:( Buh-bye BSL


Well-Known Member
Okaaay so I'm probably going to hate myself for this in the morning but...
I just cut my hair from BSL to SL ! It kills me to even type that but my ends were so thin and see through it did not make any sense :perplexed They did not seem to be thickening up any and I have babied them and every thing. But I must admit my hair does look better but I am hurt. I was really looking forward to claiming full BSL / MBL but its not worth claiming If I only have one strand of hair on my head :nono:

Oh well I'm starting all over again for the New Year... APL here I come :grin:
It takes a lot of courage to do what you did. I've been cutting my endz a little at a time, so I can keep length for my buns and updo's. At least you'll enjoy your nice, full hair. I pray you get to bsl in no time! Keep your head up!
Health before length! While you are waiting to get back to where you were, REALLY baby your ends! When you DC put extra conditioner on them, be very gentle when combing, seal with grease if what you use now isn't heavy enough and if you wear your hair down use serum to seal (the cones in serum will lock in whatever moisture you put on them), and check them every 1-2 months for splits and any other type of damage.
That was very brave but, it's more important to have a helathy head of hair. I did not have to make such a big change but I went from APL to SL due to breakage. Good luck with your journey!
I feel your pain, I recently had to cut an inch and a half off my ends. I was trying to hold onto them until I read a thread on health over length. It will grow back and most likely more healthy and full.

Healthy shoulder length hair always looks better then damage, see through longer hair. Don't worry,show it some tlc and it'll grow back healthy and long.
Good for you i'm sl and have been contemplating taking off an inch or two for the same reason. I think you'll be happy with it ....since it will seem to grow REALLY fast AND BE HEALTHIER with your good hair care practices.HHG!
Are you using heat a ton?

It makes no sense to cut your hair to SL and keep doing the same things you've been doing. Figure out where the problem lies and grow from there :)
Are you using heat a ton?

It makes no sense to cut your hair to SL and keep doing the same things you've been doing. Figure out where the problem lies and grow from there :)

No I was on a heat free regimen :perplexed I mainly air dried and put my hair into a bun. I have been trying to figure out where my hair went wrong. I have to blame it on the megatek, looking back at my pictures I noticed that my hair thinned out dramatically (from all the shedding) after using that product . Even though I stopped using it last February I don't think that my hair has ever recovered :wallbash:
It takes a lot of courage to do what you did. I've been cutting my endz a little at a time, so I can keep length for my buns and updo's. At least you'll enjoy your nice, full hair. I pray you get to bsl in no time! Keep your head up!
This is exactly what I was going to say. You're a courageous lady. I hope you love your thick, full hair so much that you don't even miss the length. HHG
I'm sorry for your loss. I agree with the other ladies Health before Length. I know it stinks but you'll be better for it in the long run. You will get back there in no time. And you have all the knowledge and techniques to get there. HHG!!
I know the feeling. Even though your hair was much longer than mine, I cut off 4 inches a few months ago because I was very uneven and damaged. No one could see it but me and I was very self conscious about it. It was the best thing I ever did because my hair is 20x thicker! It'll always grow back and it going to look much better.

Do yu have and pics of your new cut?
I hope you continue to love your new cut and baby your hair while it is growing back.
I just cut my hair from APL to SL on a whim and I love it.
My hair has so much body and thickness.
Did you take any pictures?
That took a lot of courage, at least you can take comfort in knowing that you did what was best for your hair. You made the right decision sis. You'll be at APL then BSL in know time. :bighug:
Awww, just look on the bright side and enjoy having blunt ends! Then you can start over plus I'm sure your hair will grow like weeds now!!
Also, maybe air drying is not for you? who knows?

Hopefully it won't thin out this time!!
Encouraging post! Some ladies are so concerned about length that they forget about the health of their hair... So I applaud you for taking a stand on the health of your hair and being bold enough to post about it.

Hopefully you revamp your regimen so that this does not occur again! You already know how to obtain length seen in your avatar. So this go around the process shouldnt be so hard :)

Happy Hair growing! hugs and love to you on the rest of your hair journey OP
One thing about hair, it will grow back. Figure out the problem, correct it and grow from there.

I hate thin ends. I would rather see nice ends over thin ends - long hair any day.
Okaaay so I'm probably going to hate myself for this in the morning but...
I just cut my hair from BSL to SL ! It kills me to even type that but my ends were so thin and see through it did not make any sense :perplexed They did not seem to be thickening up any and I have babied them and every thing. But I must admit my hair does look better but I am hurt. I was really looking forward to claiming full BSL / MBL but its not worth claiming If I only have one strand of hair on my head :nono:

Oh well I'm starting all over again for the New Year... APL here I come :grin:

Girl hush, this may speed up your growth faster. Its always better to have thick ends then thin ones. I am sure your hair looks fab and full honey. wahts better than full healthy hair anyway. At SL you still can toss it boo. So do not sweat it.
Hi :wave:

I know exactly how you feel -- its a hard pill to swallow!! But, on the upside, your hair is going to grow back fuller, healthier & stronger :))

I have seen so many women on the board cut of inches of ends only to bust out with lush hair that seems to grow back at rapid speeds.

Think of all the growth you will be able to retain because your ends will be the bombdiggity.

Keep your chin up and enjoy the evenness and overall look of healthy hair. You will be back to where you started in no time. Update your Fotki so we can support ya!

Bests SB
You are so brave for doing what is right for your hair. Just think, when you reach BSL again, it will be healthy, full and FABULOUS!!!
It will grow back, even though I know it sucks now.

I might have to do this too, and my stomach is upset just thinking about it:perplexed

But your story gave me a bit of courage.
i totally feel your pain. i recently chopped up from APL to chin length for the same reason. i was sad for about 4 seconds until i realized how THICK my hair was!

when your hair grows to lengths it's never been before, it's easy to get attached to the length. but it takes courage to chop, & the end result: healthy thick hair with even ends!

& perhaps airdrying is the problem? maybe you overmanipulated your hair after airdrying. i think that may have been the cause of my thinning ends. when you airdry, invest in a creamy leave-in you can apply to smooth & soften your hair after it's 100% dry. my hair is fragile when wet, but for some reason, is even more fragile after airdrying. hope that helps, & HHG!
This is a picture two weeks before the cut and today 1 day post cut.


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No worries...It will grow back in no time with all the attention you give it and this time it will grow thicker and healthier...better than ever!!

Healthy Hair Growing!!! :)