HauteHairGurl's BIG CHOP!!

Hey Girl,
I was waiting on you. I replied to the wrong Loo oops!! I posted a comment to your blog on your last entry. Let me know what you think.

Thanks ladies for the compliments and well wishes!

Hey HauteHairGurl, thanks mucho for checking out the blog. I have a reply to your comment on there! Hope it helps.
Girl I am over here just a grinning. Congratulations on your BC! I am soooooooo happy your edges are coming back. Your hair looks Beau-Thickiful( I made that word up just for you). (((((Hugs)))))
HHG ! WOW ! I didn't know you were planning a Big Chop! It looks Great. WOW! It's the Perfect Season to do it in. You look fantastic.:yep:

Thanks for Sharing.:grin: It's Lovely.