Best (Cute) Protective Styles for Winter


New Member
What are some of your favorite protective styles to wear during the winter?

I tried twist outs, in addition to buns, and that worked well for me. But, I'd never tried wearing my hair up WITH a twist out. It looks cute, so I may be doing that a lot once my hair is 5 weeks post.
Well for the winter I protective style my protective style so I bun my twists or do nice updos with them. Now I'm being lazy so I just do one or two dutch/french braids then bun the ends with twists/braids or loose hair. I still need to find good accessories to spice it up though. When I do the double dutch braids instead of having them go straight back I make them curve around the head to give it a crown type effect. I'm not good at braiding so it's trial and error most times.
My favorite winter PS would have to be the a twistout pulled back into a bun, I love that I can dress the style up or down.
2 big braids is going to be my winter protective style, they'll turn into a braid out updo of some sort...:yep: