Bun/chignon challenge

Oh..I just had a thought..sometimes, I wear my hair in a claw clip with the ends tucked inside the hair to give my hair line a rest...does that count?

P.S. ~ I guess I'll be going to the store to pick up some more of those hair clips that Allandra recommeds..I just broke one yesterday!!!
I'm the bun Queen. So, it won't be hard for me.

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It's a good thing this isn't for a prize of money...because I'd have to say Allandra can't play!...just kidding ..lol..

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Did somebody say prize money?
Could someone explain to me how they do their bun? I saw the pictures on the board. My hair is about shoulder length.I want my bun to look full and neat. Any suggestions?
well if i went in cornrows for about a week would that count me out??? i usually have to around my third month b/c my new growth iz unmanageable around then......if not then i'll still go in
Hmmm ...i'll try, but I usually give in if I want to go out and dress up. Maybe I should buy some pretty hair sticks.

I'm in! I will fess up when and if I give into the temptation to wear it down!!!

ballet bun ...
Even though I am the bun Queen, I seriously doubt if I'll do this because when I get a relaxer touch up, I usally wear my hair down for a day or two. Good luck to those of you that do.
I'll join! I actually started wearing protective hairstyles since May. The only time I wore my hair out, was for a wedding...that's it. I can handle this...since fall is on its way, and the best hairstyle for cold weather, is to keep your hair up!
At night, I take my hair down, moisturize it, and put it back in a high bun and sleep in a satin bonnet.

Cornrows are fine. I relax only twice a year and it's the only way I can get through with the new growth. It just gets too hard to comb it all out enough for it to not look bumpy. I just cornrow down to where I want the bun, put in a scrunchie and make the bun.

I have to admit that I will be wearing my hair down three times out of the challenge.

1. On my birthday (November 8th)
2. When I get my hair relaxed (next relaxer is in early January 2004)
3. When I get my hair relaxed (early July 2004)

Sky: I do my bun several different ways but to get it nice and full I will wash it one day and then the next day, comb out the waves which makes the hair fuller because when it's dry.

1. Gather the hair where you want the bun
2. With one hand holding the hair, twist once in a downward motion
3. Place the other hand around the base. Thumb on bottom. Hold firmly but gently as you twist the hair at a 45 degree angle in an upward motion. This will keep you from catching any hairs and will make the twist more uniform.
4. Work the twisting hand up the hair, holding the latter sectiong with you opposite hand so the don't unravel.
5. When you're finished, move the opposite hand back to the base and hold as you bring the tail around the base. Wrap until you get to the ends and tuck them under.

You've just created a roll. Tuck the ends under the roll and it shouldn't come out even without bobbypins unless you're doing something extraneous. This style won't look very full unless your hair is either long or thick or both, but it's a very neat style.

Wow; I applaud all the ladies who are doing this challenge!!

I wouldn't last a week!!! I absolutely HATE looking the same day after day!! I would be TOO sick of looking at myself in the mirror every single day with that same ole bun.

GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!!, and take care of those hairlines!!
i wear mine up most of the time, but i like to wear it down at least once a month to enjoy my hard work. so i guess i won't be joining you. i'll be a great cheerleader though!

boadicea, i used to have a link for the Dabur Vatika oil. i'm trying to find it for you. if i do, i'll post it on this thread.
I wear a bun a majority of the time, but I do like to wear it down every now and then when I want to feel extra pretty
So I won't be a full time member of this challenge.
Adrienne: It's all right, I found it! Thank you so much anyway.
I went all up and down Main Street which has a few Indian/Pakistani/Afghani stores and I went in each and every one of them looking for it.

I bought one bottle of Alma oil, three small bottles and one large bottles of Vatika oil (the last store I went in had the large bottle. I wish I had stopped there first) and a bottle of Vatika Henna Cream Conditioning Shampoo (I've never tried this before). It has henna, shikakai and green almonds in it.

