Benefits of Pre-Shampoo Treatments?


Well-Known Member
I have read that a few of you ladies do pre-treatment shampoos, I was wondering exactly what they consist of and what the benefits are.
I am glad you posted this question. I too am interested in knowing the benefits and products associated with Pre-Shampoo treatments.
I believe they prevent the natural oils from being stripped from your hair, thus drying your hair out. I do mine, w/a mix of Castor Oil, Olive Oil and Honey. I warm them before putting them on damp hair. Sometimes I'll sit under the dryer for about 5 minutes. My hair always feels more moisturized when I'm done vs. no pre-shampoo treatment.
I know a lot of people like to do pre-treats with oils. For me, I use shampoo on my scalp only. I do a pre-treatment on my dry hair as a means of protecting my hair from the shampoo. I coat all of my hair with a conditioner, which are the conditioners that I tried and hated, or with a clarifying conditioner, apply the shampoo mixed w/ a little distilled water in an applicator bottle to my scalp and let it sit for a while (2-5 minutes) or I'll do a light scalp massage. For me I get fewer tangles, a clean scalp without my hair being/feeling stripped by poo. Then I proceed w/ my other treatments (protein cond, moisturizing cond, etc)
I do it to start the detangling process prior to shampooing. That way, when I wet my hair, it's detangled and soft before I apply the poo. I usually just use my stash of so-so conditioners mixed w/ avocado oil.
The best benefit for it that it makes my hair soft and does not get tangled when I use my dandruff shampoo which is kind of harsh.
I alway use castor oil or olive oil.
I usually use aveda sapp moss nourishing concentrate as a pre shampoo treatment and it works great. i'm thinking of trying pure olive oil cause i've heard a lot of good things about it.
Coconut milk mixed with olive oil makes my hair very soft, supple and detangled. This works very well when I'm post 8 weeks touchup. This is when I need that extra moisture.