Black Mississippi Man Reinvents The Hooded Dryer After Witnessing Wife’s Struggle


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I think it’s safe to say that sitting under a hooded dryer is not a pleasant experience. Your neck is uncomfortable, you can’t move your head freely and we’ve all done the ‘ear bend’ to keep from getting burned. On top of all that it seems to take forever! After witnessing his wife spend two and a half hours under a hooded dryer Jackson Mississippi resident Martin McCurtis bought one to tinker with, in hopes of coming up with a faster, more comfortable solution. What he came up with — 10 years later — is a patented creation that dries 50% faster than traditional dryers, is more comfortable and has won multiple innovation awards.

McCurtis’ ‘Momentum Hair Dryer’ works by pushing evaporation up and through the top of the hood as the hair dries, as opposed to traditional dryers that push hot air downward.

That’s an inefficient approach, partly because concentrating the hot air on the top center of the head downward overheats the scalp and creates moisture that hampers the drying, he says.

“The scalp feels the heat. The body only does one thing when it is exposed to that – it sweats.”

Even after the hair has dried, the scalp will have a salty residue that can damage hair, according to McCurtis.

His innovation is to send the warm air upward at a 25-degree angle from several side rows of vent holes. The first contact the hot air has is with hair on both sides. “By indirect contact, the top of the scalp gets dry, and the hair dries evenly,” McCurtis says.

An exhaust fan at the top of the top of the dryer’s hood draws the moisture upward and away from the scalp, he adds.

The Momentum Dryer, he notes, mimics evaporation because the hot air is going up at an angle. “Once the hot hair makes contact with hair it turns the hair’s moisture into a vapor,” he explains.

“Vapor wants to rise” and the exhaust fan obliges by drawing the vapors upward and out.


McCurtis, who went to Jackson State for engineering, has won the Innovate Mississippi Ventures Challenge in the hardware category and the Delta Regional Authority’s Delta Challenge. His dryer has received a Utility Patent from the U.S. Patent Office and its claim of drying hair 50% faster has been tested verified.

In addition to seeking investors, McCurtis has an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to bring the product to market on his own. You can see the dryer in action and watch the video here: