Big Chop now I'll let it grow long natural


Well-Known Member

After cutting my hair in different styles and still not being satisfied I decided what I really wanted was to go natural again. I was afraid to chop it all off ... I tried to transition that didn't work. So I finally felt comfortable enough to just cut it all off soooo that's what I did. I feel really happy and liberated. I will enjoy this short length for a while.
You look really puuurty :grin:. Can I have some of your courage? I been contemplating doing the same thing. I'm just not strong enough :nono:.
My sis did a big chop just like yours a few years ago and it looked great! It also grew so quickly! Now she's got a nice natural fro :)
Best of luck!! It looks great!
That's some serious courage you got there, Tetbelle. I wish I had the guts to do that. Your texture really is lovely.
You look really puuurty :grin:. Can I have some of your courage? I been contemplating doing the same thing. I'm just not strong enough :nono:.

I know it's a hard decision because people will criticize and your not sure what you will look like etc... the one thing is once you do's done no looking back. My husband actually cut it for me and was gung ho about it so that helped. I've done this about 3 times before but I was in my 20's and much braver then...oh I guess I got my courage back.:yawn:
Thank you all for the compliments. Now I will just need help during all my stages of growth but I know you will all be there for me :yep:
Your hair looks great.

I 've done it 4 times before. And to be honest had been thinking alot about doing it again lately. I'm already natural..but I wonder what type of results I'd get this time around knowing what I've learned here on LHCF.

One thing I do miss about that length is the low maintenance. You literally do wash..and go. Its the best.:grin:
Wow.. nice texture. It takes a lot of courage to do it. It looks wonderful. Enjoy your natural journey.
Wow! You look great and your hair is very pretty! I just decided yesterday to transition. If my husband was on board like yours I'd totally rock a low cut. Congrats.
You look very pretty with short hair; you have the perfect bone structure to wear your hair short! And welcome to the natural side!
Sak Pase Girlie,
Girl I can't believe you cut off all that beautiful hair. But I am also very excited about seeing your future progress. Happy Growing!!!!!!!!!!!

You and your hair are beautiful!! I love the texture. The style looks great on you!
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Your hair looks beautiful short and I love the texture. That's so great your husband is being supportive, it really helps with the hair journey.