Best Speedy Hair Growers...

What gave product gave you the fastest growth?

  • Mane-Tail Groom (MTG)

    Votes: 253 29.3%
  • Sulfur 8

    Votes: 59 6.8%
  • Glover's Mane/Glover's Ointment

    Votes: 11 1.3%
  • Wild Growth Hair Oil

    Votes: 113 13.1%
  • Combination of the Above/Other Products

    Votes: 139 16.1%
  • Other: Homeade Concoctions

    Votes: 288 33.4%

  • Total voters
I purchased some hair grease from a woman who received the receipe from the Holy Spirit (very interesting story)

I got something similar a few years back. One of my mother's friends had a hair concoction come to her in a dream and she started using it on her thinning hair and within weeks it was fuller. Right around that time I got into an incident in which this girl pulled my hair and gave me a bald spot on the back of my head. :angry2: I used this product religiously for a few months and my hair grew back really fast. Now that my hair is thinning, I am trying to get me some of this dream oil but the lady has gone out of town for a few months and we can't get in touch with her :sad:.
Maybe it's just me, but nothing makes my hair grow faster. I mean, it grows at an acceptable rate, but nothing speeds up my growth. Now, I just focus on keeping my hair healthy and retaining the growth:perplexed
Maybe it's just me, but nothing makes my hair grow faster. I mean, it grows at an acceptable rate, but nothing speeds up my growth. Now, I just focus on keeping my hair healthy and retaining the growth:perplexed

Amen sista'! I've been focusing on health of hair and looks like it's grown...a lot!
My hair has really being growing these days, everyone comments on it. They keep running their hands thru my hair(the testing for tracks trick). My girlfriend's hair has always been longer than mine and now I have passed her.
The only things that I have been consistant with is protecting my ends and moisturizing (and this is whatever I grab - ORS Olive oil or WGO mixed with MTG).

I only take my flaxseed oil pills when I remember and it's been 2 wks since I can't find my satin scarf - I only sleep on satin pillowcase though...

Maybe it's the weather/climate here in JA,
mega tek! its the only one that works for me! sulfur stinks and does nothing, mn, nothing, wgo makes my hair soft, but causes build up and no growth!

mega tek!:yahoo:
Mtg all the way - my sister in hair growth Queeny20 gave me a sample of mtg when we had our AZ meet up and I have been using it ever since. I even found a place close by to buy it.
I use Bees mine hair serum. Ive been using it for about a month and everything is coming along great.:grin: i will be posting up some pictures soon
I have been thinking of using MTG, but have been a little worried about it. I also thought of using the mane and tail products.
I'm using MN now. So, I figure if I can put that on my head, I don't see what harm a horse product could do.

I was looking around for some more information and I came across this thread on a forum called The Chronicle of the Horse. This person had cancer that caused her hair to fall out and she was asking people if they had used MTG. They also refered her to this forum for more information about it.
heres the thread:
This was the post:

Feb. 15, 2008, 11:19 AM

Training Level
Join Date: Nov. 30, 2002
Location: Rock Hill, SC
Posts: 59

Hey Guys
Well I went to the hospital today for my counts check...I was also due to go in for a short treatment, but my platelets were not quite high enough. But while I was there I talked to my doctor about the supplements that have been suggested to me as well as the MTG. I showed him the ingredients of the MTG and he said that was totally fine. He also said that its the sulfur and zinc that are active ingredients. They are what is touted to be the catalyst for the hair growth - supposedly caused by added blood flow to the follicles. Also he said that its good to take folic acid. But he said its better to find a good multivitamin that has folic acid in it as well. But that it doesnt really do much good to take extra of any vitamin or supplement because your body can only absorb so much at a time. But he did say that vitamins A and E are key for hair, skin and nails.

Well, I just wanted to let those posters who had been concerned about the safety of using MTG and wanted me to check with my doc.

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Can't remember if I ever posted in this thread or just voted. But my vote definitely goes to Mega-tek by Eqyss. :yep: Never had that much growth in 2 months in my life.
Can't remember if I ever posted in this thread or just voted. But my vote definitely goes to Mega-tek by Eqyss. :yep: Never had that much growth in 2 months in my life.

London Diva.... sorry hon but I need to invade this thread and ask you for more updates?!?! any news Diva?!?! lol
I am a true believer that MN mixed with Organic Root Simulator Products such as: Olive Oil in a jar, Hair Fertilizer, or Carrot oil, triples hair growth.

It works wonders for my hair growth. Along with applying this stuff, I am sure to massage it into my scalp like you would massage lotion into your skin.:yep:
I am a true believer that MN mixed with Organic Root Simulator Products such as: Olive Oil in a jar, Hair Fertilizer, or Carrot oil, triples hair growth.

It works wonders for my hair growth. Along with applying this stuff, I am sure to massage it into my scalp like you would massage lotion into your skin.:yep:

Ok im gonna be the doughnut her erh what is MN? :perplexed
London Diva.... sorry hon but I need to invade this thread and ask you for more updates?!?! any news Diva?!?! lol

24 days using it and can clearly see an average of about 1 inch in most parts, still thick but my 4b type is more relaxed now and less coarse. It's still working and not failing me yet. :yep:
Has anyone tried this? Anything that's all natural gets my vote. I'm off the market at lunch to pick up some okra. We shall see. :rolleyes:
How to use 'okra' to let your hair grow in length and have more volume , this really works

By bessy
Rate: (4 Ratings)
A lot of us would want our hair to be longer or have more volume. Nowadays it is easy to have longer or fuller hair, you can easily add weave or use a wig. To have your own hair reach the desired length feels fantastic and natural. This is the way we do in the Caribbean: we use okra. You’ll be surprised. Okra functions as a substantial that makes your hair roots strong and will let it grow.It also gives a special glance to your hair.


