Being too Nice to my *EX*


Well-Known Member
Even though I'm with someone new I guess I can't really help it, because what we had was so deep to me...
Basically last year was my first year of college and he was one of the first people I met. The connection was instant and the chemistry was undeniable. We spent do much time together, but since we were both in college it was understood that we were going to have our fun. A real relationship was out of the question because he had just gotten out of a long term relationship and just wanted to have his fun and like I said, it was my first year of college and I wanted to have fun. Fast forward a few months later, I'm thinking that things are great. I have this dude who I can kick it with all day and night with out it being sexual, and still do what I want to do. *sigh* My feelings went from like to love in a matter of a few weeks. He always made it clear that our connection was deep and that no matter what happened he'd always be there for me and that now just wasn't the right time for a relationship. I excepted it and started talking to other guys but also enjoying our time together. Until one day, we were at a party and he'd been drinking and he was dancing on other girls and just doing his thing I guess. I was cool with it you know, we weren't together. I start enjoying myself, dancing with other guys not really thinking much of it. Next thing I know he's flipping out on me for walking into another room with a group of my friends, one of which happened to be a boy, to get my coat so I could leave. We start arguing and one thing leads to another and the next thing I know, he's lunging at me as I'm leaving for the door. Although I'm not sure if he was just following me because I was leaving or if he was trying to hit me, it still rubbed me the wrong way.
Unfortunately I didn't learn my lesson and continued to see him.:wallbash:. Fast forward a bit and he's all of a sudden acting distant and I find out that he's talking to some other girl on a serious level. This was really hard for me because from the beginning he always told me that even though he was still in love with his ex, that I was his main girl and that he made it clear to any other females who tried to talk to him. Basically this new chick took my spot and then some:nono:. This had to be one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with in my short 18 years of life. I was confused, hurt and I really felt betrayed, but I was still very deeply in love with him. As the days went by I started to feel as though I was going absolutely insane. Everyday seemed to get harder and harder.
Then I started talking to my current boyfriend and it really helped me get my mind off my ex. Months started to pass and even though I had embarked on a new relationship, I just couldn't shake my ex. 7 months after the fact, I was still crying myself to sleep. My new relationship did not hold a candle to what I had with my ex and on top of all that my ex was coming in and out of my life trying to get me back, or at least catch my attention. He kept calling and making it clear that if I wasn't in this new relationship that things would be different between us and that he had made a mistake. I wasn't buying it, even though it hurt I did my best to stay away, but I still couldn't resist answering the phone whenever he called.
Fast forward about nine months till now. Me and my ex have a lot of the same friends so every now and then we end up in the same place at the same time usually with alcohol involved and he always does a drunken confession. Even though I know that he's drunk and most of the things that he says are exaggerations if not straight up lies, it's still really hard not to take those things to heart. About two weeks ago me and my current boyfriend were having issues and were on a break. I ended up hanging out with my ex and we ended up kissing. It was probably one of the best kisses I had ever had in my life. My old pent up feelings came back faster than I could assess the situation. I pulled away from him and went back to enjoying my night with out really saying another word to him. I was really confused about what the kiss meant an I didn't really know what to do.
The day following the kiss my ex told me that he thought it was a big mistake and that we should just be friends, but I had my mind made up that I was going to get us back to where we were before things fell apart. I did cute little things like leave his favorite candy on his car and make it a point to try and hang out with him. Things seemed like they were working well, but I think his girl caught on because after I started making it a point to pay him attention, she began to copy my every move. Even though my feelings felt just as strong as they were a year ago I decided to set them aside and just focus on me. If he came around great, if not then whatever. He didn't text or call me all week until tonight. He calls me talking about how much he's in love with his ex and his current girl and how he doesn't know what he should do.:cry3: OMG when I say my heart dropped, I mean it went through the floor. Inside I was screaming. How dare he call me asking for advice on what he should do with his current situation knowing what kind of feelings I have for him. But of course, all ways polite tried and true me comes through and gives him great, unbiased advice on what to do about the situation.
Part of me feels like by handling the situation the way I did, I showed him that the things that he does don't bother me and that I have indeed moved on despite the fact that I still have feelings for him. The other part of me wants to rip into him and tell him that he's lucky that any woman would give him two looks because he's the worst of all the dogs. I also feel confused and like I'm letting him walk all over me.... I don't know, I'm just confused and I feel like this has turned into a rant lol. If anyone has any advice or has possibly been in a similar situation, could you please help me out. I don't think my heart can take anymore of this.
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Well, I'm confused. You call this guy your ex but yet you say you all were just "having fun" because he wasn't ready for a relationship. He doesn't want a relationship with you, but gets mad when you're with other guys? :nono: Meanwhile he's pursuing other women? :wallbash:

