BSL 2013 Challenge

Im jumping in with both feet ladies, sign me up, BSL here I come

~Current hair lengthApl

~BSL goal month
Full BSL by oct 2013 (which will be three years relaxer free), but should be grazing BSL by march 2013
~Current Reggie and styling choices
Co-wash every 3-4 days
Clarify with ACV-water mix every 2 weeks, shampoo when needed
DC once a week
Style choices: bun, braid out or flat twist out ( untill spring returns)

~What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to BSL?
I want to consistently do the GHE method to see if there are any advantages for my hair with that method
Protective styling more often
~Post a beginning picture
(Nov 1, 2012 length check)

(Dec 29, 2012 flat ironed hair)
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Soooooooooo changed my mind, I can't wait until December i want to join NOW!

Current hair length - Full APL

Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Loc'd - Relaxed

BSL goal month - I want to be BSL by our 1st check in so March 2013

Current Reggie and styling choices - I shampoo 2x a month, clarify with 1x a month, DC 1x a week, cowash 1x a week, M&S every day, Take my vitamins everyday, use heat every 1-3 months

What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to BSL? - I've decided to join you ladies on this bunning thing. My personal challenge will consist of DC on dry hair followed by washing 1x a week, using conditioner to moisturize. Air dry in a pony and then bun it up. Will take down the bun every morning to M&S and apply sulphur oil. I will allow my self 3 heat passes from now until April. I plan to keep this Reggie until i reach BSL. :yep:

Post a beginning picture - I know you all have probably already seen this pic but it is e most recent 1 I have lol (pic taken Oct.22nd)


And here is a pic of today's bun. My personal challenge started today.

Woot woot: :woot: The weekend is here! Gonna rock some big hair to the beach and then let the wet/damp/half a$$ bunning begin for the rest of the year :lol:
Wow 127 post already! Y'all mean business this coming year.

Unfortunately, I got frustrated with my ends shortly after making APL and cut back to SL. I think I'll be going into lurk mode and cheering you all on from the sidelines this round.

Keep up the good work ladies!
Wow! Ladies, you all have gorgeous hair! I am slightly intimidated... :drunk: But this will motivate me. growbaby I need that bun! Very lovely! I need to get into the bunning thing, but I need to find sum of those elastics that won't damage my ends.
Woohoo! I'm so excited that bsl is an attainable goal for me!
Currently: longest layers BSB, shortest SL
Reggie wash And DC every 5-7 days, air dry, braids, buns, updos, wigs, same old ish...different days
I plan on trimming more frequently


Pic on right taken last week
Get it ready, get it ready, get it ready y'all!!! Come on, come on get it ready, get it ready, get it ready ready!!! :lachen::lachen: In my DJ Jubilee voice!!

For challengers wanting to join, after thanking this post answer the following questions:

~Current hair length -- APL baby!!!
~Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Loc'd -- Relaxed
~BSL goal month -- after a trim, by July 2013
~Current Reggie and styling choices - co-wash on Wednesday and DC, shampoo and DC on Sunday, protective styling all the way!!!! Buns, French braids, and ponytail rollersets
~What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to BSL? Nothing but retaining every inch!
~Post a beginning picture - I gotta post it from my phone, but ya girl in this thang, GROW HARD or GO HOME!!!

Oh, but I when I hit BSL tho, I'm partyin and dancing like fool!! Bounce it like a, serve it like a, walk it like a!! Reppin for the city @NikkiQ! :lol:

Yayyyyyy thanks for the tag. I finally got my power and internet back, and i just can't beleive we are on page 7 already. I won't post a starting picture until new year which is when i plan on straightening or relaxing my roots ( will be 10 months post then). Here are my info:
Current hair length: shoulder ( hoping to hit APL by my birthday in April)
Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed : Relaxed, possibly transitioning
Current regimen: Twice a week prepoo with EVOO and EVCO, shampoo ( one with sulfate one with a sulfate free poo), Black tea rinse and Deep Condition for up to 1 hour. I stopped DC for hours since my hair is retaining moisture better. Air dry and protective styling 99% of the time: cornrows under wigs, accessorized single french braid with ends tucked under. Moisturize daily, no sealing.
Goal: BSL by december 2013
What do you plan to change to make it to BSl: Stop buying new products.
HELP!!!!!! I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!! Is my hair thinning????? I've been applying shapleys MTG directly to my scalp at night daily, then applying JBCO, coconut, avocado, and grapeseed oil to my hair. Then i do the green house effect over night. Also taking hairfinity vits. Soo tonight as I'm doing it I notice I can see my scalp through my hair wtf!!!!! I'm extremely scared, I've never seen this before Tonight and I do pay close attention to my sides because I'm ALWAYS wearing my hair up in a bun... I've NEVER noticed this! Could it be that because of all those thick oils it's making my strands stick to each other??? I'm hoping because I'm about to cry. In the 3 weeks I've been doing this to my hair I'm already noticing new growth. Also when I comb or brush my hair there is never any hair in the teeth or bristles. So wtf is going on. I'm supposed to be getting my sew in tomorrow and I was going to treat my hair the same but I can't risk this not knowing if it's cause my hair to come out. I'll be a plucked duck when I take it out... Someone PLEASE tell me I'm over reacting****hearts racing, about to cry **** :'( I'm posting this all over the forum. I really need answers and I really want my sew in tomorrow!


