BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too small!!


New Member
I rarely straighten, except for length checks and trims. Normally, my hair fits in my scarf at night because my curly hair is considerably shrunken at times. But I recently flat ironed, and I am noticing that all of my hair (which is almost MBL now) is barely fitting up under my scarf. I want to make sure my hair is covered completely when I sleep. :yep:

Long-haired ladies, what do you use to cover your hair and make sure your entire length is covered? Where did you buy/ order it? Post a picture of your hair cover if you can!

Thank you!! :grin:
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

After moisturizing I put my hair in a loose twist and put on my satin cap (including plastic cap if I am ghe-ing).
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

Pile it into a loose bun onto of your head.
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

I put mine in a loose bun and put the scarf over it.
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

I pin curled my hair; if you like 'body' to your straightened hair, maybe you can do two loose bantu-knots under your scarf or bonnet?
I either wrap my hair or pin it into a loose bun, then tie a extra large silk scarf over it Aunt Jemima style
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

Bump, bump, bump it up!!

Wrapping makes my scalp sore. I don't want to pineapple straight hair atop my head, and I don't want bends from bunning it. I want to let it hang but cover it. Guess I will have to create my own huge silk scarf.
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

I'm one of the few that cannot for the life of me wrap my hair. So, I wear a loose bun and a Sue Maesta hooded band, I got from Ricky's. I use the same hooded band when my hair is curly, and I pineapple at night.
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

Diva_Esq I will put the bonnet on the ends of my hair. Of course this does not cover the area around my hair line, so I put a scarf around my hair line and also around the bonnet, if that makes sense. This helps protect my hairline and also keeps the bonnet on. Here's a picture if I'm not making sense.


I also use a satin sakk. Here is the one I have pictured below. The longer ones can be wrapped into a bun and hold plenty of hair, though they will stick up a bit with a big fro.


Here's the link:

Right now, while my hair is straight, I'm putting my hair in a few loose bantu knots and doing the bonnet/scarf combo. Works well!
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Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

Bump, bump, bump it up!!

Wrapping makes my scalp sore. I don't want to pineapple straight hair atop my head, and I don't want bends from bunning it. I want to let it hang but cover it. Guess I will have to create my own huge silk scarf.

Maybe this video could be helpful?

It's not the typical wrapping technique
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

KCcurly: Thank you!!!!!! That satin sakk is exactly what I saw in my mind but couldn't describe!!!! I will check into that...looks long!!!!!

Thank you everyone!!! I will check into the others and watch the video!!!
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Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

this is great to know for when my hair gets longer and i flat iron.
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

I purchased the sakk that KCcurly recommended this morning! Hate having to wait for the mail, but I can't wait to try it!
sorry it took me so long to respond. I don't think I get the mentions on my phone.
anyhoo, I ordered 2 of the silk ones for me & my dd for Christmas. we both love them! its got some elastic lace at the front that helps it stay on your head thru the night, & you're supposed to put it down on your forehead so it doesn't rub against your hairline. I just pull the hair up into a really lose bun, pin the ends, & put the wrap on. its still on in the am when I wake up. I'm natural, btwn apl & bsl, with a full sew in for PS if that helps. same for my dd.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

I miss having this issue:giggle:...i used to twist mine loosely and use a bobby pin or an alligator clip and pin it to the top of my head....OR simply wrap my hair every nite OR wear a loose bun on the top of my head and sleep on a satin pillow case...i'd still do the satin cap too..but it always came off...hence the satin pillowcase.
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

KCcurly: My satin sakk came yesterday! I am flat ironing in a few weeks...can't wait to try it out! :D

They were out of black, so I got Platinum. :look:
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

I think one of mine is platinum. I like it though if I'm wearing my fro, I look like rocket man because it sticks straight up lol!
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

I just spread my silk scarf over my pillowcase and go to sleep. If my hair is wet I wrap my hair is a silk scarf and spread a cotton towel over the pillowcase.
Re: BSL/MBL/WL/etc ladies: How do you protect your long hair @ night? Scarf's too sma

i wrap it or stuff it in a bonnet. i discovered accidentally that this will create curls/waves.