Big Bodacious Hair Pics






There was someone here who use to post pictures of this era with black women showing their long natural hair. I am researching.

I know exactly who/what you're talking about. She was interested in old fashioned priducts/techniques like pine tar and bear grease. I'll give it a look.
The story in the link makes me tear up ! Beautiful ! I think we need a 2010 challange for all the naturals, and at the end of it (like to ring in the New Year for 2011) we all rock BIG BIG FRO's and take pics and do EXACTLY THIS TYPE OF THREAD!! (with regimens attached of course! :grin:)

I definitely agree that this would be an excellent challenge!
The only downside to vintage pics is almost none of the women will have their hair down. (LOL CJ was selling her Dixie Peach!) However, most of the women back then that you see w/ his upsweeping pompadours had MAJOR hair. They could compete w/ our long hairs and beat many of them on length and volume.
I thought I had heard everything on Youtube for her.

LAWD LAWD LAWD, get that girl something in the middle.....


She moves you beyond yourself....Let me shut up!!!!

Okay what was I doing...oh yeah looking for humming nothing in the middle.

I know! Her voice is amazing. You can feel what she's feeling. So underrated.