Big shout out to Sistaslick!!!


Active Member
Hey Sistaslick

I just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to access your photos and regimes (I could't reply to your email as I got a message saying your mailbox is know it's because of us ladies hunting your photos down:lol: ).

Your hair is beautiful - I'm gonna try a couple of those protective regimes.

I hope you don't mind me shouting you out - I'm sure plenty of the ladies will agree with me about your hair being gorgeous and you being so kind and helpful.

:notworthy :kiss:
Not only is SS's hair beautiful, but she is also a tremendous wealth of information, that she is so incredibly generous about sharing with everyone. :yep:

Thanks for that SS, you are indeed a much valued member of this forum!!!!!:kiss:
Sistaslick is not only beautiful, with a gorgeous head of hair, but she's also beautiful on the inside, and a very modest person. She's also a very smart young lady, and when she gives information, I am just amazed at her knowledge of hair information, it's like reading a book from a beautician/scientist, which is why I now refer to her as Dr. Sistaslick! :D
awww man y'all need to quit :lachen: I just have time on my hands thats all. :lol:

sorry about that pm box-- that was sheer laziness on my part. :lol: off to do some spring cleaning . . .:lol:
I agree! Her information about achieving your protein/moisture balance was so well written and one of the most informative hair posts I've ever read. It changed the way I think about protein and moisture!
KiniKakes said:
Not only is SS's hair beautiful, but she is also a tremendous wealth of information, that she is so incredibly generous about sharing with everyone. :yep:

Thanks for that SS, you are indeed a much valued member of this forum!!!!!:kiss:

Ditto, to every word.

SS is like an LHCF angel. I actually feel extremely lucky to have her on this forum.
Let me chime in too... Sistaslick what would we do without your wealth of knowledge and positivity?? And your Fotki album is great, it is saved as one of my favorites.:grin:
What would we do without Sista???? She was kind enough to e-mail me back the other day regarding moisturizing my hair and sealing it the correct way. I have tried it her way and can see that my breakage has stopped. Not only is she knowledgable but generous enough to share her tips. I only hope that some day I can help others as much as she is helping us. Keep sharing your knowledge and you'll receive nothing but Blessings Sista!!!
Tanji said:
What would we do without Sista???? She was kind enough to e-mail me back the other day regarding moisturizing my hair and sealing it the correct way. I have tried it her way and can see that my breakage has stopped. Not only is she knowledgable but generous enough to share her tips. I only hope that some day I can help others as much as she is helping us. Keep sharing your knowledge and you'll receive nothing but Blessings Sista!!!
ITA Sistaslick is very sweet and generous. God Bless and hhg!:)
Sista is a true friend in my head. Her knowledge on breakage and moisturizing got me to stop blow-outs and step up my protein game. My hair is no longer all over my floor:D I love her twist-out too:D
Yeah she was kind enough to let me peep her album too and this answered a lot of the questions I had. Beautiful hair and such a nice person!
Beautiful hair!!!Beautiful woman!!!! And she knows so much about hair!!!!! Shout out to you Sistaslick!!!! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us!!!!
Sistaslick truly deserves this shout out!!! Her knowledge has helped out my hair SO MUCH. Her hair is amazing and she is such an inspiration. :)
co-sign to the fullest!

KiniKakes said:
Not only is SS's hair beautiful, but she is also a tremendous wealth of information, that she is so incredibly generous about sharing with everyone. :yep:

Thanks for that SS, you are indeed a much valued member of this forum!!!!!:kiss:
One more thing I wanted to add, is that Sistaslick has taken the time out to answer my questions regarding my haircare through PM's, and trust me, I had quite a few. I was sure I was being a pain in the rear, but she was still very nice and patient in answering my questions. For a novice like myself, that was very much appreciated.

Thanks again for your advice, sweetie! :kiss:
All of the above and some!:yay: Sistaslick is one of the reason I join this fourm, after seeing her hair I was hook :user:on LHCF!