Big Hair Problems, I have a major hair setback


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have officially had my 2nd biggest hair setback. This is the worst though. My hair was medium length, a little bit past my shoulders. I put in a sew in in may and took it out on saturday. While I had the sew in, i would moisturized my hair everyday. When I took my hair out, my relaxed hair was moisturized and of course my newgrowth was dry, but that is b/c newgrowth sucks up all the oil. I was satisfied with my hair b/c i retained my length. Of course I had shedding, but I was not worried about it.

My problems started when i tried to wash it. I should have let my mom's friend tell me what to do with my hair b/c she knows alot about taking care of sew ins, but i was too eager to get this weave out my hair. My hair had all kinds of knots in it. I never experienced this with my hair so i did not know what to do. I tried to remain calm but as time pass, i got nervous. When i got nervous i pretty much ripped alot of my hair. At this point I did not care, I knew It was going to have to be chopped off so my mother got the blow dryer. I never ever use the blow dryer, it has been 5 months since i have used direct heat. That is how desperate i was. She got the knots out, but my hair was still a hot mess. I still had some hair to work with, probably could have had chin or ear length, but at this point i said forget it, I wanted to go natural anyway. So I started cutting, right after my mom told me not to. I was frustrated. Then a minute after i cut it my mom's friend came to the door b/c she heard about my problem but it was too late.

My mom and her friend saw my hair and went crazy i can barely put it in a ponytail now, they said why did u do that. I told them ill just go natural, and of course they said your natural hair thick why did u go so long without a perm in the first place. I told them my relaxed hair was thinner and they said yeah b/c you go so long without getting a perm, your newgrowth is thick,(that is true) and from not taking care of it in high school.

So i ended up doing stuff to my hair that i would not do. Got a kiddie perm b/c i did not even want a perm at the state my hair was in. My hair ofcourse did not take. I ended up putting a weave ponytail in that does not look that bad...but I feel kind of bad. I now that through time my hair will grow back to a decent length but now i regret even washing my hair. It was not the sew in that screwed up my hair, it was me not being careful afterwards.

My hair is really short in the back...i really can't do anything with it, its cut so uneven, if i wasn't freaking out, i would not have done that. I would have just gone to the hair salon and let them perm and cut it in a short style.

I guess im upset b/c my hair was in decent shape, i was taking care of my hair. But this is just a big lesson that I have learned.

But I need advice b/c my hair is very short and i have to go back to school in like 3 weeks, my hair is very short epecially in the back, i cut it so short in the back, i had nothing but new growth, i mean, this is serious. But having the sew in was not bad, b/c i had alot of growth, but if i would have been more careful after taking the weave out, then i would not have had this problem. I would have just walked around with dirty hair for 5 days. 5 months of new growth down the drain. Right now i have a pony tail but i need a protective style for a while and i refuse to go back to school looking like a chicken head, what should i do?
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tinkat said:
But having the sew in was not bad, b/c i had alot of growth, but if i would have been more careful after taking the weave out, then i would not have had this problem. I would have just walked around with dirty hair for 5 days. 5 months of new growth down the drain. Right now i have a pony tail but i need a protective style for a while and i refuse to go back to school looking like a chicken head, what should i do?
I'm really sorry this happened to you :(
Coincidentally, i took out my sew-in today after 6 weeks. It took me about an hour to section and comb out 6 weeks of shedded hair before washing. So yes, it takes a lot of patience. I've had a similar experience in the past when i wasnt as patient. its only thanks to my mother that i didnt cut all my hair off that day. Try not to worry too much, though i know its sometimes easier said than done. Maybe you could try and phony pony? Or even a wig. I've used a synthetic Aftress wig before and the quality is great. And it didnt look wig-ish either (see fotki).
Good luck! :rosebud:
Sorry this happened to you...I know how frustrating it can be to take out a sew in but it really takes patience. When I get frustrated I just stop and take a break before I do something drastic.
Thanx for the advice, I got a phony in my hair right now. Next time i get in a situation like this, imma take a break and wait for somebody who i trust to mess with my hair
Precious, I am so sorry that this happened to you :cry3: My heart is really going out to you because I know your frustration first hand! I hope we can get a handle on this. In the meantime, handle it with TLC and you will bounce back from this.