Bill Maher!


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HBO's Bill Maher Says Christians Have Neurological Disorder, Are Crazy

Bill Maher, host of HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher, says that all Christians are crazy and are unenlightened because of their faith. Maher made the comments on MSNBC's Scarborough Country.

Maher said: "We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion…I think that religion stops people from thinking. I think it justifies crazies. I think that flying planes in a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder. If you look at it logically, it's something that was drilled into your head when you were a small child."

"When you look at belief in such things--as do you go to heaven, is there a devil--we have more in common with (Muslin countries) Turkey and Iran and Syria than we do with European nations and Canada and nations that, yes, I would consider more enlightened that us."

Maher said he wasn't speaking only of evangelicals, but included all religious people. He said he agreed with Jesse Ventura "who had that quote about religion is a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers."

Because of their neurological disorder, he said Christians "do not believe in science and rationality." He went on to say the future does not belong to religion. One recalls the famous quote from the Beatles in the 60's that they "were more popular than Jesus."

According to Maher, the Bible is a book of fairy tales, calling the account of Jonah a fairy tale the same as Jack in the Beanstalk.

Had Maher said such things about homosexuals, he would have been immediately fired. But because he was speaking of Christians, his bigotry was acceptable to HBO, owned by Time Warner Inc.


Send Mr. Maher an email saying you regret he has such a low view of Christians, and will pray that he be "enlightened" as to the true nature of Christianity. Explain to him that Christians appreciate the good science does and most Christians are rational individuals.
Lee Strobel is the best selling author who wrote the Case For Christ, giving SCIENTIFIC evidence of Christs divinity and truth, after he was on a mission to prove Christianity wrong. Strobel was an atheist and didn't have religion "drilled into his head". Much like many others who come to Christ and didn't have any religious leanings.
Bill Maher has jumped from bimbo to bimbo looking for love. The guy didn't even have the cajones to break up with his girlfriend. He did it in a letter. He's the neurological crazy one if you ask me.
AnnDriena_ said:
Lee Strobel is the best selling author who wrote the Case For Christ, giving SCIENTIFIC evidence of Christs divinity and truth, after he was on a mission to prove Christianity wrong. Strobel was an atheist and didn't have religion "drilled into his head". Much like many others who come to Christ and didn't have any religious leanings.
Bill Maher has jumped from bimbo to bimbo looking for love. The guy didn't even have the cajones to break up with his girlfriend. He did it in a letter. He's the neurological crazy one if you ask me.

LOL!!! Did he, really? Coward! :lachen: Whatever! Maher can call me whatever he likes. There isn't a thing anyone can say to make me renounce the word of God. Sorry Bill!
vickiepickles said:

Send Mr. Maher an email saying you regret he has such a low view of Christians, and will pray that he be "enlightened" as to the true nature of Christianity. Explain to him that Christians appreciate the good science does and most Christians are rational individuals.

I don't think so. Maher made some very valid points......put that's another thread...another board.
Girl just post it.

I personally think Religion is a problem. God isn't, having a relationships with him isn't, but religion can be.
CatSuga said:
I don't think so. Maher made some very valid points......put that's another thread...another board.

Absolutely! Please post. This is the Entertainment Board.
Bill is correct in many ways. There are many many problems with religion and if people really sat down to think about it they would realize that they didnt choose to believe in the religion they follow. They will realize that alot of it was drilled in their head when they were younger and its all they know.
I don't think so. Christians just like any other people can be rational or irrational. It has nothing to do with religion and more to do with the person and I resent being insulted based on my religion.
And yes some people have had religion drilled into their heads but many have come from completely atheistic background and found God.
Honeyhips said:
Girl just post it.

I personally think Religion is a problem. God isn't, having a relationships with him isn't, but religion can be.

I totally agree! People do things in the name of religion all the time. :)
Religion is the practice of spirituality.

Christianity is a relationship with Christ and he personally named Christians.

So I don't care if you're a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jim Jones Juice Drinker or whatever. I'm not going to assume certain opinions and actions and assign them to you because of the god you worship. And I don't think he should be doing it. Imagine if I got on television and said homosexuals are child molesters because of their sexual preference?
Christianity IS a religion. Commonly, a religion is viewed as an organized group of people, such as a church, who have common religious, spiritual views and aims. However, the Christian religion is based simply on a relationship with Christ. But there is still more to it than that.

(got that from some website...but i can't remember the site...sowwy)

I agree with Bill Maher on SOME aspects...and that's my opinion.
Religion is the service or worship of God or the supernatural.

The service and worship is the actions which people take to the extreme and out of context such as blowing up buildings or sacrificing people and things.
Why is this on this forum, shouldnt it be on the christianity forum? A big *** debate and lock will be up in this piece soon...yall be nice.
AnnDriena_ said:
Religion is the service or worship of God or the supernatural.

The service and worship is the actions which people take to the extreme and out of context such as blowing up buildings or sacrificing people and things.

exactly..and SOME people tend to take their RELIGION (whether it's christianity or something else) to DIFFERENT extremes..some of which can be seen here, as well as, other places.

edited to add: Webster's Dictionary's definition of CHRISTIANITY:

Main Entry: Chris·tian·i·ty
Pronunciation: "kris-chE-'a-n&-tE, "krish-, -'cha-n&-, "kris-tE-'a-
Function: noun
1 : the religion derived from Jesus Christ , based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies
2 : conformity to the Christian religion
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ShaylaCheri said:
Why is this on this forum, shouldnt it be on the christianity forum? A big *** debate and lock will be up in this piece soon...yall be nice.

i know
vickiepickles said:
Maher said: "We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion…"

I wouldn't agree with most of the other things he said, but I think he got that part right.

<--- me = atheist
I moved this thread here to the Christianity forum. Don't want to cause trouble on the general forum. :)
This is the same man who is so caught up in animal rights that he said if you showed him a baby he might be disgusted and say get that thing away from me but if you showed him a dog he'd get all mushy.:ohwell: Sounds like Bill Maher version of enlightment is not what I want to shine on me.
AnnDriena_ said:
This is the same man who is so caught up in animal rights that he said if you showed him a baby he might be disgusted and say get that thing away from me but if you showed him a dog he'd get all mushy.:ohwell: Sounds like Bill Maher version of enlightment is not what I want to shine on me.

My goodness, did he really say that? :crazy:
So what, not everyone likes babies.
AnnDriena_ said:
This is the same man who is so caught up in animal rights that he said if you showed him a baby he might be disgusted and say get that thing away from me but if you showed him a dog he'd get all mushy.:ohwell: Sounds like Bill Maher version of enlightment is not what I want to shine on me.