Blue Collar Men and White Collar Men...


Well-Known Member
Long story short: me and my ex of 5.5 years (on again off again) recently called it quits, for good. Me and my girl friend were talking on the phone a couple nights ago and we started talking about this new guy I'm "dating" (I dunno what you call it at this point). He's a blazer wearing, blackberry carrying Corporate America type which is something totally new to me.
My ex was a pipe laying :giggle: soder-working plumber with his own outfit, which was great when I needed someone to assemble the wall mount and hang my tv or take down a ceiling fan. But became a problem when I'd talk about having to take clients out to dinner - because it's a world he just didn't understand.

And we started talking about "manly" men - men who can change (not just add) the oil in your car, and can fix the dishwasher, who can come over and assemble the bracket and hang a flat screen tv. Men who are just "inclined" like that. There's something inherently sexy (or "carnally attractive") about a man who's good with his hands, who has that look like he works with his mind and his body.

So I got on the phone and called Mr. Corporate America and started asking him about his "handyman" skills and he was like "nah baby, when I need that done, I'll call someone to fix it". And a part of me was oddly kinda bummed. :look:

Especially with black men I feel like there's this odd divide - that they are either on one side of the spectrum or the other. They may have grown up working with their hands and helping their father's but as soon as they stepped foot into the collegiate/corporate worlds, that side of them was traded in for Blackberry's and business cards.

And am the only one who's found that when it comes to blue collar and white collar men, there seems to be no middle ground?!
Yeah Im attracted to the blue collar man but sometimes when Im trying to talk about something like my 401k its like:nono:
Im not into the white collar guys but its good to have a conversation with someone that you can learn something from other than how to drill a hole in the wall
And we started talking about "manly" men - men who can change (not just add) the oil in your car, and can fix the dishwasher, who can come over and assemble the bracket and hang a flat screen tv. Men who are just "inclined" like that. There's something inherently sexy (or "carnally attractive") about a man who's good with his hands, who has that look like he works with his mind and his body.

I have always found this sexy! Especially since it seems most men in my age group (I'm 31) have no clue how to even change the oil in the car.

One time my cousin came to visit and brought some of his buddies (they were all like late 20's). My mom was having an electrical problem in one part of the house, and my cousin's friend was like "Oh, I'll check it out for you" (his dad is electrician and guess he picked up a few things). Well, lo and behold he was able to fix the problem! I was so turned on, lol! I wasn't particularly attracted to him before (normally don't go for blonde hair blue eyed types), but after that I looked at him a little differently. :lick: :lol:
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Yeah I am beginning to see the same thing about blue vs. white collar men. I don't get it. These men want a woman that can cook and clean which is what I do but white collar men aren't helpful around the house in fact some of them act like they doing you a favor by being in your life.
I am more attracted to men who are manly whether they are blue or white collared. My SO is a well paid autobody mechanic and very handy.

I can see how you are turned off by dainty men. I knew this guy who would call his maintenance man to change a light bulb.
I am more attracted to men who are manly, but I really don't date blue collar guys (nothing against them- thats just not who I get usually). I do feel like its the jackpot when you meet a professional guy who can fix stuff, too- but it's not that big a deal as long as he'll try or pay for the service to get done. My dad isn't a handyman type at all, so I guess that's why I'm used to it. Although my step dad is super handy and I'm always in awe at his skills. A man like that is def good to have around.

** I love watching those home improvement shows where the guys are cutting and measuring boards and building things. That is so sexy to me :giggle:
I am more attracted to men who are manly whether they are blue or white collared. My SO is a well paid autobody mechanic and very handy.

I can see how you are turned off by dainty men. I knew this guy who would call his maintenance man to change a light bulb.

Lmao!!! That is a turn off. He'd probably cry if I pinched him.
Never been attracted to blue-collar men.

And maybe I've just been lucky, but I haven't run into too many white-collar men who can't do stuff for themselves. They may not be experts at fixing things, but they can do it. All I care about is that they are "manly" in other ways, such as being a provider, treating me with respect, opening doors and that jazz... I've never equated being good with ones hands with manliness.

But for me, even if they can't fix anything, if they have the money and can call someone to get it fixed, who am I to complain? Seriously, as long as the **** gets fixed, I don't care who does it!
I guess I'm wondering where's the "mixed bag"? Why are men either blue collar or white collar? What happened to Corporate America type brothers who weren't afraid of changing a tire or fixing the dishwasher?!

Nowadays it almost seems as though those who are on the "white collar" side of things aren't interested in maintaining the blue collar skills.

And like another poster mentioned - some of it is overwhelming. I love a man who can understand my day to day - he understands client meetings and strategic planning and doesn't ask me to explain what Customer Relationship Management means . If you can't put together the night stand and I'm too busy cooking, and being a "lady in the streets and a freak in the bed"...what do you bring to the table besides a pay check?
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** I love watching those home improvement shows where the guys are cutting and measuring boards and building things. That is so sexy to me :giggle:

Swoon that is so sexy. This new guy that I met, was telling me how he took his engine out of his car to find out why the oil was leaking. My mouth was watering. He is also an HR Generalist, so I was in awe.
My ex had that dichotomy going on... that was one of the things I appreciated about him. He came from a working class family however.
I am more attracted to men who are manly, but I really don't date blue collar guys (nothing against them- thats just not who I get usually). I do feel like its the jackpot when you meet a professional guy who can fix stuff, too- but it's not that big a deal as long as he'll try or pay for the service to get done. My dad isn't a handyman type at all, so I guess that's why I'm used to it. Although my step dad is super handy and I'm always in awe at his skills. A man like that is def good to have around.

