Black College Wire article - Natural Hair and Nappy Heads

I hate it when girls call each other 'females.' It's so dumb sounding and kinda mean. If these are the journalism students at NC A&T people wanting to study that should go elsewhere.
Her opinion is clearly not popular on this forum, but she has a right to say what she wants. Heck, she may even have a point about natural hair not being for everyone.
Since when is being natural and working with what GOD gave you naturally a trend?

No boo, the relaxer is the trend.

Many people who view the increase of women who go natural a "trend" really slay me. Many of us are simply waking up and choosing not to follow the relaxer trend.

Please. This chile clearly needs to stay in school.
Sounds like one of those "you should only be natural if you have 'good hair'" people.
She'll have to get over it.

Whether its a phase or not depends on the individual, if its a fad, ( I hope its not, but if it is) so be it.
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Her opinion is clearly not popular on this forum, but she has a right to say what she wants. Heck, she may even have a point about natural hair not being for everyone.

Of course she has a right to to say what she wants...but representing a college with a poorly written article such as this is absurd. If she was trying to persuade the audience to believe that natural hair isn't for everyone, she failed miserably. Effective journalism analyzes broader spectrums of opinions rather than making sweeping allegations against one party over another.

In the article, she singles out natural ladies that may not have a particular texture as being "not pretty enough" to be natural. What texture is she implying? What makes it not pretty? That statement right there is ignorant, so off the bat she insults the reader's intellect by believing that one's hair's texture determines whether or not they should wear their hair natural. Proper grooming of ones hair and its hairstyle is the determining factor if it looks "pretty" or not.

Unless she's trying to become a gossip columnist, I will take her opinion as what this article represents - garbage.
I was thinking that she is one of those annoying naturals who "did it first" and are now mad that other women are going natural and rock it better than she does so she's mad that it's a "trend." Now, she isn't the only bald girl on campus and doesn't get the attention of being unique. Po' chile. :rolleyes:

SOOO True! People like that always get on my nerves! Who cares if you did it when it was not "popular!"
Her opinion is clearly not popular on this forum, but she has a right to say what she wants. Heck, she may even have a point about natural hair not being for everyone.

thats like saying being black is not for everyone...or having brown eyes is not for everyone...i mean everyone has a preference, but she made it seem like you should only have natural hair if XYZ, when if that was the case we would be born that way.

and for the record, if her TWA grew out she would probably have a nappy foolish unfly bush too, so she can sit down somewhere.
this article was so poorly written.
however, i do get the vibe from her that she is the only one who can rock a short natural cut. clearly she went natural for the style and not for a deeper reason because her only points were that not everyone can rock a short cut. she needs to go back to the drawing board and not only come up with better points but in the mean time take a remedial writing class.
she seems to be one of those people that writes in the same manner that they speak. if i were her i would be embarrassed that so many people read this article.
Her opinion is clearly not popular on this forum, but she has a right to say what she wants. Heck, she may even have a point about natural hair not being for everyone.
how is being natural not for everyone when your hair grows out of you scalp that way. a style may not be for you. as in braids, twists or up dos. but whatever is natural to you(your eye color, skin color, and hair texture) is FOR you. it was yours the day you were born but all of a sudden because you received a relaxed at 10, now natural isnt for you. its YOURS.

ETA: and im speaking in general when i say you and yours.
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Some people may not know how to care for their natural hair. Just saying they need to stick to relaxers and weave is just plain offensive.

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Some people may not know how to care for their natural hair. Just saying they need to stick to relaxers and weave is just plain offensive.

Sent from my PC36100 using Long Hair Care Forum App

I agree with this - I don't even get offended when people say natural hair isn't for everyone and are referring to not knowing how to care for their hair or they don't want to spend the time doing the research. Many people stick to what they know and to me that's fine!

But when people start talking about, "I can't go natural 'cause I got that nappy stuff..." it's time for me to walk away.
Her opinion is clearly not popular on this forum, but she has a right to say what she wants. Heck, she may even have a point about natural hair not being for everyone.
Maybe natural hair is not for everybody, but that should be up to the individual, not her. I mean, if you try it and it doesn't work out, ok, but It's kind of like, who made you nappier than thou to decide who is "worthy" of going natural. Smh ...

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I agree with this - I don't even get offended when people say natural hair isn't for everyone and are referring to not knowing how to care for their hair or they don't want to spend the time doing the research. Many people stick to what they know and to me that's fine!

But when people start talking about, "I can't go natural 'cause I got that nappy stuff..." it's time for me to walk away.
i think this is where i get mixed up. when people say its not for everyone i always think they mean everyone wont look good with it:perplexed
but if you mean not everyone will take the time to learn their hair then yea, i agree. however if thats how we are taking it then isnt that common sense? because we all know everyone doesnt do their own research, or take time to learn or even have the time to put towards it. in that respect nothing is for everyone.
i think this is where i get mixed up. when people say its not for everyone i always think they mean everyone wont look good with it:perplexed
but if you mean not everyone will take the time to learn their hair then yea, i agree. however if thats how we are taking it then isnt that common sense? because we all know everyone doesnt do their own research, or take time to learn or even have the time to put towards it. in that respect nothing is for everyone.