It just seems to me this guy knows how much you care about him and is getting a kick out of stringing you along. If he really cared about you #1-He would have made you his girlfriend instead of saying yall are "just having fun" while kicking it together 24/7 as though you're in a relationship. #2-He would not be calling you asking for advice about the current women he's pursuing.

It seems like you hooked up with your current boyfriend because you were on the rebound and thought it would help you get over your "ex" and this is obviously not working. This is not fair to your current boyfriend and its not fair to you. I think the best thing for you to do right now is not deal with either of these men and just worry about YOU for awhile. I know its easier said then done but worrying about what your "ex" is doing is only causing you pain. As long as you keep him in your life things will never improve because he will not change.
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I'm curious as to what was so "deep" about this pseudo relationship with this guy...? It seems like it has caused you nothing but pain and confusion. If you guys had such a "deep connection" as he claims, why is it that he is "in love" with TWO other women and not you?

He has made it clear by his actions over and over and over again that he is not in love with you, and only wants to be friends. So why continue to torture yourself? There is no point in pretending that you're okay with the situation when in actuality it is tearing you apart-- just to prove something to him.
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I have been in ∀ very similar situation. It took me ∀ looong while to get over the relationship. I had to distance myslef from him for ∀ little while. And one day i realized that things would never be the same between us. I looked back and saw that He Rモ∀LLy didn't love me as much as he said he did. And my current bf is ∀ real stellar guy. We don't have the exact connection that me and my ex shared but we have sumthing better.
Keep it moving!

I recently just had a break up and it is so hard to move on, but if you do not you will regret it :nono:. I did not expect to be so torn about ending the relationship but that's what happens when you are in love. I tried heal by hanging out with another ex of mine and he immediately showed me why he was my EX! :nono:

YOU ARE ONLY 18! You have a long life ahead of you and there is no need to settle. Just think about why you ended the relationship in the first place. Rememeber how good and wonderful you said that kiss felt? The kiss that you were so passionate about was the same kiss that he said was a MISTAKE. It came out of his own mouth that it was a mistake. If I can go go back to the age of 18 with the things that I know now......girl I would be shutting people down all over the place! But reality says I should have got it right the FIRST time!

Needless to say that this man has a girlfriend. Please do not get yourself involved in DRAMA! That kiss did not "just happen." There were events that led up to that kiss. Know your self-worth and move on.

"A smart man learns from his mistakes, but a wise man learns from the mistakes of others."

Healing song for you: Keep Going-By Vivian Green

I don't know how a guy can be your ex if you never dated him. How could another girl take "your spot" when he made it clear that he didn't want to start a relationship with you? It seems that he likes your company and there is some attraction between the two of you, but that doesn't mean he wants to date you. He doesn't seem to hav issues with commitment or is "confused" about you & him, he's just doesn't seem that in to you.

