At night, I take my hair down, moisturize it, and put it back in a high bun and sleep in a satin bonnet.
Cornrows are fine. I relax only twice a year and it's the only way I can get through with the new growth. It just gets too hard to comb it all out enough for it to not look bumpy. I just cornrow down to where I want the bun, put in a scrunchie and make the bun.
I have to admit that I will be wearing my hair down three times out of the challenge.
1. On my birthday (November 8th)
2. When I get my hair relaxed (next relaxer is in early January 2004)
3. When I get my hair relaxed (early July 2004)
Sky: I do my bun several different ways but to get it nice and full I will wash it one day and then the next day, comb out the waves which makes the hair fuller because when it's dry.
1. Gather the hair where you want the bun
2. With one hand holding the hair, twist once in a downward motion
3. Place the other hand around the base. Thumb on bottom. Hold firmly but gently as you twist the hair at a 45 degree angle in an upward motion. This will keep you from catching any hairs and will make the twist more uniform.
4. Work the twisting hand up the hair, holding the latter sectiong with you opposite hand so the don't unravel.
5. When you're finished, move the opposite hand back to the base and hold as you bring the tail around the base. Wrap until you get to the ends and tuck them under.
You've just created a roll. Tuck the ends under the roll and it shouldn't come out even without bobbypins unless you're doing something extraneous. This style won't look very full unless your hair is either long or thick or both, but it's a very neat style.