use it a select few ways but that's okay, it provides me with enough variety that I can give my hair a break from bunning but still protective style. The comb portion of the clip doesn't pull, tug or snag the hair. It's really as easy as the infomercial suggests - bend and snap! It only took me a couple of tries to figure out where to place the comb. Once I got that part down, it was truly easy peasy. The pics are HORRIBLE because my hair in wind blown from it being super duper windy today and pics are blurry because my dh is at work and I was trying to snap them myself. At least it gives you a fuzzy visual of what my hair looked like in the bendini clip. I wrapped my hair in something like a figure 8 (kinda like figure 8 Krispy Kreme donut), placed bendini in and voila! Oh and the best part is, that little clip holds all the hair, no other pins needed.
Thanks for the review. I picked one up myself. I just used it as decoration but here it is. I really like the bling!

messy bun

take down of bun

It's a keeper for me.