Boyfriend hates silk scarf...


New Member
He says it makes me look like an old woman. I told him if he really doesn't like it, I won't wear it, so I just use the satin pillowcase, which 9/10 times ends up on the floor by the time I wake up in the morning. Any suggestions??
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Well, you could always give him a blind fold.
If I had a boyfriend and he didn't like my satin scarf, I would probably poke him in the eyes. If the satin pillowcase/pillow is gonna end up on the floor, I don't know what else you could do. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like the satin bonnet if he doesn't like the satin scarf.
I don't see what the big deal is. You are just wearing it to go to sleep, it's not like you are walking around the town with it. I would keep wearing my scarf and tell him to get over it. Tell him that he would hate it more if you was bald.
Tell him to get over it or wear a blind fold! Don't sacrific youR healthy hair habits for a boyfriend who is 'STONE COLD TRIPPIN'. Eventually he will get used to it!
LOL! When I first read the title of this post, I thought that HE was wearing the silk scarf. I agree with everyone else. I particularly like the poking in the eyes comment by Allandra.
LOL! When I first read the title of this post, I thought that HE was wearing the silk scarf. I agree with everyone else. I particularly like the poking in the eyes comment by Allandra.

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Does the pillow or the pillowcase end up on the floor? If its the pillowcase, get a zippered one or put a stitch or two at the opening the keep it on. If its the boyfriend, theres this nice guy at my scholl.......
How about a doo-rag? I was also gonna say get a new boyfriend
My fiance likes the bonnet and I have the satin pillowcase (he asked me how come I didn't buy him one, the pillowcase not the bonnet
How about a doo-rag? I was also gonna say get a new boyfriend
My fiance likes the bonnet and I have the satin pillowcase (he asked me how come I didn't buy him one, the pillowcase not the bonnet

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That was too cute.
my sweety doesnt like the scarf either and i dont like when he wears a doo-rag to bed much less any other time... so we compromise if he puts it on i put on mine and if not vice-versa...personally although we are goin to bed..hint hint..i like to look a certain way and i want my man to look a certain way too..i am not feeling the doo-rag plus there are other options to wearing the scarf to bed all the time they have so many nice hair bed-time things that u can wear versus just tie-ing up a csraf and goin to bed looking like an old lady which i am not..when i am not sleeping in the same bed with my sig other then i do what works for me..but i do beleive in going to bed looking semi-sexy...and i need that felling to be mutual..btu hey do what works for the both of u..btu i am on the side of the boyfriend..just as logn as he is coming to bed looking up to par as if u r sleeping on a satin pillow case ur good anyway...
My ex hated my doo rag and scarves. I would suggest getting a satin pillow case and satin sheets. If the pillow case falls off the bed. Your hair will still be protected with the sheets. Cotton really dries out my hair.
That is so interesting because most men seem to know the deal when it comes to our hair. For many of us, if it's not wrapped and set for the next day it won't look it's best. I remember the first time I spent the night by my man's house. I didn't want to break out my scarf just yet and he asked ME, why I wasn't wearing a scarf to bed. As you can imagine, that was a relief
I've only one time worn my scarf to bed when my fiance was at my house, and that time we were going to a wedding the next day so I REALLY had to. I just dont feel right getting into bed with a scarf on, and especially not with that old lady satin bonnet that I have??!! Noooooo way!!!! That's why I just ordered some satin pillowcases off Ebay this week.
I think the zippered satin pillowcase is a good idea. I have that and a satin scarf because they tend to slip and slide at night. You might also want to try a scarf that is a dark solid color. I actually went to the fabric store and bought some fabric. The quality of the fabric was superior to anything I saw in a store - more color options also. That won't be as noticeable as something with multiple neon colors. I personally can't stand the chastity bonnets either.
My boyfriend is so use to my bonnet that it's like an extension of my hair. Only when I'm trying to be sexy do i go to bed without it, but than, of course, in the middle of the nite when he's asleep, im wrapping it and putting my "hair" back on. One time, I forgot to do that and I woke up to a tangled mess.
LOL at Alierno- no that is not the reason. But it was pretty good sign. No man should come between by goal of having good hair.
LOL at Alierno- no that is not the reason. But it was pretty good sign. No man should come between by goal of having good hair.

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D I T T O !
D I T T O !
D I T T O !
Sigh. Why are we going through these changes to please a man? You are going to bed. You are not walking down Main Street with your head tied up like some chicken head. I bet boyfriend ain't complaining when you hair is slammin and he's at your side grinning.

You have set goals for your healthy hair quest. Don't side step them in order to please someone who is gonna be laying there snoring with his mouth open next to you asleep. Don't get me started! Plus your hair is gonna be on your head much longer then boyfriend may be around.

What else does he not like? (I got my hand on my hip and my foot is tapping) Girl please, put on your scarf and go to bed! Goodnight.

i found some imexpensive satin pillow protectors at the dollar store.i couldn't believe my luck! i just had to buy the store out. plus... they zip up so they stay on the pillow and i don't have to wrap up my hair. *L* i still wrap it out of habit though...
Sigh. Why are we going through these changes to please a man? You are going to bed. You are not walking down Main Street with your head tied up like some chicken head. I bet boyfriend ain't complaining when you hair is slammin and he's at your side grinning.

You have set goals for your healthy hair quest. Don't side step them in order to please someone who is gonna be laying there snoring with his mouth open next to you asleep. Don't get me started! Plus your hair is gonna be on your head much longer then boyfriend may be around.

What else does he not like? (I got my hand on my hip and my foot is tapping) Girl please, put on your scarf and go to bed! Goodnight.


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I thinking tying one's hair up at night is important, especially to prevent unwanted breakage...maybe when he is over you could wait until he goes to sleep to put it on. Honestly to them it is not attractive, but I am sure you can come to a compromise...I told my man that he ither gets use to the scarf or have a girlfriend with broken off hair.
...needless to say after 8 years, he can even tolerate me with a full head of rollers.
... good luck!
Fletgee - you had me on the floor!!!!!!!!!
My man hates my scarf yet he would never be with anyone who doesn't have their own long hair. I told him to get over it and he did. Took a while though.
Sigh. Why are we going through these changes to please a man? You are going to bed. You are not walking down Main Street with your head tied up like some chicken head. I bet boyfriend ain't complaining when you hair is slammin and he's at your side grinning.

You have set goals for your healthy hair quest. Don't side step them in order to please someone who is gonna be laying there snoring with his mouth open next to you asleep. Don't get me started! Plus your hair is gonna be on your head much longer then boyfriend may be around.

What else does he not like? (I got my hand on my hip and my foot is tapping) Girl please, put on your scarf and go to bed! Goodnight.


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Yes...I agree...what Fletgee said!