*Sorry if I sound harsh*
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Well technically he isn't an ex if you two have never pursued a relationship. And it's kind of messed up you are with you current boyfriend and still trying to win back this man that you never had. Let him be, you made the classic mistake that alot of women do and that's treating a man as if you are in a committed relationship when in fact you are not. I would cut ties with him completely and just focus on myself. Good luck.
I suggest you fall back, stop making this guy a priority in your life. Stop going out of your way, stop taking his calls, stop doing things for him. He didn't want to step up to the plate and be your bf but he wants to keep you in his back pocket. He is well aware of your feelings for him and is using those feelings against you. He knows that you are just a phone call away if he needs is ego stroked. Don't play into it.

If the guy you're with now isn't for you let him go. There will never be another time in your life where you will be surrounded with more single, educated, like minded males, go out and find the right one. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to him to go through the motions while you're chasing after another guy who clearly doesn't want you (doesn't deserve you either). Bottom line don't waste your time.

Do you really want a guy who's supposedly "with" one girl but wants his ex and is sneaking around carrying on with a "friend" on the side?
#1 Please break your post up into paragraphs.

#2 He was never your man, you played yourself for being so available to him.

#3 It happens and we all grow from it, please don't make that same mistake again.
Ok not to be rude but what does my grammar have to do with anything? If you read it and understood it than that's all that matters.
I put him as my ex to keep the story straight, so there wouldn't be any confusion. To all of those who provided constructive criticism I really do appreciate it.
Ok not to be rude but what does my grammar have to do with anything? If you read it and understood it than that's all that matters.
I put him as my ex to keep the story straight, so there wouldn't be any confusion. To all of those who provided constructive criticism I really do appreciate it.

I didn't read it. It is very hard to read such a large text without paragraph breaks. I just basically read everyone else summary of your post.
Get a new addiction girl! The hair board is right around the corner. Join us.

I was talking to a young lady that said that she was upset that her ex-boyfriend was with someone else. My reply was:

"Be happy for him and move on. As long as you're all hurt and spiteful about it, you'll never be happy. Men will pass you by because who wants to be a with a girl that thinks about her ex all day? Be happy for him and move on. God will bless you for moving forward."

Move forward... to the hair forum and we can grow long hair together.
Ok not to be rude but what does my grammar have to do with anything? If you read it and understood it than that's all that matters.
I put him as my ex to keep the story straight, so there wouldn't be any confusion. To all of those who provided constructive criticism I really do appreciate it.

Ok here is my constructive criticism...

1. First to make the story less confusing to others you should change "ex" to "fb". I think once this happens then the ladies on this board can make an accurate assessment of what exactly is going on, and advise you appropriately. Unfortunately this is not full-proof. Even after you make this correction, some ladies words may still appear harsh. However take this in stride because 1. you posted the story thus leaving it open to constructive and destructive criticism, and 2. "Harsh" is really just a synonym for "telling it like it is."

2. I am not here to make you feel bad or dumb, because you are young, but were giving away the milk, the cow, and the whole farm for free! For real! If you ever learn one thing here on LHCF is "Never...ever...ever...ever...ever give away the good good without an official title!" Get it in writing if you have too, have a lawyer draw up a contract...but if he ain't OFICIALLY yo boo, then he can't scr-w. The problem is that you mistook sex for romantic exclusivity. And the chemistry that you felt was nothing more then the rush of Oxytocin that occurs shortly after a hot session thus creating a feeling of love and closeness.

3. If a man is really into you, he will stop at nothing to make you his woman, nor will he jepordize the relationship by disrespecting you, cheating, or playing mickey mouse games. If a man really wants you he will risk losing you as a friend to gain a girlfriend, he will make lots of time for you, and will stop at nothing to see your smile. With this said...You were into him...He wasn't that into you. You are young so don't waste your time crying over a man that ain't crying over you.

4. This man has already proven his unworthiness, and you have proven to be very gullible (don't sweat...we have all been gullible at one time or another). The key is to learn from this now that you know the real deal. From here on out if you continue to let this man get close to you emotionally or physically, and he continues to let you down or break your heart, then guess what..."IT IS 100% YOUR FAULT" A man will take as much as you are willing to give.