I've found some sites where you can order it online but the shipping is $20+
I started wearing buns July 5, 2003 and my hair has been in a protective style ever since. It looks so moisturized and healthy (especially with airdrying, which I started July 5 also) that I don't want to stop. I'm so inspired by the post of someone gaining 8 inches in a year from keeping it in a bun. I'm in!!!
(And I will be dressing up my buns!)
i applaud you ladies that are taking this challenge and i wish you all good luck. I can't do this. I have never had a problem growing my hair, and I think that (personal opinion) there is no point in spending time growing my hair extra long if I can't enjoy having it down. I always wrap my hair when i sleep and most of the time when i am at home. so, i like where i am. GOOD LUCK
I totally ditto what virgomoongoddess said. I say if you got it, then flaunt it! LOL...I think that if you take good care of your hair, then there could be a happy medium between keeping your hair long and healthy, while being able to wear it in the styles that we love. I personally love wearing my hair down, I love how it looks, my husband loves it and I like the compliments I'm getting on how long my hair is growing. It makes me feel like the dedication is paying off...

That said I do wear buns and ponytails...a lot, but I think the longer my hair gets, the more I'm going to want to wear it down.
Just wanted to quickly add my $0.02.

Thank you for responding ! I was beginning to think my post were invisible.
I'm the bun Queen. So, it won't be hard for me.

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It's a good thing this isn't for a prize of money...because I'd have to say Allandra can't play!...just kidding ..lol..

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I wish I could join the challenge but my hair is too short right now...Next summer though I should be shoulder length!

Good luck to the rest of you on the challenge!
The bun challenge is good for me because

a. when I wear my hair down, I have a tendency to play with it
b. people (strangers) are always trying to touch it

c. it's long so it'll get in my way when the wind blows and stick to my lipgloss or get stuck between my shoulder and the strap of my bag, etc.
d. It's constantly covering my right eye (I have a long layerd bob reminiscent of Aaliyah's) and any product that I have on my hair will get on my glasses lens.
e. when it's down, it's much dryer.
f. when it's down, I can't keep my fiance away from it (not necessarily a bad thing, but hey, I'm workin' here)

Sure, I like wearing my hair down sometimes but even though I have no trouble growing my hair, I have trouble keeping the length if it's always down. Even if it's occasionally down. Them's just the brakes. Once I reach my final goal (classic/tailbone length) Perhaps I'll wear it out more often, but now's not the time. I know from experience that I retain more length when my hair is up.

For me, I take good care of my hair so I enjoy whether it's up or down. As for my hair, it's always healthier when it's up versus being down and rubbing against my clothing and generally being dried out all the time. My hair grows better in protective styles but I've never really wanted to do it because I was afraid of looking boring and ordinary everyday. I;m glad I have so many ladies who are willing to try this out with me. It gives me more incentive to do it. That, and the knowledge that one year from now, I'll have longer hair because I kept my (and everyone else's)darn hands out of it.

Thank you for the good luck, though
to do or not to do?
that is the question. boadicia, I really want to do this bun challenge and I've actually been thinking about doing protective styles. Since i've joined this board (about 1 month 1/2)I've been doing con washes at least 3x a week, but i usually do twist out/braid outs or wet roller sets and let it air dry (which comes out looking like i stepped out of the salon, thanks to godiva direct stay in and aloe vera gel, and my own homemade spray (learned all that here!!! )but, I always leave it down or tie is back in a pony tail. but like some here, the inspiration of the girl who grew her hair by keeping it in protective styles is very tempting. and I do want to maintain more lenght easier. I have to admit up front that I want in on the challenge but like allandra said when I get a relaxer I want to be able to keep my hair down for a day or two to at least enjoy the progress.

If that's alright then I definitely want in!!!!
I'm considering doing this for a few months to see if I can hang...

But I'm curious...are there any daily conditioner washers in here? If so, how do you plan on maintaining your hair during the challenge? CO wash and then put it in a bun?

My wet buns still look a little sorry for daily wear....

Sky - never feel your posts are invisible...
We're all so fast and furious here sometimes we miss stuff. You're part of the fam like everyone else!
Offthechainliz: Cute SN, but anyway, sure feel free to enjoy a day or two off the challenge and then when you've had you fun...back to the bun, girl!!

Tracy: I wash my hair 3-4 times a week in Spring and Summer and about 1-2 times a week in the Autumn and Winter. What I do is put Amla or Vatika oil in my hair and leave it on over night and wash it out in the morning. I keep my hair in a roll when it's wet (the days I wash my hair) and a bun when it's dry. I don't do too much con washing because the oils are very moisturizing. Plus I always put Salerm 21 silk protein leave-in in my hair for moisture and S-curl on the ends.
Hi, everyone.
I'm pretty new here, but I had to join this challenge! What a GREAT IDEA!!! Wishing everyone a happy hair day!
I'm in...it seems like such a long time, but i'm in....Good luck everybody!!!!