Body, Bounce, Swing?


New Member
I know this is a very elementary question for most of the hair pros here but I would really like to know...what gives hair body, bounce and swing?
I used to think it was length but I have seen some women with long hair that was stiff as a board. I also thought that the straighter it was the more movement the hair would have but again I've seen women with bone straight hair that just sat there. Do certain hair types just not move?
My hair is below shoulder and my hair has the most swing when my end are nice and even.:grin:
Not using a lot of product is the key. My hair is always bouncy when I rollerset because I don't use wrap foam, in my opinion is makes the hair stiff. I just use a good leave in and lots of water!:yep:
Not using a lot of product is the key. My hair is always bouncy when I rollerset because I don't use wrap foam, in my opinion is makes the hair stiff. I just use a good leave in and lots of water!:yep:

I agree. The rollerset gives my hair the lift it needs for body and using products lightly allows it to move. Even after a couple of days, my hair will start to lose movement and just hang because of whatever oils and dirt that might be weighing it down.
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I think any type of hair can have body and swang. My grandmama use to be a hair stylist and she would have the most 4z hair swanging when she finished with their hair.

Less product and lil to oil is the key to body and swang...:grin:
I agree. The rollerset gives my hair the lift it needs for body and using products lightly allows it to move. Even after a couple of days, my hair will start to loose movement and just hang because of whatever oils and dirt that might be weighing it down.

I agree 100% and having no raggedy ends!
Thanks ladies. :yep:

Ok to recap:

Even, healthy ends
Low product usage
Lots of wa wa

Sounds so simple even a cave man can do it. (Although from the looks of their hair on those commercials I don't think they are Niko's cousins.:nono:)
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This is something Im still working with. :( I think length has a little to do w/ it, but I dunno.

I think after I use up all my products Im going to look into the Kenra Volumizing line. My hair seems to get weighed down VERY easily, but at the same time craves moisture. :rolleyes: Crazy.

One day my hair will swang....... :yep:
Not using a lot of product is the key. My hair is always bouncy when I rollerset because I don't use wrap foam, in my opinion is makes the hair stiff. I just use a good leave in and lots of water!:yep:

right on the money: thats exactly i how get my hair B.B.S.
What leave in are you using?

ITA....use a leave in (lacio lacio!!!) and lots of distilled water. you don't need that much leave in. if your hair is a little dry after your roller-set..only THEN use a little serum or oil. HTH!
I'm gonna repeat what was already said :)

clean hair (my hair has most swing right after wash with very little product)
healthy ends (thicker ends give more swing i think)

even though i love rollersets, i actually have more swing after flat ironing...?
I'm gonna repeat what was already said :)

clean hair (my hair has most swing right after wash with very little product)
healthy ends (thicker ends give more swing i think)

even though i love rollersets, i actually have more swing after flat ironing...?

Dillard, what, if anything, do you use on your hair when flat ironing?
Thanks again ladies. When I take these kinky twist out I hope to have bouncin' and behavin' hair like yall.
ITA....use a leave in (lacio lacio!!!) and lots of distilled water. you don't need that much leave in. if your hair is a little dry after your roller-set..only THEN use a little serum or oil. HTH!

.....thats the best leave in in my eyes: after rollersets: your hair is already has body bounce and swing: the key is to wrap it so its not curly anymore: its straight w/ Body: bounce: and swaaang
Okay maybe I got the broke one... cuz my LacioLacio leaves my hair kinda dry and dull w/ NO swing whatsoever.. Ill try it again next week tho. Maybe Im using too much.
I use optimum leave-in or herbal essences which is surprisingly moisturizing for me, however infusium23 was a no-no:nono: for me left my hair hard and dull.
Yup, and I also believe it's in the products you choose also because my cousin relaxed (and all the steps required afterward,) then she DC with Silicone mix, blow dryied and flat ironed her hair and that childs hair was bouncing and swing with every move she made, if she blinked it bounced :blush: I loved it but cringed at the blow drying and flat ironing. I believe Silicone Mix played the entire roll for all the bounce, shine, body and swing she had.

I either rollerset or airdry and either way my hair has lots of body, I think the product and using just a little is key.
Not using a lot of product is the key. My hair is always bouncy when I rollerset because I don't use wrap foam, in my opinion is makes the hair stiff. I just use a good leave in and lots of water!:yep:
I have to add that hair texture may have a lot to do with movement. My hair is naturally quite stiff and wiry (much like finer grade steel wool) that it only bounces and swings if it is longer and has more weight to it. Even then, it doesn't move much unless I straighten it by roller setting. I don't mind at all because it usually stays in place when I style it and it looks very full.
My hair is below shoulder and my hair has the most swing when my end are nice and even.:grin:

So true:yep: And like most have said, less product in the hair=more body and swing. Oh, I only rollerset too and my hair always has body.
I was just thinking about this....I know when I relaxed and wrapped my hair after washing I always had that BBS! Now that Im attempting natural I havent tried a style to get that back yet....hmm now I wanna try some things!!