I hope this helps. I love helping young sistas, and if I came across as harsh then please refer to pointer # 1.
man that dude is playin u out plain and simple. he doesn't want u like that and its obvious. stop calling him your ex to if u never dated it kinda sounds crazy and delusional. leave. him. alone.

eta: i see you said u are calling him the ex cuz u didnt want to cause confusion. i would have just renamed him DOUCHE instead of EX :lachen:
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First, the OP may have been typing from her phone. I know when I post from my phone, I hit the "Enter" key once to start a new paragraph, but it doesnt and the formatting looks terrible to someone reading on a computer.

But whatever. TKing, I really feel for you. Although I've never been in a situation quite as intense/drawn-out as yours, I can only imagine what this is doing to your self-esteem. However, it seems like your "ex" made himself clear from the beginning. He didn't want a relationship but enjoyed your company. I think you need to start taking what he's saying at face-value and stop hoping that he might be thinking or feeling something different.

You've made your feelings towards him painfully obvious, but he still isn't interested. If he wanted you, you two would be in a committed relationship, and you would be his girlfriend (and I mean his "Official" girlfriend-none of this back and forth stuff.) Like another poster said, he has his ex-girlfriend, this new chick, AND you. How inflated do you think his ego is from all this female attention? Do you really think he's going to tell you to stop following him around, giving him presents and telling him how much you want him? Of course not. He's loving it!

Not to mention the fact that it is totally inconsiderate of him to know how you feel, and actually call you to ask for advice about other girls?!?! :nono: Please!

What bothers me is, he's made it clear that you are not #1, you're not even #2. You are number 3 on his list. And honestly, you never were number one because he was so wrapped up in his ex while he was hanging out with you. You should not settle for or accept being a number on some man's repertoire. You deserve to be the one and only person a man wants and it is unacceptable to show such desperation over someone who isn't treating you that way.

Sweetie, he IS walking all over you, but its only because you are ALLOWING him to. I really hope you are able to move past him, because he is not worth all your frustration. You are missing out on life (and possibly someone who WANTS to treat you well) while you play into his BS.
Ok not to be rude but what does my grammar have to do with anything? If you read it and understood it than that's all that matters.
I put him as my ex to keep the story straight, so there wouldn't be any confusion. To all of those who provided constructive criticism I really do appreciate it.

If you are refering to my post, I didn't mention grammar, I just mentioned paragraphs ti all because it would be easier to read. I skimmed it truthfully. After reading other's posts, you still got played.
Ok here is my constructive criticism...

"Never...ever...ever...ever...ever give away the good good without an official title!" 1.

Just to clear things up, it wasn't at all a sexual relationship. I already know not to give up the "good good" especially not in this situation. I guess I just lost my mind in the situation. Being that I am so young, I've never really had that type of connection with a male and unfortunately for me I got taken for a ride. Once again, thanks to everyone who provided real advice. :yep:
I'm with everyone else. I think you should move on. I know it hurts (I've been there, OMG I've been there), but it will fade.
You know why it will?
Because you'll look back at how you felt, then you'll recall how he said he felt and how he acted and realize that the two don't sync up. Let me tell you, once you really, really look at the situation like that, the feelings will seem to fade a lot quicker. Then you'll be able to get a clue on what guy you are willing to accept. In the future use how you reacted during this as to how you want a man to treat you (attentive, a good listener, loving, considerate, etc. You exhibited all those healthy traits). When a guy comes along that treats you in the manner that you behave in while in a relationship, then go for it. And you'll look back and laugh and say, "I thought that was love? It's nothing compared to what I have now!" And that'll be great!
Unfortunately, I don't think this guy has your best interest at heart. I'm sorry, but like others have said, it appears as if you aren't his priority.
I hope you get all the best in love!