Box Braids Hair???


New Member
Hey ladies!!

Please help me. I have box braids in now and I did them with the Kanekelon Jumbo Braid hair, you all know that 2.00 hair. I like it but it does not have that loose effect at the ends that I like. I know that the hair that they use at the african braid shops has that straight ends look, but I do not know what kind of hair they use at those shops.

Can anyone identify the type of hair used at those shops and maybe where to get it from online or near/in Detroit? Pretty please:yawn:

Yep dip them in hot water! You can take a bunch of braids and braid them together then dip in hot water and dry with a towel then when completely dry unravel the braids for a wavy look or use rollers to curl the ends or yarn. I will post pics later of my girls hair I just did and one I curled using yarn method and the other one I did the loose wave look!

Eta: when I say hot water I mean waters that you boiled or I take a cup if water put in microwave for 5-10 min and use that
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