Breaking SOS


New Member
Hi All, ok so i said i'd stop obsessing but its my nature:p , its seems that my new growth doesn't like my relaxed hair.

Why because my relaxed hair is breaking off from the new growth, not sure how to manage this, have read some treads on hair lines but not close to whats happening to me,

i have stretched for 10 weeks now but don't really want to put in a relaxed until my hair is stronger!

also i have just started doing hot yoga in temps of 40 degrees, meaning i sweat buckets, :D , should i just do a CW every time? its a 10 day thing!

All help is appreciated :)

pics too


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It looks like you are like me. I can't stretch too long. The hair is breaking off at the demarcation line. You may need to relax only the new growth, so it doesn't break there. My hair doesn't like stretching. It grows better when I get relaxers around 8 weeks. Anything longer than that and it starts popping off.
cool, any more ideas? really don't want to relax just yet, ps can any one figure out what hair type this is, keep changing my mind! lol
My hair was doing the same thing! I know you don't really want to relax your hair, but it may be the best thing. You don't want to loose to much hair due to breakage at the demarcation line.It's not worth it. Since relaxing is not what you really want to do, I suggest you use low manipulation styles. I would invest in a good hair fall to avoid manipulation of your hair.:ohwell:
Thinking it might be best to relax, bumping for more replies first ;)

ps, has any one tried optimum care anti breakage relaxer? ideas on hair type too :D
Here's what I would do.... a light protein treatment - like mayonnaise on dry hair for 30 minutes. Then I'd do a moisturing conditioner overnight and rinse in the a.m. I like KeraCare or Praital, but Suave would work for me as well. Or how about one of the cholesterol conditioners?
fairyhairy said:
Hi All, ok so i said i'd stop obsessing but its my nature:p , its seems that my new growth doesn't like my relaxed hair.

Why because my relaxed hair is breaking off from the new growth, not sure how to manage this, have read some treads on hair lines but not close to whats happening to me,

i have stretched for 10 weeks now but don't really want to put in a relaxed until my hair is stronger!

also i have just started doing hot yoga in temps of 40 degrees, meaning i sweat buckets, :D , should i just do a CW every time? its a 10 day thing!

All help is appreciated :)

pics too

You look to be in the 4a/4b family although more pics of your newgrowth would be needed to really determine your hair type. If, you are 10 weeks post and your hair is breaking. It could be a couple of things...your hair probably can't stretch past 10 weeks right now or you are not moisturizing your hair enough, or you may need to do a protein treatment.:) I would first try a light protein treatment if the breakage is not that bad. You could use Motions Cpr, ORS hair mayonaise, or Aubrey Organics GPB hair nutrient. After you do a light protein treatment, do a conditioner wash and then do your final rinse with cool water. Then apply your leaveins and do a protective style. Let us know how it went:) HTH

ETA: Also are you using a wide tooth comb when you comb your hair? If not, you need to start using a wide tooth comb.
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You have to keep the line of demarcation (where NG stops/relaxed hair starts) as soft and flexible as possible. You may want to try S-Curl or something of that nature. My hair starts to break at 9-10 weeks, so that's as far as I can go between touch ups. HHG!
Here's a better pic of my ng, i think it might be an idea to texlax?, thanks for the help so far:)


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thanks you :) thought so, this will elp me in dealing with what products i use, s-curl is no good for me just made my hair crunchy - as do most things come to thinkk of it! using MOP leave in, MTG butter but think its an old recipe, bagging is doing nada for my ends going to go for a cut i think, help me refocus!!
fairyhairy said:
thanks you :) thought so, this will elp me in dealing with what products i use, s-curl is no good for me just made my hair crunchy - as do most things come to thinkk of it! using MOP leave in, MTG butter but think its an old recipe, bagging is doing nada for my ends going to go for a cut i think, help me refocus!!

I just want to say...why do you want to cut your hair if you trying to grow it? Growing your hair takes a little more patience. When I joined December 2005. I did not see an improvement in my hair for 6 months mainly because I read and read to understand what it is that I need to do to get my hair healthy and I carefully chose my products but after I nailed my products everything was gravy. What I'm mainly trying to say is you need a wee bit more patience. Some ladies hair have to become healthy before the length comes. I know ladies are probably tired of me raving about "The Black Woman's Guide To Beautiful Healthier Hair in 6 Weeks" by Carolyn Gray. This book helped me get my hair back healthy and it helped me to retain all the length I gained. What are you using to seal your ends in the baggie? Are you applying the baggie over your entire head or just your ends? Try putting your hair into a ponytail (not too tight) apply Profective Healthy Ends or Elasta Qp mango butter to the entire length of the ponytail and then seal with kemi oyl or coconut oil and then baggie...that should work...oh and one more thing DO NOT cut your hair if your ends are not damaged/'re losing precious length...(unless you're not focusing on length of course):) Let us know how it goes.HTH:)

ETA: And don't forget that wide tooth comb. You should also join some of the challenges to grow your hair and get some encouragement.
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hey tsmith, my ends are so bad, I think the split ends are so far up the shaft that a clean cut would help, baggie with profectiv & seal with castor oil,

trying to remember what products i have used in the past that has helped mainlt keracare essential oils, waiting for payday to buy.

the main thing is to get healthy hair then focus on length, hair has been at the same place for so long think i can wait a bit longer Lol!

will definately invest in the book you suggested, the key things i have picked up is less is more, moisturize, protect, i figure if i live by this i should be ok!!! using my hot yoga as an opportunity to deep condition Lol

once again thanks and i will keep you all posted xxx
i am a 4b and what worked for me when stretching was getting deep conditioners every week. you have to keep the demarcation line moist. s curl works well for me but u said it didn't work well for u. divine inspiration said drinking more water made her new growth softer and allowed her to stretch longer. also try a protein treatment but above everything else keep the demarcation line soft you have to find a moisturizer that works for you.