Relaxing: How long should you wait after dying with Bigen?


New Member
I dyed my hair oriental black Wednesday with Bigen. I LOVE the color. It feels moisturized, and looks healthier. My questions is I'm about 6 weeks post, I'm going to stick it out prolly 2 weeks but I was wondering how long should I wait after dying to relax my hair?
General rule of thumb is two weeks. But with Bigen, you do not have to wait.

ETA: I think there is a similar thread, where some people talk about relaxing and coloring on the same day with Bigen. HTH.
I use Bigen. I usually relax and color the same day. Its pretty safe. I havent had any problems. So that being said, you really dont have to wait :)
If you don't wait long, please monitor your hair for dryness or breakage, as Bigen is fairly safe, but does have a volume of peroxide in it. Just be careful and protect the already relaxed hair very well :up: