Big Bodacious Hair Pics

The story in the link makes me tear up ! Beautiful ! I think we need a 2010 challange for all the naturals, and at the end of it (like to ring in the New Year for 2011) we all rock BIG BIG FRO's and take pics and do EXACTLY THIS TYPE OF THREAD!! (with regimens attached of course! :grin:)

I'm in. :yep:

I might even sprinkle in a little glitter to make it extra festive. :grin:
Why did I come in here thinking I could look at a couple of pages and go to bed? I'm usually too impatient to go through a lot of pages but I propped my eyes open and went through every, single page, making sure I didn't miss one of these fabulous pics!

Now I'm going to sleep... and dream about hair.