BSL+ ladies: Who Does Hair Themself & Who Goes to Salon?

Do you wash/rollerset at home or go to a salon?

  • I do it myself! No one else is gonna be as gentle with my hair as I am!

    Votes: 302 79.1%
  • I go to a salon. I generally trust the stylists to be careful with my hair!

    Votes: 30 7.9%
  • Other (please state)

    Votes: 50 13.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
With my hair pressed I'm just above BSL and only because I went to a stylist excited about my MBL hair and she cut my "damaged" ends. My hair was almost back to my shoulders when she was done cutting, brushing/combing, et cetera. That was the last time I trusted someone else with the hair. I had to break out of lazy mode if I wanted my hair done my way, so I wake up early on Saturdays and get it done.
What a timely thread! As my hair get longer I WANT to do my own hair, but I don't know if it's my water or what, but I lose MORE hair when I attempt to do it myself, and it is so hard and frizzy.

I love the results and I love my stylist, but I don't love her small toothed comb. The shampoo lady is so sweet, but she combs through the shampoos and combs through the conditioner and granted my hair is beautiful, the sound of hair crunching makes me cringe. It doesn't always mean lost hair I guess, but once I saw the hair in the little comb. Granted again, it could be long strands woven up, but, uh, ew!

My hair has been growing in her care, even my edges, which even when natural, didn't flourish. I really wonder about when I achieve armpit length and beyond and that shampoo bowl, but what choice do I have.

And I did get L'anza's sun and swim shampoo based on a tip here and my hair flourished combability/conditioning-wise with it, L'anza hair repair and kenra mc, but I can't do a roller set to save my life.


A girlfriend of mine complained about that and I made her a "Salon Kit." It's a little box with her own preferred hair instruments and her stylist knows she can only use what homegirl brings in her "kit." :lachen: That's one way to solve that problem.
I am just starting back on doing everything myself. I just realized that after 1.5 years of going to the same stylist faithfully, my hair is in the same state because of how she treats it. I've bought the Affirm fiberguard system and a year from now, I'l be able to tell if it was just my hair or her methods.

Okay, it's been a year:lachen::lachen:, has your hair improved?:grin:
I do everything myself...except for special events.
Actually i haven't gone to the salon for almost a year :drunk:
im considering doing my touchups myself as my hair gets longer .. who knows .. i may get lazy ..but i like the anticipation of going to the salon and the only reason i do is for a touchup.. i could as well stick it out until she does something that pisses me off

well she pissed me off and caused me a 14 month set back so im doing my hair from now on
I do it myself. I love my stylist, but I don't like her doing my hair. She hooks my mom up, but that's because she has a short hair do. She is scissor happy and would "trim" my hair every time I went to see her. I also got tired of her coming the relaxer through my hair and then putting it on my hair root to tip when she thought it was reverting (even though the chemical process is permanent :rolleyes:).

She told me that I do a good job on my hair and uses me as an example for the young girls whose hair she styles bi-weekly because they have a hard time maintaining the hairdo. My mom told her that I'm a PJ and so now she won't tell me what she uses, I just walk around and look in her cabinets and counters and read labels. She thinks I can't get my hands on Keracare or Affirm, she's so very wrong lol.
I havent been to a stylist in over a year now and Im happy with that. Everytime someone gets in my hair they're complaining about the NG and thickness of it and being rough. Granted, they're flat-ironing skills are far better than mines, but I'd rather botch my own head than someone else botch it.
Everytime, I mean every single time, that I visit a stylist I suffer some sort of set back. I only progress when I do my hair at home. It may not look as shiny and polished as when I step out of the salon but I see the progress of what I am doing.
i dont go often. last year i went 4 times.

this year i have gone 2wice but i plan to go every 2 months starting in october. i only go to dominican salons and get set and blow out. i DC my hair b4 the treatment so they usually lightly wet it and jus go about the set and blow out i also let them trim my ends every 6 months. i dont notice any huge setbacks it is alot of heat used which is why i dont go often

i think generally speaking the less u go to the salon the better but that doesnt mean that u have to give it up all together if u have someone u trust.
"I do it myself! No one else is gonna be as gentle with my hair as I am!"

This is me all day.

I am thinking about going to a salon in the near future tho. But I won't make it a routine thing.

I love being independent with my haircare. Dcing in my panties:lol: , taking my time, using my own products, and lots more advantages that I won't give up.

kinikakes, i have been a lurker for about three years and you have been one of my hairspirations. you have also come a long way with your hair. it is not worth the risk to let folks rip threw your beautiful hair. i always do my own hair due to bad stylist.
I voted other because I recently seperated from my longtime hair stylist. It was way worse than breaking up with an in ex-lover. Anyway I had my last relaxer in Nov. 2005 and I transitioned to natural by wearing weaves and getting the relaxer ends trimmed little by little. I start going to her in March of 2006 and she was the one to help me transitioned. However her specialty was pressed naturals and weaves which was cool becuz my choice of protective styles were weaves.

I saw some growth with her and I became SL and stayed there for the past 3yrs. I was never that long when I was relaxed but 4 almost 5yrs without an relaxer I expected to see more growth and I became jealous when I see other naturals, who BC'ed years after I transitioned, attain more growth than me :wallbash:. She also would charge $20-$25 for deep conditioners and hair treatments so I hardly would get them and I think that hindered my hair growth. My scalp was in poor condition becuz of the weaves and I developed sores from dry. itchy scalp and my hair broke off in the middle and in the front becuz of heat damage from pressing out my leave out when I wore weaves and never using a heat protector. I also had to trim my hair from SL to CBL because my hair in the back was lopsided.

It also was always drama involving her everytime I would visit the salon and I would be there all day and nite. Her staff was always changing and her new set of shampoo girls was not friendly. And when I tried to "break-up" with her by not coming to the salon she would text me and I would feel bad and return.

I finally decided last month it would be either her or my hair. So I chose my hair. I never been happier and nappier :yep:. I still in protective styles but I custom-make wigs to wear which i find more easier and allows for more frequent washes. My hair I feel is more healthier. Although I gave-up on stylists for the present I hope to find one in the near future that will have my hair goals and health in mind as well as proffesionalism.
In the winter months I go to the salon. During the spring/summer Im back to doing my own hair. My stylist is wonderful and I still see growth progress even with the heat usage and periodic trims i get from her.
I've only gone to the salon once since I've been natural. The dominicans charged me an arm and a leg for a blowout and trim (more than double what I used to pay there when I was relaxed). I hated how they ripped through my hair when they detangled. The dryers were hotter than fire and I was bored and miserable the whole time.

I enjoy doing my own hair at home. It's relaxing and saves me money.
I have rollers, a CHI flatiron, a steamer, a Pibbs dryer and my 2 hands. I don't go to the salon and with all these tools I really don't need to go.

In 2008 I went to the salon 2x. In 2009 I went 3x. I can't go anymore cuz as my thick hair gets longer I see that the stylist gets more impatient with it. Plus I won't let anybody comb my hair with a rattail comb so they get annoyed when I pull out my own tools.

BTW for those ladies that complain about the Dominican salons, not all Dominicans do hair the same way. As a Dominican woman I am very picky as to who can touch my hair. I would never ever go to any Dominican salon without a recommendation. Oh and to answer the original question, I'm MBL (natural) and my rollersets are awesome. I get way more compliments when I do my own hair.
I am mostly a DIY-er. But, I go to the salon 3x a year for my relaxer. Also, I'm going to go from trimming every 4 months to every six months. I don't anticipate any setbacks. But, even then, I think I will only go to a white stylist for trims.
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I used to go i-weekly until my pregnant hair dresser burnt out one of my curls with the marcels (in the FRONT of my hairline), then screamed at me because " I move too much".:look::look::look::look::look::perplexed
I do my own hair now...most of the time it looks a mess lol but I'm hoping to get it together. Its longer than its been in a long time though, even with transitioning.

I would go for color or chemical treatment...if need be.
i go to the salon for my relaxer touch ups and the occasional roller set. i've had 2 trims there. the first one a disaster, the 2nd one, OK.

i don't trust myself to do my own relaxer or trim my hair. i also don't like being hassled by a stylist. so if i don't feel comfy, i'll just say "NO" to what i don't want.
I am the only person that does my hair now. I did have a stylist I went to when I was still relaxing, but I dont go anymore.
I wish I could be in this convo:( maybe next year

I hope I'm not hijacking, if I am, I'm sorry!!!! Guesswho, you look like you have some thick luscious locks in your avatar to me....wish I had that thickness!:lick:

Kinicakes, I answered other as I both do my own hair, and see a stylist from time to time. Yes, sometimes these stylists are a bit rough, even treacherous with other people's hair (some stylists don't even wear their own hair[maybe they are trying to protect their hair from other stylists, or they don't have enough of their own hair to wear out themselves]). My stylist is also my good friend, so I can tell her what I need, but I have had some heat damage from her not understanding my hair type in the very beginning.:yep: Try doing your own hair sometimes to save some extra money. You might like the results, and you will retain more hair that way.
I have not been to a salon since February 2008. I do my hair myself except for when i want it braided...i let my sister braid it. :)

She does good work:yep:
i have not been since i did the first bc. i loved my hair lady though. she always dc'ed me and and she didn't rip through my new growth. to this day i don't know what detangler she used, but whatever it was gave me so much slip, she would detangle my hair with a fine tooth comb and there would be no snags. i tried to ask one time and she just giggled. :rolleyes: i still love her though.

i'd like to go back someday but i don't know how she handles natural hair. and i have the hair type that people like to rip through since its supposedly "rough". ♥
i stopped going to salons for relaxers and flatironing. I was going to the dominicans for rollersets and wraps. now I am doing it all myself! I am on a mission. I feel like some stylists are purposely rough, especially with hair that is noteable long or thick. I cant even imagine how much hair i have lost!