What is the biggest hair myth your Mama ever told?

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I was also taught to never go outside with wet hair....more pneumonia threats:-)

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My grandmother was the same way. What made it really funny was that she couldn't pronounce pneumonia. My cousins and i would
when she said, "Y'all better get back in the house before you catch the pee-new-moan-ie!"
Classycrimson, My mom use to tell me the same myths.
I use to walk around with dandruffs because I thought my hair was growing....may she rest in peace
heh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh hehheh heh

you guys are sooo funny!!! my mom used to tell me the same sh%t! i was burning hair like it was drift wood until my boyfriend who was white asked me if i were trying to do some voodoo on him lolololololoololololololol cause everytime he would brush or comb his hair i would take it and burn it lolololol!!!!!! i actually caught him sprinkling salt in the corners of his apartment!

i kind of get the theory behind the dirt thing though... when you wash your hair you diminish natural oils, so it would go to show that when you laid off washing the oils would accumulate thus making your scalp healthier and hair grow more so... at least that's my take on it. lol

keep them coming ladies; although it seems like all of our mothers read the same book. *L*
my mom just noticed me rinsing my hair more often now and she yelled at me, "ALL YOUR HAIR IS GOING TO FALL OUT!" I was like *said sarcastically* "Really mom...my hair is gonna fall out..." lol
classycrimson said:
Also never let more than one person do your hair at a time...it may have something to do with that "dont look in the mirror with two other people " myth...the youngest one is supposed to die first....


My grandmother always said don't let two people in your hair at one time because the youngest one would have bad luck! :lol:
1. Never let two people do your hair at once. It's bad luck and your hair will fall out.

2. If your hair is itching, then it's growing

3. Don't wash your hair too much, it will dry up and fall out.

Thank God for LHCF!
Don't wash your hair too much. It will strip the relaxer out of your hair. :lol: She still says this one every now and then, even amongst constant reminders that a relaxer breaks down the bonds of the hair, making it straight, so you can't strip it out.
I you want to wear your hair out/down all the time you have to get a relaxer. I have proven to her that that's not true.

:lol: My momma used to wash my thin hair every 3 weeks too. I never new why though. I remember begging her to wash my hair. I knew then that I needed it washed more often, because my hair was thin. She was just lazy, because I didn't even have that much hair. She just used to use the comb to get the dandruff out and re-comb my hair. All the time that she spent combing doing that she could have washed my hair.

:lol:I remember my momma saying to me, "I have to wash and rinse your hair twice, and I only hair to wash and rinse my hair once." At a young age I said, "Well if you would wash my hair as often as you washed yours then you could wash and rinse my hair only once too." She still didn't get it!:nono:
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my hair needed heat
dont go outside with a wet head, or better yet, dont have a wet head
my hair frizzed b/c it wasnt used to be worn down or out
dont wash hair on ur period
-My mom also told me not to go outside when your hair is wet or you'll catch a cold.

-Only wash your hair every two weeks.

-Me and my sister's old hairstylist in high school said that the secret to keeping you with long, helathy hair to use heat everyday. :nono:

-Use grease often.
dirt grows hair....grease is good. trim every time you perm.(I still do this one)...Perm every 6-8 weeks or your hair will fall out.
My grams would tell me to burn the hair in my brush. She said someone could use it to do spells on u :eek: My grams was very much into using hebs and oil. She always greased our scalp w/ Sulfur 8 b4 bed. As a child i had long flowing hair. That's why I don't believe the hype about petroleum based products....She highly endorsed sulfur 8, that's why my mom is what i call the The Sulfur 8 Queen. Her hair is brastrap lenght.....
This thread is too funny! :lol:
My mom never told me any of this stuff but I did hear alot of these myths in the neighborhood.

Hair grows in dirt and "growing dandruff" cracks me up!
tekmommie said:
She was right on with that. However she was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off when she said "Burn that hair out that brush, because if you throw it away and a bird gets you will be bald for the rest of your days" QUOTE]

My mom said something like that, but she didn't say bald she said if the bird get it you'll go crazy.
One of the Elders in the family said (2 People doing the same persons hair the youngest one would die). "C R A Z Y" C R A Z Y" I say. HAPPY HAIR GROWING!
That I could not wash my hair everyday. In fact, she and her friends would tell me, "Girl, you ain't white! That's what WHITE people do! Black people cannot wash their hair that much...white people HAVE to do it because THEIR hair is NASTY and HAS to be washed everyday!":rolleyes:
when someone finishes your hair your not supposed to say thank you or your hair will not grow/fall out.....instead you should say more hair :lol:
If you brush your hair 100 times nightly it will grow. Also all shed hair should be burned because if you just throw it in the trash and a bird gets to it, it will choke on it and you will have a headache for the rest of your life :rolleyes: :nono:

EbonyEyes said:
My mom told me not to wash my hair often because dirt grows hair!!


My mom has also said this is well, now tell me how is this even logical?
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MsKendra said:
when someone finishes your hair your not supposed to say thank you or your hair will not grow/fall out.....instead you should say more hair :lol:

I've heard this one. That's like saying when a bank teller hands you your money, and you say thank you, you'll be broke. You should say "more money." HOW STUPID! Most of the stuff in this thread is just PURE SUPERSTITION. :lachen: The people that say "more hair" still have broken off/falling out hair. At least the one that told me that does... :lachen:
tekmommie said:

Also, don't wash ur hair and go straight outside.....dont wash ANYTHING and go straight outside...u'll get pneumonia...I had a grown cousin ...male...40's...recently say he couldnt come outside and let us in cuz he just took a bath...lol...when i was little I used to wonder how there were so many white people still alive:-) I was also taught to never go outside with wet hair....more pneumonia threats:-)

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yeS! mY dad used to tell me this all the time and he still says it to this very day. He warned me I would catch double pneumonia if i go out without a jacket or wet hair.
My mom has said if you go outside with wet hair, you'll catch a cold... not true.

She's also a firm believer in not washing too often and using grease... I am too! :look:
That new growth was a bad thing. As in she had to find a stronger relaxer for my hair because with the other regular relaxers she would use... my new growth would come in too soon or too thick, and that was a bad thing.

Then if I still had a lot of new growth while with the extra super relaxer...the explaination was that my hair had gotten used to that brand and it's time to change to another extra super duper relaxer brand....

All my poor hair was doing was just trying to grow. No wonder I stayed struggling to grow hair because of all those extra super relaxers on my delicate hair.
Don't wash your hair too often or it will fall out.
***Now I got her doing CW :lol:

Don't let other people play in you hair or it will fall out.
***In hindsight she was trying to scare me into not letting the girls at school play in my hair. We use to play "beauty shop" and would go home with our hair jacked up.:look:

Don't go outside w/ wet hair or you'll catch a cold.
***I think this is true.
My mother used to have me wash my hair evert 2 weeks and my grandmother (her mother) said not to wash my hair if I on my menstrual cycle.:confused: I still never understood this one.
My mom said some of the same stuff. "You keep washing your hair like that and it's gonna fall out." Years later I would hear her on the phone with her friends "Susan washes her hair everyday and it still grows like a weed" lol. I guess she was expecting me to go bald.

I've heard the bit about the birds, but not from my mom.

One reason the wigs may help grow hair is that it's basically protective styling. Most women braid their hair up, put on a wig and leave it until the wash it again. No manipulation, no breakage.

I always thought growing dandruff was dandruff you got as a result of your hair growing at a faster pace than normal. I had a girl tell me I had growing dandruff, because I was getting a lot of newgrowth in my crown. It could have been product build up tho.

Good thread, it brought back lots of memories. :)
Combat dry scalp with grease.
Combat dry hair with Luster's Pink Oil Moisturizer.
Tie head up every night with a cotton bandana or a stocking cap.
Prostyle black gel + curling iron makes the best curls.
Rollersets are for grandma hairstyles.
Must be part indian to grow long hair.
A good relaxer = bone straight hair.
Blacks can only have long hair with dreads.

And the list goes on . . .