Biotin Doesn't Grow Hair Faster...

Neen said:
Does that mean all that extra biotin goes down the toilet, literally?
Excess biotin is excreted through your urine, which is one of the signs of not being able to over-dose on biotin. However, I can't say that all biotin taken by someone is excreted in their urine. Meaning I may not be 100% biotin deficient, but I could be lacking in some way and so the amount I am taking may not all be excreted. Hopefully none of it is though.;$sessionid$TWMBV0NBJDFQ2CQUAOWSM4QKCQB1AGXK?relativePath=%2Fcontent%2Fhealthnotes%2FSupp%2FBiotin.htm&title=Biotin
How much is usually taken?

The ideal intake of biotin is unknown. However, the amount of biotin found in most diets, combined with intestinal production, appears to be adequate for preventing deficiency symptoms. Researchers have estimated that 30 mcg per day appears to be an adequate intake for adults. Typically, consumption from a Western diet has been estimated to be 30–70 mcg per day. Larger amounts of biotin (8–16 mg per day) may be supportive for people with diabetes by lowering blood glucose levels and by preventing diabetic neuropathy. Biotin in the amount of 2.5 mg per day strengthened the fingernails of two-thirds of a group of people with brittle nails, according to one clinical trial.

Are there any side effects or interactions?

Excess intake of biotin is excreted in the urine; no toxicity symptoms have been reported.

Biotin works with some other B vitamins, such as folic acid, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and vitamin B12. However, no solid evidence indicates that people supplementing with biotin also need to take these other vitamins. Symptoms of pantothenic acid or zinc deficiency have been reported to be lessened with biotin, though people with these deficiencies should supplement with the nutrients in which they are deficient. Researchers have speculated that biotin and alpha lipoic acid may compete with each other for absorption or uptake into cells; but little is known about the importance of these interactions in humans.
I hear what your saying Kaddy. What concerned me about the study on pregnant women (women who are eating for TWO) was that they were taking 300mcg (well above the 30mcg RDA) and still had excess. With the women who had brittle nails, they started them out at 2.5 mg, but how do they know that 1 mg wouldn't work or 500 mcg or so on? ya know? I just don't want women out there wasting money on supplements they don't need.
I hear ya Neen. I guess we know it is beneficial, just not how much TRULY is. This is probably the best info I found so far:

Biotin (B7)
Also referred to as "Vitamin H", promotes hair growth. Biotin is a common and important ingredient in hair products because it promotes hair health. Biotin is needed for healthy hair and skin and may even prevent hair loss. Biotin-increases the elasticity of the hair's cortex preventing breakage. It also thickenss the actual hair cuticle providing a fuller appearance because of the increased diameter of the hair shaft.
Plus you have to look at those sources. They're trying to sell a product: vitamins/supplements.
Something that i've read while doing research for these vitamins is that they go specifically to the place where you body needs it the most. So while you wont see results in the area you wanted to see it in, if your body thinks you're deficient in the nails or skin, it might utilize more of the vitamin or mineral there.
I started using Biotin, MSM and Silica in the middle of december, and I haven't seen any effects at all in my hair.
But, i am noticing that my skin is ooo so much clearer, and my eczema's getting better too. So maybe with all these supplements i'm taking, i get no hair growth at all, cuz my biotin's helping my skin instead. (oh yea, my nails are growing pretty quickly too)...

I think that you also have to consider (unless you're in a tropical climate) that hair growth slows in the winter. From what I can see, it slows significantly. I take my biotin alont with other vits Silica, Ultra Nourish Hair, MSM, Flaxseed, Evening Primrose, and Daily - I can also tell that some of it gets flushed out in my urine. BUT I saw a significant increase in my hair length at the end of summer early fall. Now, I can't say that I see the same thing. It's got to be the Winter factor

Cold as H*** in MI
I never thought biotin made hair grow faster either. It's just a vitamin that makes your hair strands grow in thicker.
tlmack said:

I think that you also have to consider (unless you're in a tropical climate) that hair growth slows in the winter. From what I can see, it slows significantly. I take my biotin alont with other vits Silica, Ultra Nourish Hair, MSM, Flaxseed, Evening Primrose, and Daily - I can also tell that some of it gets flushed out in my urine. BUT I saw a significant increase in my hair length at the end of summer early fall. Now, I can't say that I see the same thing. It's got to be the Winter factor

Cold as H*** in MI

I agree, I don't have nearly as much growth as I did in the spring and summer.
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Poohbear said:
I never thought biotin made hair grow faster either. It's just a vitamin that makes your hair strands grow in thicker.
And this is the reason that I started taking Biotin.
Are there any studies to support that? Because my hair hasn't come in any thicker than usual but that's me. And I was natural for a few months too.
I just wanted to add quick comment regarding Biotin. I recently went to the dermatologist about my hair b/c I am transitioning and it seems as though when I get my hair blow dried its thinner. It looks like it thinning to me, she pulled on my hair and did say that I didn't have any problems with the roots but my hair shaft was weak but I know that b/c I'm transitioning. However she did suggest Biotion I forgot the brand she suggested but she said about 25mg or 2500mcg would be a good dosage to help with growth. She also said someting about iron and folate being helpful.
i haven't noticed a big difference in my nail growth since i've been taking biotin, i'm seeing little growth with my hair. ( i take 6500 mcg of biotin along with other vitamins.) could this mean that i'm biotin deficient? how much is too much?
Hairlove, you can't take too much. You'll just expel the excess so your good :up:

DST894- Your dermatologist said iron, folate, and biotin was good for growth and thickness? Hmmm :scratchch I may need to rethink this after all :lol: .
Hey Neen,

Yes she gave me documentation on what to do, she suggested a multivitamin containing iron and folate. Also taking biotin 2.5 mg (Appearex) daily. And of course she suggested eating a well balanced diet.
dst894 said:
Hey Neen,

Yes she gave me documentation on what to do, she suggested a multivitamin containing iron and folate. Also taking biotin 2.5 mg (Appearex) daily. And of course she suggested eating a well balanced diet.

My friend gets Biotin shots to help her grow her hair back. She had a chemical accident and all her hair was burned off.......
divine said:
My friend gets Biotin shots to help her grow her hair back. She had a chemical accident and all her hair was burned off.......
What kind of results has she been getting from the shots? I just added Iron to my vitamin regimen today :)
BUMP! this thread was very informative..

i for one believe biotin is the reason my hair grows twice as fast as b4!
Great thread.:up:

I take 10000mcg/10mg 's of Biotin every 2 days, I started this two months ago. My bald spot on the right side of the back of my head...well it wasn't completely bald, but it just refused to grow like the rest of my head - it's completely filled in now. Also in the front of my head, I've noticed another "front" of hair that wasn't there two months ago. As in when I comb it straight up, I see an inch long layer, and then the rest of my hair. Like an extension of my hairline. My hair's also regained a lot of thickness, it's really thick now, thick enough for me to be consoled at the pitiful length.:grin:

So i think Biotin has some positive impact on hair health, which may in turn help retain hair growth.
Candy_C said:
BUMP! this thread was very informative..

i for one believe biotin is the reason my hair grows twice as fast as b4!

Really? I've been taking it for a little over a month now and I haven't noticed that it increased my growth rate. Do you mind if I ask if you're taking any other supplements? :)
chocolatesis said:
Really? I've been taking it for a little over a month now and I haven't noticed that it increased my growth rate. Do you mind if I ask if you're taking any other supplements? :)

i take b-50
a multi
and flaxseed oil

may i add that ladies ur biotin might not be working because of an imbalance of the other b-vitamins. i would NOT take biotin without my b50 complex...!
My two cents on Biotin:

For me personally, it appears as if I was Biotin deficient in 2003, meaning that my overall diet did not containt sufficient Biotin. Which makes sense, since I was 20lbs heavier then and had a horrible diet. At the time, a friend of mine started taking Biotin and advised me to do the same, since her hair was growing very quickly all of a sudden. The same thing happened for me, as many noticed a rapid increase in growth. However, two years ago when I was regularly taking Biotin and changed my overall diet...the growth seemed to have slowed down. :confused:

I really believe that I was Biotin deficient, so that's why I saw progress. Now, I have a very healthy diet, and I don't notice anything drastic when I take Biotin pills.
Candy_C said:
i take b-50
a multi
and flaxseed oil

may i add that ladies ur biotin might not be working because of an imbalance of the other b-vitamins. i would NOT take biotin without my b50 complex...!

Thanks. I actually take GNC HS&N formula. I've been taking that for a little over a month, and I've been taking MSM for two weeks now. I'm thinking of getting some L-Cysteine. I just want to increase my growth over the next 3 months or so.
Well i really do believe biotin aids in hair growth and a firm believer. I went from a little under chin length to grazing shoulders within a month about two years ago..and my hair became XTREMELY thick....biotin was the ONLY hair growth supplement i was taking
I just wanted to add I take a little biotin ...600 mcg and I did notice my nails get stronger, but my hair has definitly benefited as well. I started texlaxign so my hair appears thicker anyway, but my hair had to have grown a little faster, no miracle rate, but still an improvement. I had to texlax at 6.5 weeks when normally I can wait till 8 weeks....thats all my proof though. And who knows, what works for one person might not work for another.
Brownshugaz said:
so the verdict is that biotin makes your hair thicker?

I def think Biotin thickens the hair growing in. I took it for one month and it made my new growth grow in thicker and coarser than usual. It also made my nails that were never ever healthy, strong and not brittle anymore. Any way, since it looks like i'm recovering from my bout of severe shedding, i've decided to start taking it again to build back up my hair and nails. The only down side is that I will most def. have to start relaxing sooner b/c of the change in my newgrowth. Instead of going 16+weeks, I may have to touch up every 8-12 :perplexed .