Oh I wasn't referring to her article, just going OT in general. I agree with you...this article is just caliente basura though.
So I texted my friend who goes to A&T to ask if she knows the girl; she does. Apparently the girls grandma just passed like 4 days ago :(

Back to the hair part though. My friend thoroughly enjoyed the article, as she agrees with her :lol: So I told my friend that the girl was contradicting herself in the article because she has nappy natural hair, too. My friend said "her hair isn't nappy" :giggle: I thought she meant her hair was curly, and I asked her that. But nope. She said "her hair is tamed. She was talking about people taming their hair" meaning her hair is cut into a fade :lol: (Yall, I couldn't do nothin but laugh) So then I just ended the convo by asking her if there were a lot of naturals at A&T because the chick in the article seemed angry lol. Her response: "Too many!" :yay: :lol:
Her opinion is clearly not popular on this forum, but she has a right to say what she wants. Heck, she may even have a point about natural hair not being for everyone.

I believe she said that natural hair doesn't LOOK good on everyone. Which is dumb..for two reasons. It's the hair you are born with..and how would you know if it looks good unless you go natural. But of course she has forbidden people to go natural unless her non-educated behind gives it the OK.
Back to the hair part though. My friend thoroughly enjoyed the article, as she agrees with her :lol: So I told my friend that the girl was contradicting herself in the article because she has nappy natural hair, too. My friend said "her hair isn't nappy" :giggle: I thought she meant her hair was curly, and I asked her that. But nope. She said "her hair is tamed. She was talking about people taming their hair" meaning her hair is cut into a fade :lol: (Yall, I couldn't do nothin but laugh) So then I just ended the convo by asking her if there were a lot of naturals at A&T because the chick in the article seemed angry lol. Her response: "Too many!" :yay: :lol:

Wild Thang!

You make my heart sing! :rocker: C'mon, shake it, shake it, Wild Thang!
I believe she said that natural hair doesn't LOOK good on everyone. Which is dumb..for two reasons. It's the hair you are born with..and how would you know if it looks good unless you go natural. But of course she has forbidden people to go natural unless her non-educated behind gives it the OK.

↑ Truth & :lol:

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And this is her pic??

Was this written just to blow smoke up her own a$$ "I obviously look great with short natural hair, but you all don't/won't look like me"
"I'm one of the select few.."

Girl sit down:smh:

She has a thick face and big forehead. I really don't think the shaved head looks good on her :nono:
I was thinking that she is one of those annoying naturals who "did it first" and are now mad that other women are going natural and rock it better than she does so she's mad that it's a "trend." Now, she isn't the only bald girl on campus and doesn't get the attention of being unique. Po' chile. :rolleyes:

hmm naah i dont think so because if she did it first before the whole "trend" then i dont think she'd still be bald by now lol....:look:
I really don't understand the opinion that some people need perms and weaves because natural is not for everyone. There are plenty of people walking around with gimpy looking perms and weaves. I never hear anyone saying that maybe these people need to go natural cause weaves and perms are not for everyone. I think with any type of hair, you just have to learn how to take care of it. Looks like the author took the easy way out and just shaved hers off.
I really don't understand the opinion that some people need perms and weaves because natural is not for everyone. There are plenty of people walking around with gimpy looking perms and weaves. I never hear anyone saying that maybe these people need to go natural cause weaves and perms are not for everyone. I think with any type of hair, you just have to learn how to take care of it. Looks like the author took the easy way out and just shaved hers off.

Never thought of it that way.
I saw this on Naturallycurly (thanks Ellie Pixie) and just shook my head till it almost popped off LOL This is so ignorant. To think a college student wrote this hot mess of an article.... SMDH I hope it doesn't discourage anyone from going natural

Entire article here:

Natural Hair and Nappy Heads
By Kamilah Blackston -- Black College Wire

I wholeheartedly believe that the natural hair craze is becoming a trend if it is not one already. In the same way that many females follow and copy Rihanna's hairstyles and Nicki Minaj's pink lips, this is the same path that the natural hair trend is following.

Everybody cannot wear short hair. Everybody does not look good with bright pink lips. Only a handful of females can pull off a short hair cut, let alone natural hair.

Unfortunately, if you are one of those few, there are hardly any hair stylists in Greensboro that actually know what they are doing.

A lot of girls stray from who they are by trying to be like other people. If we all did the same thing, nobody would be different and I feel it is safe to say that a lot of girls on this campus are starting to look just alike.

Women need to find out what looks good on them and what does not.

If your head is bigger than your body, short hair might not be the way to go. If your hair is dry, brittle, and extremely nappy, natural hair is just not for you.

A lot of girls need a wakeup call. Some girls might just have to resort to a perm if the texture of their hair is not too pretty. If you know your hair does not grow, you might want to consider getting a sew-in and keeping one.

We all try to be queens and some people feel like going natural is getting back in touch with your roots. However, if you are looking more like a slave than a queen, you might want to take a trip to the beauty supply store and get some perm or weave.

This natural hair trend is getting out of control. I hate that girls walk around thinking that natural bush is fly when it is not. Ladies, please go do something to that head because that bush is making you look foolish.

Regardless of what guys may say about females' hair, or what looks good on somebody else does not necessarily mean it looks good on you. The sooner women realize what looks good on them and what does not, the better off they will be.

Maybe after reading this, some people will take this advice as constructive criticism and get their life together.

As for the males who have something to say about every aspect of a female's appearance, do not think you are so GQ that you can't use some tips. I can go on (about) scruff, unkempt hairlines, and dusty locs all day. Some of you need to get your lives together as well.

Natural hair looks good on some people, but everybody cannot pull it off!

Individuality is what makes people interesting, but lately the only thing interesting about many girls is that mess on their heads.

Kamilah Blackston writes for The A&T Register, the North Carolina A&T University student newspaper, which originally published this article.

Articles in the Voices section reflect the opinions of the individual writers and do not represent the views of Black College Wire. :rolleyes:

She will NEVER get a job in journalism with those writing skills!