Rough Hair:(


Well-Known Member
When my hair is wet it always feels rough even if it covered in DC. I dries nice and soft and I have no breakage issues but when its wet it just feels hard and rough.
I CW once a week right now im using HE LTR.
Wash n DC once a week using Hair One and currently using BWC Moisture plus conditioner.
The day before wash day I predeepoo overnight with oils, honey and a condish on dry hair it always feels good going on but when I start washing it out here comes the roughness!! Any suggestions.tia
Oh and im trying out coffee and tea rinses right now for PP shedding. Thanks ladies
Do you or have you clarified? You might be due for a shampoo session since you have been using a mix of different products with different cones.
I do use cones but my hair has never had a problem with the in the past. I clarified maybe 3 weeks ago right before I started using the hair one.
Now that I think of it my hair felt its best after I used AO GPB but is it safe to use it weekly?
I think your hair probably feels rough because the cuticles are raised from prepooing. You could do a ACV Rinse before your final condition, and that should probably smooth the cuticle layer. A cold AVJ rinse after your final condition might work as well.
MrsJaiDiva said:
I think your hair probably feels rough because the cuticles are raised from prepooing. You could do a ACV Rinse before your final condition, and that should probably smooth the cuticle layer. A cold AVJ rinse after your final condition might work as well.

I think your right so should I stop prepooing? I originally started doing it cause poo made my hair hard now that I no longer use poo is it still necessary?
I think your right so should I stop prepooing? I originally started doing it cause poo made my hair hard now that I no longer use poo is it still necessary?

I dunno... I don't prepoo anymore either since I started using cleansing conditioners...doesn't really seem like I need to. But at the same time I do oil rinse before my final condition, and curl cream application. Maybe try it without prepooing, and see how your hair feels? If its the same, you can always do a quick AVJ, or ACV rinse.
MrsJaiDiva said:
I dunno... I don't prepoo anymore either since I started using cleansing conditioners...doesn't really seem like I need to. But at the same time I do oil rinse before my final condition, and curl cream application. Maybe try it without prepooing, and see how your hair feels? If its the same, you can always do a quick AVJ, or ACV rinse.

Sorry for so many questions but when and how do you do your oil rinse, and please explain "curl cream application"? Thanks
Sorry for so many questions but when and how do you do your oil rinse, and please explain "curl cream application"? Thanks

NP! :spinning: After I co-cleanse, I grab my applicator bottle full of my coconut & castor oil mix, and then I apply it evenly through my hair. I don't put it on my scalp anymore cause it was giving me the itchies. I then condition & detangle, shake, and apply my curl cream. I flip my hair upside down, and scrunch in some AG re:Coil curl cream & Tresseme Naturals moisture condish...shake my hair again, and wrap it with one of my boys receiving blankets (million and one uses for those things). When my hair dries a bit, I take the towel off, and shake it a few times again to get the curls to settle in place.
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