Blind from a Relaxer


New Member
A friend of mine went to the hair stylist about a week ago. She got a relaxer. She has a really short, old Halle style cut so it doesn't require much relaxer, but the stylist managed to get relaxer in HER EYE. Now she hasn't been able to see out of her eye for over a week. The stylist apologized profusely but that still doesn't change the fact that she can't see. It wasn't like run off from the rinse or something either. IT WAS A BIG GLOB OF CREAMY CRACK THAT WENT DIRECTLY IN HER EYE!!!

Has anyone here ever had a bad relaxer experience? chemical reaction? accident? whatever? She has been to her doctor but he is baffled.

ETA: UPDATED 9/18/2006

Hey ladies...thanks for the concern and comments. Just wanted to post an update. My friend is doing better. She still hasn't regained her vision but she is in good spirits. She is very pleased with her selection of sun glasses. She is also speaking with a lawyer to decide what routes she can go from here. When the stylist heard that she was talking to a lawyer she suddenly became very concerned about my friend's well being and recovery. But toooo little, toooo late. Please keep her recovery in prayer.

ETA: Updated 9/27/06
MY FRIEND CAN SEE!!! And her eye is looking much better. I don't know exactly what her doctor changed or did but she can see. PRAISE GOD.
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I haven't had any problems with chemical process, but i just want to say that I feel so bad for your friend! I could only imagine how painful this must be for her. i hope there is something they can do for her
:eek: That is awful, I have never heard of this happening, to anyone, I truly hope that she regains her sight, and also that she does not visit that hair stylist again, just awful,
I would hope the stylist is paying for you friend's doctor visits, and to go to an eye specialist. :mad:
Apologies can't get her eyesight back. With chemicals like that, permanent damage may have been done.

I'd take the woman to court.
When I was in beauty school, this happened to one of the clients, but the difference was the whites of her eyes were bloodshot red and she experienced blindness for a couple minutes, not permanently. I'm so sorry this happended to your friend. I would think the stylist could compensate her in some sort of way. The lye in the relaxer is the same thing farmers use to strip the skin off pigs.......ewwwww
OMG...that is sooo scary :eek: !!! I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. I hope the visit was free and that the stylist is compensating for her doctor visits in some way as well. Blindness is no joke!!! I hope she gets her eyesight back.
aw hell no. She needs to go to an eye doctor pronto and let that stylist know whats going on. Homegirl stylist better start consolidating her assets cuz it might be a Peoples Court kind of deal
Wow...that's very sad. I hope her vision returns soon!! I'm wondering HOW she managed to get it in her eye!! :confused:

OT: Nice PUFF Poohbear!!
I am sorry to read about your friend. She should have gone to the ER after it happened. I think she should at least go to an eye doctor PRONTO! When it comes to the eyes, no one should waste any time if they think something got in there. I hope she is okay and regains her vision soon.

I will pray for her ((( HUGS )))
Oh my God. That is so sad. :eek: I hope your friend will be alright. I got it once in my eye while I was relaxing my own haiir. A strand in the front with relaxer on it got into my eye. It wasn't alot and I immediately rinsed my eye and things were just fine. Hopefully she stopped and rinsed right there on the spot. If not it could have burned her retina.
The same thing happened to a co-worker of mine. She said that it burned like crazy, but she did not go blind. She said that from that point on she never got another relaxer.

I am so sorry this happened to your friend and I hope and pray that she regains her vision.
oh my, I pray she recovers, and I think she needs to not just go to a doctor but needs to be referred to an ophthamologist ASAP!!
:eek: , wow, I hope she went straight to the E.R and not home because every chemical I've seen including poo says flush w/water immediately and if discomfort continues see a physician.
And that stuff is easy to sling off of a comb or tint brush expecially when it's alot on there at a time, she probably was just slapping it on her head since she has a pixie cut not taking any health precautions. Also one wrong move while someone is applying a chemical can cause something like this to happen.
She can definately sue so I suggest she calls her lawyer. I hope she regains her sight.
That's scary.
redeemed516, I hope your friend gets her sight back. The stylist sounds pretty careless getting a GLOB of relaxer in her eye.
Wow, that is awful. I really do hope she gets her vision back. I hope you will keep us updated on her progress.
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That is terrible hopefully she will regain her sight in the meantime she needs to see eye specialist. I would advise an attorney for pain and suffering.
This happened to me the last time I self-relaxed. A strand of hair with relaxer on it fell right into my eye. I rinsed it out immediately. At first I felt a sharp pain in my eye for about 10 minutes, then it burned for another hour or so. But I was wearing contacts and I think that is what saved me.
Immediate medical attention then legal advice. Your eyes are your window to the world - you need them for everything! I lost all my hair in 2004 because the stylist permed color - a definite no-no:mad: That was bad but at least I had my wigs:)

I will keep your friend in my prayers.
:eek:!!! I feel so bad! :( & mad! :mad: I hope she sues the crap outta her. But that still won't do anything if she loses her eyesight!!! I pray to God she doesn't. :nono:
This happened to me in college when I was relaxing my hair. I immediately rinsed it and my friends took me to the ER. The doctor did some tests and concluded I was fine b/c I rinse out all of the relaxer from my eye.
redeemed516 said:
A friend of mine went to the hair stylist about a week ago. She got a relaxer. She has a really short, old Halle style cut so it doesn't require much relaxer, but the stylist managed to get relaxer in HER EYE. Now she hasn't been able to see out of her eye for over a week. The stylist apologized profusely but that still doesn't change the fact that she can't see. It wasn't like run off from the rinse or something either. IT WAS A BIG GLOB OF CREAMY CRACK THAT WENT DIRECTLY IN HER EYE!!!

Has anyone here ever had a bad relaxer experience? chemical reaction? accident? whatever? She has been to her doctor but he is baffled.
Sorry about your friend :( I'll pray for her.

And this is one of the top 3 reasons I am giving up the relaxer. I saw this CSI eppy last week and the guy got lye thrown on him by accident and died. The burn was so bad and I thought "my goodness, I use lye products on my scalp. No wonder I burn sometimes". I had never seen what lye can it but never seen it. Needless to say it solidified my decision.
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Uhm...your friend needs to go to another doctor. Relaxer is a chemical, she had relaxer in her eye. The chemical caused some damage. She goes to her doctor and he is baffled??!! Your friend needs to go to an ophthamologist or the ER and not just leave it at her doctor being baffled. This is one of the reasons why blacks get RAILROADED in the medical community because we accept subpar BS. I know Im on the soap box right now but this is serious and her doctor being baffled and not referring her to an eye specialist is a bunch of crap.