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Difficulty: Moderate

Things You’ll Need:

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">Your own hair,never use okra on weave,even if the weave is human hair <LI itxtvisited="1">3 young medium size okra’s for each treatment (must be young and not hard)
  • Time:4 – 5 hours to let your hair wind dry (don’t use a electronic hair dryer)

hair Wash your hair, don't use conditioner, the okra will work as a special natural conditioner .Towel dry it
Take 3 okra’ s (very young ones) ,place them in the refrigerator for 2 hours ,take them out , of the refrigerator ,put them in a bowl of water for 15 minutes, take them out of the water, remove the stalk and rub the okra' s to a lotion in your hands with a little bit of salt until completely smashed and slimy .
comthrough Spread the smashed and slimy okra in your entire hair and comb through.
Let the okra dry in your hair, and then comb through with a big comb, taking out all rest pieces of okra-skin out of your hair.
okra When your hair has dried completely ,comb through and style as usual after you’ve washed it: with hair styling lotion, grease or gel.
Do not wash for 3 weeks and you will be surprised that your hair will grow 1-2 cm in length and will have more volume. The okra is a natural way of strengthening your hair roots and helps it to have more length and volume. It will give a special glance at your hair. Repeat as desired
Infojunkie, you are my kinda gurl,

Let me know how this goes...i'm on a path to okra thickness, but i wash weekly, so i don't know if i can make it for 3 weeks, per instructions....let me know what you think about me, okay?



Has anyone tried this? Anything that's all natural gets my vote. I'm off the market at lunch to pick up some okra. We shall see. :rolleyes:
How to use 'okra' to let your hair grow in length and have more volume , this really works

By bessy
Rate: (4 Ratings)
A lot of us would want our hair to be longer or have more volume. Nowadays it is easy to have longer or fuller hair, you can easily add weave or use a wig. To have your own hair reach the desired length feels fantastic and natural. This is the way we do in the Caribbean: we use okra. You’ll be surprised. Okra functions as a substantial that makes your hair roots strong and will let it grow.It also gives a special glance to your hair.


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Difficulty: Moderate

Things You’ll Need:

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">Your own hair,never use okra on weave,even if the weave is human hair <LI itxtvisited="1">3 young medium size okra’s for each treatment (must be young and not hard)
  • Time:4 – 5 hours to let your hair wind dry (don’t use a electronic hair dryer)
hair Wash your hair, don't use conditioner, the okra will work as a special natural conditioner .Towel dry it
Take 3 okra’ s (very young ones) ,place them in the refrigerator for 2 hours ,take them out , of the refrigerator ,put them in a bowl of water for 15 minutes, take them out of the water, remove the stalk and rub the okra' s to a lotion in your hands with a little bit of salt until completely smashed and slimy .
comthrough Spread the smashed and slimy okra in your entire hair and comb through.
Let the okra dry in your hair, and then comb through with a big comb, taking out all rest pieces of okra-skin out of your hair.
okra When your hair has dried completely ,comb through and style as usual after you’ve washed it: with hair styling lotion, grease or gel.
Do not wash for 3 weeks and you will be surprised that your hair will grow 1-2 cm in length and will have more volume. The okra is a natural way of strengthening your hair roots and helps it to have more length and volume. It will give a special glance at your hair. Repeat as desired
hi im a newbie :look: ive read a lot of good comments about the this MGT. I was just wondering what is the actual product name for instance is it a hair spray, shampoo, conditioner - what should I buy. C the thing is im from the UK so ive neva heard of MGT thats y im a lil bit confused.

To be specific I have above shoulder length thick course hair (really dry roots though no matter wot I use) which is kinda damaged cos of breakage especialy the front sides. When I as younger it was even thcker and longer but as the years go by, it gets shorter, more damage and breakage and the british weather doesnt seem to help :sad:

plz help, I need advice on what products that will aid my hair issues as I dnt know much about hair. Also can some1 plz give me some info about the SURGE mix n spray thingy.

hi its me again. also i would like to add my sister has the same problem only she has very short fine hair. any advice 4 hair growth n thickness

hi im a newbie :look: ive read a lot of good comments about the this MGT. I was just wondering what is the actual product name for instance is it a hair spray, shampoo, conditioner - what should I buy. C the thing is im from the UK so ive neva heard of MGT thats y im a lil bit confused.

To be specific I have above shoulder length thick course hair (really dry roots though no matter wot I use) which is kinda damaged cos of breakage especialy the front sides. When I as younger it was even thcker and longer but as the years go by, it gets shorter, more damage and breakage and the british weather doesnt seem to help :sad:

plz help, I need advice on what products that will aid my hair issues as I dnt know much about hair. Also can some1 plz give me some info about the SURGE mix n spray thingy.

ditto ladies
The product you are inquiring about is MTG (Shapely's Mane-Tail-Groom). I have never used it before, so I am not sure if they ship to the UK. I am currently using Bee Mine, and I know she does int'l shipping. HTH
1. BT- Boundless Tresses (#1 on my list)
2. MT (use sparingly) and that's because I don't know exactly how to work this one into my routine without manipulating my hair on a constant basis.

I'm a NO comber
Mega Tek (From Eqyss - a horse product safe for human use but requires good knowledge of moisture retention (butters and ultra moisturizing, non protein conditioners) and shed stoppage (garlic the best for me so far. No shedding at all.)

100% pure Aloe Vera gel

Nothing else.

My hair is growing like a weed. One day soon, I will post update pics from my Feb BC.

