
New Member
I just dyed my hair with a Bigen Oriental Black. Now I wish I never would of done this. My hair is sooooo dry, my scalp it itchy and I have lost just about all of my curl definition. All I have now is just a jet black poof on my head.

I did a ORS replenishing pack, EVVO deep conditioning, and put every other conditioning product I had in my closet. It still looks a hot mess.

I was just starting to get the hang of my hair, but I had about 3 inches of new growth from when I dyed my hair in June with a Clairol Texture and Tones honey blonde. (I was getting tired of the two toned hair). So I just decided to do the Bigen, since everyone has had good reviews about it here.

Has this ever happened to anyone?? I don't recall seeing anyone having anything bad to say about BIGEN. What can I do to get my hair back like it was. I hate this black DRY hair, with no curl. Any suggestions would be appreciated

BTW: I am a 4a Natural.

I had this happen with the same product but the "brown"
It took a few days before my hair felt normal:perplexed .
I will never use anything but Egyptian Henna in my hair, the rest requires too much work. I can only suggest leaving in your "conditioner" over night, sleep in shower cap. I wore my hair in twists with conditioner left in. Your hair will be back to normal in a few days;) .

I have been where you were, but had more detrimental results...I had my beautician use bigen (since I brought it into the shop myself) and weeks after I had major breakage...I had to have a major trim the next time I went to the shop...After that, I told myself to leave that Bigen alone (not made for my fine hair)...But you will be alright...
I'm sorry to hear this happened...I've known 3 different people personally whom this happened to and caused bad breakage, but all of them used BIGEN w/ a plastic cap. Is this how you guys used it? I've only used it twice & I thought it was sucessful. I did notice my hairline became thinner but I attributed it to post-partum shedding, now I'm rethinking my theory.
msshic said:
I'm sorry to hear this happened...I've known 3 different people personally whom this happened to and caused bad breakage, but all of them used BIGEN w/ a plastic cap. Is this how you guys used it? I've only used it twice & I thought it was sucessful. I did notice my hairline became thinner but I attributed it to post-partum shedding, now I'm rethinking my theory.
You are so right, when I went to the shop I specifically asked her if she ever used it...she said yes...anyhow she used a cap and put me under the dryer (and I do remember asking her if I really needed to go under the dryer...and she told me not to worry about it...WRONG)...
CinnaMocha said:
You are so right, when I went to the shop I specifically asked her if she ever used it...she said yes...anyhow she used a cap and put me under the dryer (and I do remember asking her if I really needed to go under the dryer...and she told me not to worry about it...WRONG)...

Ooooh, that's bad....I vaguely remeber the instructions saying "DO NOT USE HEAT OR CAP"....I'm going to get my box, be right back.

ETA: I know where I got "DO NOT USE HEAT OR A CAP".....Cathy Howse says that on her FAQ page, but the directions in the BIGEN box says do not use hot or boiling water which = heat.
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msshic said:
I'm sorry to hear this happened...I've known 3 different people personally whom this happened to and caused bad breakage, but all of them used BIGEN w/ a plastic cap. Is this how you guys used it? I've only used it twice & I thought it was sucessful. I did notice my hairline became thinner but I attributed it to post-partum shedding, now I'm rethinking my theory.

Yes I did use a plastic cap ( I have a 10 month old who likes to touch my hair). Could this be this reason?????
I used it for the first time last week on my relaxed hair and I had very good results. It was the first time I had ever used something like this and I was very scared. I didnt use a cap either. However, I did start to feel a tingle in my scalp after 20 minutes so I rinsed it out.

My hair is darker now and very soft and shiney. But I think the sheen comes from the darkness as I have heard that the closer to black your hair is, the more shine it gives.
I used Oriental Black about 3 weeks ago, and the instructions did not state to use a plastic cap or heat. I had my stylist put the dye in and waited for 20 mins with no cap or heat. My hair was a bit stiff afterward, but it's fine now. It's nice and healthy looking. I think it's the cap and heat that caused your disaster. Maybe you should try a deep deep condition. That should help.
Yeah, that's what I am going to do. When I go home this morning (I'm at work) I am going to saturate my hair with BBD stretch and put on a plastic cap and go to sleep. I will probably do this for the next week or so.
hairIAM said:
Yeah, that's what I am going to do. When I go home this morning (I'm at work) I am going to saturate my hair with BBD stretch and put on a plastic cap and go to sleep. I will probably do this for the next week or so.

Hey HairIAM , sorry to hear about your misfortune girl :( i always used the Bigen oriental black or the blue black and even my friend told me her mum had breakage using it, i think she was using a plastic cap and leaving it long, i dont use a plastic cap and i leave it for 20mns then i rinse and deep cond and follow the next day with an amla/evoo treatment to restore moisture in my hair then deep cond again so the hair is never drying nor shedding after the 2 days. Try adding extra moisture girl and doing a hot oil treatment and deep cond with either hair mayo or Lekair cholesterol shea butter:)
I found out through trial & error that I must use a moisturizing shampoo & conditioner after applying Bigen. If I don't, my hair will come out very dry and it's a mess to try and detangle.
I've used Bigen many times without any problems, but I've NEVER used heat or a cap! The dyes that stylists use have developers so they need heat. I'm just about certain that this is what caused your problems.

I always rinse til clear, use CON green label then use an ORS Replenishing Pak. I get yummy feeling hair all the time:)

Relaxed 4a/4b Silk Elements Lye Regular 8/28/06
OMG, I just bought some henna...they say it will strengthen your hair. I'm not sure if the name of the henna "bigen" makes any difference.
I bought pure henna powder that you just mix with hot water. It does not state to use a plastic cap.
I'm taking it back anyway because they did not have brown and I bought black. I do not want jet black hair. My hair is a sandy color medium brown. :ohwell:
Are all hennas created equal?
I have used bigen now for 2 years and I also have to follow it with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner immediately afterwards. I never use a plastic cap or heat. My hair seems very stong and soft afterwards.. I am soo sorry to hear about your breakage!!
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I am one of those people that follow the Bigen instructions and this has not happened to you. I hope you find a solution to your problem. :(
Thanks for all the responses. Right now, my hair is feeling and looking a little better. I have been conditioning 2-3 times a day. I think I am on the road to recovery:)

But I did notice that now I really need to trim my ends. They are really raggedy now.:perplexed
hairIAM said:
Thanks for all the responses. Right now, my hair is feeling and looking a little better. I have been conditioning 2-3 times a day. I think I am on the road to recovery:)

But I did notice that now I really need to trim my ends. They are really raggedy now.:perplexed

Could it be because the darker hair has made your "raggedy" ends look obvious?
I had the same thing happen to me w. color. I lost all my curl def and had to chop the damage away. I'm not doing a self color on my hair ever again.
Coincidentally, I used Bigen this weekend too. My hair was a tangled mess, even though I deep conditioned, but I thought it was because I clarified first and that left my hair too darn dry. I have been putting oil in my hair and putting a plastic bag over my ponytail and it is soft again. I do love the jet black color though... Don't know if I will use again...I'll have to see. Will do a pre poo on Friday and see if that helps.