** I love watching those home improvement shows where the guys are cutting and measuring boards and building things. That is so sexy to me :giggle:

Yeah, like Ed from Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Not an Adonis or anything but the fact that he can actually BUILD things with his BARE HANDS is soooo sexy. The accent is yummy too.
I guess I'm wondering where's the "mixed bag"? Why are men either blue collar or white collar? What happened to Corporate America type brothers who weren't afraid of changing a tire or fixing the dishwasher?!

Nowadays it almost seems as though those who are on the "white collar" side of things aren't interested in maintaining the blue collar skills.

And like another poster mentioned - some of it is overwhelming. I love a man who can understand my day to day - he understands client meetings and strategic planning and doesn't ask me to explain what Customer Relationship Management means . If you can't put together the night stand and I'm too busy cooking, and being a "lady in the streets and a freak in the bed"...what do you bring to the table besides a pay check?

I think what you';re noticing has everything to do with gender dynamics. I just don't think men have to have a reputation as "jacks of all trades," so to speak, like women are often asked to to be a desirable partner.
I am more attracted to men who are manly, but I really don't date blue collar guys (nothing against them- thats just not who I get usually). I do feel like its the jackpot when you meet a professional guy who can fix stuff, too- but it's not that big a deal as long as he'll try or pay for the service to get done. My dad isn't a handyman type at all, so I guess that's why I'm used to it. Although my step dad is super handy and I'm always in awe at his skills. A man like that is def good to have around.

** I love watching those home improvement shows where the guys are cutting and measuring boards and building things. That is so sexy to me :giggle:

Mmmmm. Yeah. The sexy carpenter. :lick:
I personally prefer the white-collar paycheck and the blue-collar personality.

Generally speaking, white-collar men are way too uptight for my liking and they are never around.
I've met men who do both. My DH works white collar but he assembles furniture, fixes the car, kills creatures, carries me over his shoulder like a fireman when I'm too tired to walk. A lot of it may have to do with his military experience. There is something so dang sexy about a man who does work with his hands. Even if they are callused and grimy fingernails.

The downside to handy men, sometimes they just won't let it go and call a professional. Even when you can do things yourself, it isn't worth it sometimes to lose a whole weekend you could've been doing something together, fixing stuff.

If I wasn't already married, I wouldn't mind marrying a mechanic. One with some serious ambition. I knew a guy at the shop I used to go to (def not my type) but this man left the shop, converted his home garage and started fixing cars. He bought tools at auctions and he was raking in $150,000 +++ a year working only a few hours a day. His house was on a lake in Orange County, CA and his fiance was rocking a fierce engagement rock.
I would prefer a white collar man because as some stated he probably wouldn't know what you were talking about if you started talking about 401ks or something.

I could care less about him being able to fix my car, repair things around the house, etc. Maybe I am naive but I feel that MOST (not all) blue collar work has more benefits and job security especially if its a high position.
Never been attracted to blue-collar men.

And maybe I've just been lucky, but I haven't run into too many white-collar men who can't do stuff for themselves. They may not be experts at fixing things, but they can do it. All I care about is that they are "manly" in other ways, such as being a provider, treating me with respect, opening doors and that jazz... I've never equated being good with ones hands with manliness.

But for me, even if they can't fix anything, if they have the money and can call someone to get it fixed, who am I to complain? Seriously, as long as the **** gets fixed, I don't care who does it!

I agree with the bolded. But I have dated more than my fair share of engineers, which may explain why they were able to fix things, and why they were so good with their hands :yep:
I think it depends on type of white collar guy you date... Some in the Science fields I think are more pron to do things more for themselves... ie, engineers, IT techs, etc...

I find that guys in business/healthcare are the prissy ones who cant do anything remotely with hands...
I think it depends on type of white collar guy you date... Some in the Science fields I think are more pron to do things more for themselves... ie, engineers, IT techs, etc...

I find that guys in business/healthcare are the prissy ones who cant do anything remotely with hands...

Very true!
Lmao!!! That is a turn off. He'd probably cry if I pinched him.

Yeah...the sad thing was the guy was very into me and he is a very good guy. But it wasn't the light bulb thing that blew it. He was very "metrosexualish". I felt that we competed for the mirror.
I agree with the bolded. But I have dated more than my fair share of engineers, which may explain why they were able to fix things, and why they were so good with their hands :yep:

I've noticed that too!

I went out on a date with this nerdy looking engineering professor type (I like my menz dorky :brainy:) and come to find out, he was remodeling his whole kitchen! I told him that was cool and he said, "Well, it kinda comes with the territory. As an engineer, you like to tinker with things."

So yeah, I like dating engineers. :D

Oh, and I just went out with a cop. He was kinda cute... :sekret: Hmmm...

(Got two kids though... sigh)