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CharnellG said:
HELP!!!!!! I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!! Is my hair thinning????? I've been applying shapleys MTG directly to my scalp at night daily, then applying JBCO, coconut, avocado, and grapeseed oil to my hair. Then i do the green house effect over night. Also taking hairfinity vits. Soo tonight as I'm doing it I notice I can see my scalp through my hair wtf!!!!! I'm extremely scared, I've never seen this before Tonight and I do pay close attention to my sides because I'm ALWAYS wearing my hair up in a bun... I've NEVER noticed this! Could it be that because of all those thick oils it's making my strands stick to each other??? I'm hoping because I'm about to cry. In the 3 weeks I've been doing this to my hair I'm already noticing new growth. Also when I comb or brush my hair there is never any hair in the teeth or bristles. So wtf is going on. I'm supposed to be getting my sew in tomorrow and I was going to treat my hair the same but I can't risk this not knowing if it's cause my hair to come out. I'll be a plucked duck when I take it out... Someone PLEASE tell me I'm over reacting****hearts racing, about to cry **** :'( I'm posting this all over the forum. I really need answers and I really want my sew in tomorrow!

It looks like there is too nuch gel or oils & your hair is stuck 2gether. However, when ur hair is freshly washed and u put it in a bun does it still look thin?

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CharnellG just sounds like WAY too much oil in your hair right now. Give yourself a good wash and your hair should be fine. My hair is super crazy thick and looks like that when I have too much of a wet product in it like oils and gels.
Yay!!! Welcome ladies!! And thanks Mjon912. I plan on sticking to red hair for a LONG time :lol:

NikkiQ what color red are you using? And I can't wait to see if I get any benefits from wet bunning these nxt two month. If I do then my whole reggie for 2013 will change,:lol: I'll have to invest in some gel to keep from looking HAM since I'm a kinky natural.
Wow! Ladies, you all have gorgeous hair! I am slightly intimidated... :drunk: But this will motivate me. @growbaby I need that bun! Very lovely! I need to get into the bunning thing, but I need to find sum of those elastics that won't damage my ends.
Goody has ones that are made out or rubber which I tend to enjoy as they don't snag or suck up moisture that other ones do. You can always try hair forks or spin pins too.
I want in! I'm in the MBL 2013 challenge but that may be too lofty a goal so I'll join on this as well.

~Current hair length
BSB or so about ~2inches from BSL
~BSL goal month
End of June? Just in time for my summer to officially start!
~Current Reggie and styling choices
For the winter it's buns and twist styles
JBCO my edges and I'm on a vitamin reggie as well

~What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to BSL?
Incorporate henna back into my life
Baby my ends more
Find a better detangling method
Do more curlformer sets
Learn how to do a quick weave so I can wig it up later
Trim more often and DC way more
Find a good reggie for warmer months

~Post a beginning picture
Will update with one at the end of the year. I'm not going to be straightening but that will still be my official length check.
I had such a great hair day today
I did an overnight pre poo with Nubian Heritage Grow n Strengthen masque, washed with Aphogee poo for Damaged hair, did a protein treatment with Elasta QP Anti breakage serum then DC with One n Only Hydrating mask with a little of Redken Extreme condish, Wen 613 cleansing condish, and Grape seed oil
I used aphogee pro vitamin leave in then Aussie Split end protector leave in (which was awesome) and a little creme of Nature Argan oil, oil treatment!!!!! It was a sample pack that came with my DC and I really liked it now I'm air drying and babysitting my 4 months old niece :)
Darenia said:
Wow 127 post already! Y'all mean business this coming year.

Unfortunately, I got frustrated with my ends shortly after making APL and cut back to SL. I think I'll be going into lurk mode and cheering you all on from the sidelines this round.

Keep up the good work ladies!

Same happened to me, but I'm still up here in! Come on Darenia!
LovLeeLaDee said:
Wow! Ladies, you all have gorgeous hair! I am slightly intimidated... :drunk: But this will motivate me. growbaby I need that bun! Very lovely! I need to get into the bunning thing, but I need to find sum of those elastics that won't damage my ends.

Thank u much woman, && I know what u mean about the elastics, I usually soak mine in a lil olive oil overnight :yep:
Ok so good news and possibly bad news. The good news is when I washed, conditioned Nd blow dried my hair my sides didn't look like they were thinning :D I was super happy.....and the possible bad news....after blow drying my hair I combed it out and was very paranoid at what was coming out.... A lot of hair was falling in the sink and on the floor. I don't know if this is normal or not because I read your hair sheds 100 strands a day (seems like a lot) please look at these pics and assure me I'm over reacting AGAIN!! You ladies really gave me a sigh of relief last night!!!! Thank you so much!! If I could I would kiss each of you :-* being a newbie to hair Care sucks!!!***runs off to get sew in***


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Ok so good news and possibly bad news. The good news is when I washed, conditioned Nd blow dried my hair my sides didn't look like they were thinning :D I was super happy.....and the possible bad news....after blow drying my hair I combed it out and was very paranoid at what was coming out.... A lot of hair was falling in the sink and on the floor. I don't know if this is normal or not because I read your hair sheds 100 strands a day (seems like a lot) please look at these pics and assure me I'm over reacting AGAIN!! You ladies really gave me a sigh of relief last night!!!! Thank you so much!! If I could I would kiss each of you :-* being a newbie to hair Care sucks!!!***runs off to get sew in***

did you use a comb attachment? if so, it's from the blow dryer. when i use a comb attachment, same thing happens to me. i have stopping using it. if i desperately need to use the blow dryer, i use my wide toothed comb and the tension method on cool setting.