Bun/chignon challenge

Wow! I don't know ya'll! I'm wearing my turban again today.

I don't really look "good" in buns. I don't know how to do one anyway.

Any ideas?

In any event, I think I'm going to reach goal by the end of the year. Right above the waist

You guys let me know how it goes. I'm dying to know!
I haven't experienced any thinning from wearing buns. I hope no one else does. I moisturize daily and am very gentle with my hair. I don't use any bobby pins for my bun and have stopped wrapping my hair. Also, if the scrunchie is not too tight (wrapped three times or more) it shouldn't thin out your hair at all.
Hi Tracy!

But I'm curious...are there any daily conditioner washers in here? If so, how do you plan on maintaining your hair during the challenge? CO wash and then put it in a bun?

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I'm a daily conditioner washer and that's exactly what I do.
CO wash and then put it in a bun, wet. Sometimes I use my leave-in combo, sometimes I just work in an oil (e.g., castor), and call it a day. If I get really fancy, I use the baggie trick with a phonytail, lol. Haven't had any problems yet.
Great idea, I would love to do it but I've braided up my hair again and will continue w/ crown glory/Wanakee method until I reach goal.
Hey, ladies!

After reading these posts, I am seriously thinking about starting to wear a bun. They are so cute. Have any of you worn the bun cages? If so, how comfortable are they, and do they cause your hair to break off from the pin sticking through the hair? Let me know, please. Thanks.
I'm going to join but not with the resolve of you ladies. This is really saying something because I hate wearing my hair in a bun. I am going to do the challenge until my next (first!) touch up the end of November, see how it went and if it went well, I'm gonna go on for the year (but I will still be wearing on special occasions like Homecoming, maybe Christmas, my birthday but other than that I'm in there). I can't believe I'm doing this...
Blossom: Bun challenge, girl! BUN challenge!! Not turban challenge.
Two demerits. You may want to try bangs or mini headbands or a nice pair of earrings

Brngirlie: I have two bun cages that I wear. One is a plastic tortise shell one and the other is a rhinestone one. What you want to do is make sure your hair is detangled before putting it in a bun. Don't put the bun too tight, moisturize the pin and slide it through. Make sure it's in a hooked part on both sides so the cage will stay on. If your pin is long, skinny and U-shaped, make sure the bun is a little looser and go very slowly when sliding the pin it. Use your other hand to seperate the hair on the other side to allow the pin to come out.
I have a stupid question.... could someone show me some pictures of buns and rolls, i don't really understand how to do them or how they look like.... who has had sucess with this????
twinietwintwin, i hope you check out the "how to's" thread taht spagirl mentioned...I just posted a few things about buns there! Good luck and thanks Spagirl for the link!!
Okay this is kind of off topic but has anyone noticed how Carol Mosely Braun ( presidental candidate) always, always has her hair in a bun? And it looks so wavy and neat! I bet her hair has grown a lot! I think she is doing the bun challenge too!
I have to admit that I will be wearing my hair down three times out of the challenge.

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Alright! Well, in that case I'm in. I don't quite have bun-wearing length, but I will be wearing it up in a frenchroll-inspired style. I must admit as well, that I'll be wearing it down every now and then....ummmm?....maybe about 6 times. Just for that, I'll limit myself on purpose.

==raising right hand===
"I, Krystle, will not wear my hair down more than 6 times throughout this bun-challenge year."

There....it's in typing.

I'm in! (and a month late...sorry

twinietwintwin, i hope you check out the "how to's" thread taht spagirl mentioned...I just posted a few things about buns there! Good luck and thanks Spagirl for the link!!

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Hairlove, your very welcome!
It's a great how-to instructional thread that I continue to believe in and support from it's beginning to my end.
Lov-v-ve those new buns, especially that design jewel thingy!
Well ladies, I've completed my summer braidouts. I didn't get the results I was looking for so now I'm needing something that will help my ends. Buns are the way to go! Count me in if it's not too late.
Two questions to the challengers...

1. For the most part are you securing your bun with a ponytail holder before you make it into a bun?

2. What product, if any, are u using on your edges to help them lay flat?

I don't know if it's a good thing to do but here is what I do at present:

Post shampoo/conditioner wash
<ul type="square"> 1. Apply conditioner as leave-in (Giovanni's direct leave-in)
2. Apply oil of choice to seal (WGo or Wonder Grow Shea Butter)
3. Partial air dry with hair loose
4. Comb hair back, brush as needed to smooth down.
5. Twist gathered into pony tail (no scrunchie at base) holding base with hand so hair not pulled tight while twisting.
6. With tail of pony tail twisted I wrap it around itself, starting at the base, in a circle to form my bun. Looks like a flat beehive. Small circle in the center followed by rows of circles.
7. I apply 1 or 2 Good Hair Pins (after tucking in ends) to hold it in place.
8. Apply scraf to hold down smoothed hair and finish air drying. [/list]
<ul type="square"> 1. Mist hair with mixture of distill water and EO (Presently liking rose or Jasmine oils)
2. Apply leave-in to end or anything that works for hair ends TLC
3. Oil of choice to seal
4. Scarf until air dry. [/list]
Sometimes I use a small skinny scrunchie (when my hair is in cornrows)and sometimes I don't (when I'm wearing my hair in a bun with no cornrows)

When it's in cornrows, I make a big braid from all of the small braids and then secure the base with a skinny scrunchie
I don't use a ponytail holder..just twist and pin. To make my edges lay down, I use elasta qp mango butter, and then put on my scarf, or I'll wear an ouchless headband.
It all depends on the individual. I know with me, I can go a max of 10 weeks with my hair. Even with my daily routine, I can go no longer than 5 days without washing my hair.

My mom, she can go without a relaxer for nearly an entire year
I need the ponytail holder at the base because I keep my ends in oil in a baggie and without the holder, oil will be all over the place

It's not too late to join. Of course not.

That's how my hair is too, AmilLion. But I'm starting to wonder if it's just out of habit. I want to see if I can go at least two weeks without washing it, because that's the only time I manipulate my hair.

This time I didn't put a lot of oil on my scalp so I'll see if I can make the two week mark.
I use a scrunhie, I have to my hair is so thick.

I have a question to Bodieca. Is it ok to do 1/2 bun (parted ear to ear) with bun on top and the back hanging down.?? Or would that break the challenge? or Tredil in front and back.

I'm trying to do something different with these things so I don't get board.

Oh and my other question is daily moisturing do you take it down each day moisturize and put back or what...

If keeping it up all the time bores you, by all means switch it up for a day or two!

I keep my hair in a baggie with oil (usually olive, coconut, or meadowfoam) and I now leave it in the baggie until the next time I wash my hair. Once every two weeks.