Boundless Tress and relaxers???


New Member
I've been using BT for a few months and thanks to you ladies I did noticed alot of new growth:D. My scalp was soooo sore and I didn't understand why. Well, my hairdresser had said that it was because of the new growth. I haven't had a relaxer since last spring, and was wearing sew in's off and on. I just got a relaxer about 3 weeks ago(he just put it in for about 5 min because I also have highlights) and I waited a week before using the BT again. I haven't been consistant but I have been using it a few times a week. Well after 3 wks it doesn't look like I even got a relaxer:eek:. I was visiting my mother and she said that some of it look like new growth but I looked in the mirror and it just look like the relaxer was never there. Do you think that the BT had "stripped" the relaxer? It's 2am so if I'm not making alot of since please accept my apology. I was reading threads to see if this has happened to any one before asking this question. I like BT alot and I even gave my my mom one of my bottles(I ordered three bottles:lachen:.) I wanted to make sure that I had enough:lol:. It seems like I wasted 50.00 to get my hair did because it only lasted two days before my roots and about 2 inches below my roots started to puff up. Again, if I'm not making alot of sense please forgive, I'm soooo sleepy after reading so many posts.:sleeping:
When i was using BT i would stop using it about a week before getting a relaxer and I would clarify during that last wash to remove any sulfer residue. i read somewhere about how people got burned during their relaxer because of the sulfur, and I thought there was something about relaxers not taking, but it's vague in my memory. Maybe someone can find that thread...
I was told that if you dont wait at least a week between using BT and relaxing it wont take and can burn really bad.... SO maybe it just didnt really take well.
It might have something to do with leaving the relaxer in for 5 minutes:ohwell:. I'm not sure that's long enough to texlax, much less straighten your new growth.
Oh.....!thanks vslady....I never thought of that. I guess since he blew dried my hair straight I just assumed that the relaxer took better. My hair is "controlled" for the most part but I wished it was a little more controlled because the humdity is killing me here in Pittsburgh. I did stop using the BT a week before but I can't remember if I was smart enough to wash it prior to getting the relaxer:blush:. Oh well, I'm going to still use it because I really do like it and it helped save my hair when I had the sew in in. Thanks again ladies.
Nothing can strip the perm from your hair. It sounds like he did not let your relaxer process long enough.
If you're only putting the BT on your scalp, it wouldn't really get to two inches down the hair shaft, would it? Also, I agree with the other poster who suggested maybe the 5 minutes was the issue more than the BT.