Big Happie Hair "Bumpits"


Well-Known Member
I'm sure yall seen the comercials,I just got mines today yall, UPS, , If you looking for the up do hair styles, poofs,bumps,etc this product is for you. The healthy way to get the up dos without doing all the teasing to your hair. From the reviews and youtube videos I seen on the Bumpits ,they can be used on different hair types. They are easy to use, and stays in place no matter how much you shake your hair or jump,lol. Anyway I posted three picturess below of a style I did today, Pony tail, and I used two Bumpits the small one in front for the small poof, and the medium size Bumpit behind it for higher poof bun. Sorry the pictures blurry, camera my camera phone sucks,lol getting a new digital camera soon.

The Bumpits


My style using two bumpits small and medium


Interesting - never heard of them before - they look like rats from the outside. Are they made of plastic, or something?
What? You've heard of hair rats, right?

Innteresting. From reading the webpage, it sounds like it has teeth? How long? How wide? :look: Can you take a picture of them out of your hair? :lol: I know, I'm demanding. :lachen:

Yup imma take a couple snaps for you, they have the small ones,medium size ones, and the Hollywood big one ,for real big styles. Oh yeah the hair rats,lol :lachen: I haven't seen them in so long girl,lol. They have these little teeth spikes, that sits them in place on top of your hair, so,they don't go nowhere, you just got to gently take them off. Imma post close ups on them for yall.
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Let us know if they snag or cause any breakage too:look:

Ok im getting ready to post close up on them for yall, I just took them out my hair, just gently pull them up, and they come out with no snag :yep:, so yall good,don't be rough pulling them out :lachen:, but its easy to pull them off. :drunk:
Ahhhhhh, okay, that doesn't look bad at all. Not even going to ask if they are seamless, but for an occasional dressy style, that would be pretty slick - thank you DDP!
Ahhhhhh, okay, that doesn't look bad at all. Not even going to ask if they are seamless, but for an occasional dressy style, that would be pretty slick - thank you DDP!

You welcome sweetie, yup I had to post the close up for yall to show yall they want bite,lol :lachen:. I got scared at first when I seen the teeth on them, but they easy to take off.:lick:
I've never heard of them, but I want some now! :lol: That's cute!!!
I've never heard of them, but I want some now! :lol: That's cute!!!

yeah girl when I seen the comercial, I said I need them, because I wear those styles sometimes, and you got to tease your hair for some of them, so those you just place them on your hair and go,lol.
Hmmm. I wonder if you could use a foam roller covered in satin and achieve the same effect? Or maybe use one of those thingies you form buns around? Maybe?
Hmmm. I wonder if you could use a foam roller covered in satin and achieve the same effect? Or maybe use one of those thingies you form buns around? Maybe?

I think the benefit of these, though, is that they cannot slip/slide like the bun thingys can....

It was the whole set I think

That's not tooo bad. :look: I need someone with natural hair to try it out though - where's Mwedzi? Or LadyLibra? They are experimental types. :lachen:
Interesting, I had never seen or heard of these before. But man, when I clicked that link, I was not ready for that scream. I wasn't paying attention and it scared me nearly to death. Cute styles.
Girl I thought your title meant something else. Maybe cuz I have a serious case of the tears in a bucket "bump its" right now :lachen: This looks cool though.
These are cute! Thanks op
I love big hair
I want these but I don't have nearly enough hair for it to look decent, and I want another natural to try it first :look:
I saw the commercial for these when Sarah Palin started getting very popular. I started associating them with her and it turned me off. LOL!
I saw the commercial for these when Sarah Palin started getting very popular. I started associating them with her and it turned me off. LOL!
I didn't even realize/think about that!

it just turned me off a little too :lol: