Black women who choose to keep hair short...

Do you know any? I ask this because I work around plenty of yt women who naturally have long hair but choose to wear it short. It's as if long hair is just an option in their community, where as in ours it seems like a privilege. If you have long hair, it's almost taboo to want to wear it shorter. Do you know black women who prefer short hair to their naturally lengthy tresses? With black women learning about better hair practices and growing our hair long, do you think long hair will soon become an option once we know that we can have it as well?
My mom is a black woman who had long healthy hair but now keeps it short...very short. She was always APL but hated having to take care of her hair and one day cut it all off. It looks cute on her but I'd rather her try some new hair styles every once in awhile.
my mum always grows her hair long, about bsl, then gets bored and chops it off. Once she was angry and chopped off her hair to get out her anger lol.
as long as I can remember growing up my mom's hair was to her waist and thick down to the ends one day she cut it to an inch long and its been like that ever since, i've always said i was going to grow my hair back out to apl from sl but just this past wknd in honor of my 1 year nappiversary (I bc'd in july) I cut it from past my shoulders back to neck length
as long as I can remember growing up my mom's hair was to her waist and thick down to the ends one day she cut it to an inch long and its been like that ever since, i've always said i was going to grow my hair back out to apl from sl but just this past wknd in honor of my 1 year nappiversary I cut it back to neck length

See, once I reach my hair goals and wear it for a while, I will probably go back and rock a dyed TWA for fun. I wonder how many of us will cut our hair once we reach our goals and keep that up for a while.
my mum always grows her hair long, about bsl, then gets bored and chops it off. Once she was angry and chopped off her hair to get out her anger lol.

I have a friend who does this. When she's going through major emotional upheavals, she cuts her hair. It usually revolves around a relationship ending badly.
Yes. IMO I absorb CHANGE. I have worn my hair in every style braids, twist, cornrolls, colored, Halle Barry cut, MBL and shorter. Now I am good ole naturale. I do not have a preference in length when it comes to hair, because I actually think my features (bone structure) look great with shorter hair. But healthy hair is a must in my book.

Lately I have been contimplating getting locs.
I'm one of those black women. For the majority of my life my hair was midback length or bsb/bsl. I cut my hair to shoulder length in the 11th grade and kept it that way for 3 years. Then I cut it to above earlength last february grew it back out to shoulder length and cut it again last month (siggy picture and avatar). I like shorter hair especially in the back. I like to see my neck lol :grin: I'm itching to cut again b/c now I'm touching full shoulder length again. my hair has always been a big experiment. I like to try new things.
Do you know any? I ask this because I work around plenty of yt women who naturally have long hair but choose to wear it short. It's as if long hair is just an option in their community, where as in ours it seems like a privilege. If you have long hair, it's almost taboo to want to wear it shorter. Do you know black women who prefer short hair to their naturally lengthy tresses? With black women learning about better hair practices and growing our hair long, do you think long hair will soon become an option once we know that we can have it as well?
My hair used to get "long" and I kept it short for yearsssssss because I liked it better that way. I could just un wrap my hair in the mornings and go!!
My younger sis likes to keep her hair short. She has always had the longest hair in the family MBL, so everyone hates her, cause she can grow a Halle Berry cut into APL hair in 9 mos. That *****.:rolleyes:
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I'm one of those black women. For the majority of my life my hair was midback length or bsb/bsl. I cut my hair to shoulder length in the 11th grade and kept it that way for 3 years. Then I cut it to above earlength last february grew it back out to shoulder length and cut it again last month (siggy picture and avatar). I like shorter hair especially in the back. I like to see my neck lol :grin: I'm itching to cut again b/c now I'm touching full shoulder length again. my hair has always been a big experiment. I like to try new things.
I second this! :grin: There is something that is just sooo sexy about showing off your neck. I had SL and neck length, but nothing ever got me more attention than shorter hair. It also compliments my features much more. I knew kinda how to take care of my hair while natural, I learned from my mother who has WL natural hair. But, I am at a point in my life where I want something different(longer hair). I have had this cut for 6 YEARS!!!! And I have loved every minute of it. I always say if this doesn't work, I have no problems going back short. I may even just grow out everything, and cut the back short off my neck. I would LOVE that!:grin:
I did for most of my life. I'm not understanding the topic: How did this get on the subject of white women's hair? And what is naturally long hair?
Yes Alot of my friends always had long hair but than the cute Rihanna hair cut came in so yeah

I hear that a lot of women are doing this. If they want to cut their hair then they should but not because a celebrity is doing it.:nono:

What's gonna happen in a year when RiRi is rocking a butt length weave and they are all stuck with that little short haircut because they were copying her?:lachen:
i do not know of any personally, but i do know that a lot of black women look fabulous with short
I kept my hair with a fade for a while. Shaving my head was always something I wanted to do, so I did and I loved it. I'm now growing it out, but once I reach my goal, I'll probably do it again. It was so simple.

Almost every women in my family keeps the short Halle Berry cut, and it's been that way for as long as I can remember. I don't know if it's by choice or what, but honestly, I couldn't imagine them with long hair.
I did for most of my life. I'm not understanding the topic: How did this get on the subject of white women's hair? And what is naturally long hair?

I'm referring to women whose hair is "long" (on this board I think APL and longer was established as "long" in our community) without much effort, as's always been that way without thought.

I was sharing the experience I have with the white women I work around who tend to go from long to short without much emphasis on length. I can't go on other groups considering I don't work around them. Just an observation and a question.
My family, on my mothers side has a lot of native american and caucasian ancestors. I have an aunt that has ver,y very straight and fine hair, Its very hard for her to do anything with it so she prefers to keep it in a very short style. Its the only way she can get any type of volume to her hair.
My mother on the other hand, used to keep hers to the base of her back. Her hair is the same texture of my aunts but thick and naturally curly (big loose curls). Now My mother prefers to keep hers just above bsl.

My Mother.
Oh yes, I know plenty. Especially older women. They just don't want to be bothered.

Oh yes! My mom, many of my aunts and ALL of my grand aunts all had long hair ( APL and beyond) and once they hit around 40 they all cut it off. They say they are too old to be bothered lol. I have a feeling when I'm older I may want to do the same. I cant imagine rollersetting my hair every week when I'm older. :grin:
My mom has her hair short...less than an inch. She's always had it short. A couple of years ago she had breast cancer and lost all of due to chemo, but she still keeps it low cut. My aunt had long hair...also found out she had breast cancer and went ahead and cut it all off cuz it was going to come out anyway. After cancer, she still has it short...but it's hard to maintain cuz it likes to curl up as it grows.
My sister. When she was a girl her hair was really long. I bet she could grow it really long but she always keeps it short (ear length).
I'm referring to women whose hair is "long" (on this board I think APL and longer was established as "long" in our community) without much effort, as's always been that way without thought.

I was sharing the experience I have with the white women I work around who tend to go from long to short without much emphasis on length. I can't go on other groups considering I don't work around them. Just an observation and a question.

Oh, ok.

It just, went over my head. No harm.
Do you know any? I ask this because I work around plenty of yt women who naturally have long hair but choose to wear it short. It's as if long hair is just an option in their community, where as in ours it seems like a privilege. If you have long hair, it's almost taboo to want to wear it shorter. Do you know black women who prefer short hair to their naturally lengthy tresses? With black women learning about better hair practices and growing our hair long, do you think long hair will soon become an option once we know that we can have it as well?

A close family friend keeps her hair close cropped. She recently claimed interest in growing it out, yes it's only 3mm long. She cut it again 2 weeks ago. She finds that shaved off is easier to managed.

My mom had long hair when I was little. She keeps it as a twa now. She also claims to be growing it out. I see her going back to the scissors soon.

My cousin had long hair all her life. She cut her hair from bra strap length to a chin length bob, because she "wanted to try out short hair for a change."

My best friend could have what LHCF considers long. She however things it's nasty to have hair cascading down your back. (Yes I showed her LHCF, yes she thought you long haired ladies have gross hair). She routinely cuts her hair to chin length, then lets it grow to her shoulders or armpits before cutting it again.

To answer your question, some people prefer their hair shorter. And for some women I guess long hair isn't a big deal because they've had it or could if they felt so inclined...

When I was relaxed, I was bsl in high school. I cut it to just above shoulder length shortly after and kept it that way for a few years. I just thought it complimented my face better (and my hair looked healthier). Now that I'm completely natural, and I like to wear it curly, my hair looks better with length because my curl seems looser/clump better with length (that and the freakin' shrinkage :wallbash:).
My family, on my mothers side has a lot of native american and caucasian ancestors. I have an aunt that has ver,y very straight and fine hair, Its very hard for her to do anything with it so she prefers to keep it in a very short style. Its the only way she can get any type of volume to her hair.
My mother on the other hand, used to keep hers to the base of her back. Her hair is the same texture of my aunts but thick and naturally curly (big loose curls). Now My mother prefers to keep hers just above bsl.

My Mother.

Her hair is GORGEOUS. Don't tell me all she did with her hair when it was down her back was wash with whenever and do nothing else. I bet that's it.:lachen:

Did anyone think she was crazy when she cut her hair?

I remember I was in a salon/barber shop YEARS ago and this black women with MBL thick hair wanted a pixie cut. Everybody in that joint was trying to talk her out of it, even the men sitting in the barbers' chairs! But she went ahead with it, for her, having hair that long must have become boring.
My younger sis likes to keep her hair short. She has always had the longest hair in the family MBL, so everyone hates her, cause she can grow a Halle Berry cut into APL hair in 9 mos. That *****.:rolleyes:

I liked that style she had.:yep: Looks very nice on her.