Biotin users


New Member
Have you noticed that your nails grow faster and are stronger? I started taking Biotin last Tuesday and I see significant growth and strength. Does this mean that it is working on my hair already or are nails just the first thing that change?
My nails have always been long, but they were the longest while I took the Biotin. I started in about May/June but didn't really notice it until August or so. I'm all out of Biotin and have been for months, but I will probably start again soon. I took 5mg daily
I've been taking biotin for almost 3 weeks and my nails are as long as they've ever been. I've always had nail biting problems and problems with my nails breaking when I tried to grow them out.
With biotin it doesn't take long to see results with your nails. You will probably start seeing results in your hair about 1-2 months later.
Yeah, when I started taking PP Biotin, I noticed changes in my nails within 1-2 weeks. They became stronger, grew faster, and the nail bed turned a pretty pink color.