Being Picked up by a younger man


Well-Known Member
I turned 37 this past Tuesday, so I decided to take a day off from work and treat myself to a day at Spa Sydell here is Atlanta. After leaving the spa, I went to lunch at Reb Lobser, well one of the waiters who was near my table, stopped and made some small talk & eventually asked for my number. Ladies, I was so flattered that I didn't have the heart to say baby, I am probably your mother's age, so I gave him my number. But I kept thinking to myself he looks so young, I can still smell the similac on his breath. I gave him my cell phone number thinking he wouldn't call so I can be polite. Well he did call and is very mature for his age (27), I let him talk for a minute before I asked how old did he think I was. He said at least 25, so I told him my age and he blurted out you are 10 years older than me, but you really look good for your age. I nearly dropped the phone. But overall he seems like a nice young man with his head together. Does anyone else get approached by younger men or have dated younger men. I never have before but for the past few years that is all that approach me I think I need to reconsider my stance on the subject.
I turned 37 this past Tuesday, so I decided to take a day off from work and treat myself to a day at Spa Sydell here is Atlanta. After leaving the spa, I went to lunch at Reb Lobser, well one of the waiters who was near my table, stopped and made some small talk & eventually asked for my number. Ladies, I was so flattered that I didn't have the heart to say baby, I am probably your mother's age, so I gave him my number. But I kept thinking to myself he looks so young, I can still smell the similac on his breath. I gave him my cell phone number thinking he wouldn't call so I can be polite. Well he did call and is very mature for his age (27), I let him talk for a minute before I asked how old did he think I was. He said at least 25, so I told him my age and he blurted out you are 10 years older than me, but you really look good for your age. I nearly dropped the phone. But overall he seems like a nice young man with his head together. Does anyone else get approached by younger men or have dated younger men. I never have before but for the past few years that is all that approach me I think I need to reconsider my stance on the subject.

Hehe...yeah... In fact, I think I get more younger guys than older guys hitting on me these days! Go figure! A LOT of people tell me that I look younger than my age (5 years younger is usually the general consensus), and so I get a lot of guys around the 5 or 6 years younger range hitting on me. I don't know why... I guess because I'm basically nice to everyone.

I think that for the most part, "older women" are usually more confident, have their act together, know what they want, and won't play as many games...and therefore they exude confidence and sex appeal. I think the younger guys see the confidence, security and self-assuredness of these older women and are automatically drawn to them.

I don't see anything wrong with it per se as long as the guy is MATURE-minded, treats you right, and is really serious about a relationship (and not just a one-night-stand). I think it also depends on how old you are and how old he is. A 10 year gap would seem so strange if a woman is 21 and the guy is 11. :eek: But a woman who is 40 going out with a 30 year old man may not be that much of a biggie.

IT all depends. I think that age is really nothing but a number, but everyone is different. You have to judge people on an individal basis. Some guys are more mature than others. Some have their "act together" earlier than others too. It all depends on the guy IMO.

Go 'head Lissa...go on and get you that younger man! :lol: :lol:
Hehe...yeah... In fact, I think I get more younger guys than older guys hitting on me these days! Go figure! A LOT of people tell me that I look younger than my age (5 years younger is usually the general consensus), and so I get a lot of guys around the 5 or 6 years younger range hitting on me. I don't know why... I guess because I'm basically nice to everyone.

I think that for the most part, "older women" are usually more confident, have their act together, know what they want, and won't play as many games...and therefore they exude confidence and sex appeal. I think the younger guys see the confidence, security and self-assuredness of these older women and are automatically drawn to them.

I don't see anything wrong with it per se as long as the guy is MATURE-minded, treats you right, and is really serious about a relationship (and not just a one-night-stand). I think it also depends on how old you are and how old he is. A 10 year gap would seem so strange if a woman is 21 and the guy is 11. :eek: But a woman who is 40 going out with a 30 year old man may not be that much of a biggie.

IT all depends. I think that age is really nothing but a number, but everyone is different. You have to judge people on an individal basis. Some guys are more mature than others. Some have their "act together" earlier than others too. It all depends on the guy IMO.

Go 'head Lissa...go on and get you that younger man! :lol: :lol:

Sweetie, a 21 year old messing around with a 11 year-old is not strange it is ILLEGAL! :nono:

But seriously, there are 40 years olds who don't have theirselves together! Give him a chance - I think it is better to date someone with your same interests and values than your age.

Have fun!:grin:
I dated a younger man once. It was exciting initially, but he wasn't "ready" yet, and I felt more like his mother or, at the very least, his older sister, because I was constantly having to explain things to him that he didn't know. I wouldn't rule out doing it again, but I'm not exactly anxious to, either. :ohwell:
I'm noticing more that younger guys are approaching me. I've always dated guys at least 5 years older than me. I'm not used to this-ness. I'm so tempted to call them "puddin'" when they show they're interested. I don't, though... I let them know I'm married and keep it movin'.

Interestingly enough, hubby's two years younger than me, the youngest I've ever dated. :look:
I do get a lot of holla from young guys and I dont like it. It's the one thing I hate about looking younger. I'm 26 but look 18-20 and most of the guys that approach me are in that age range. I caint do it. It's a dealbreaker for me. I'm turned off by younger guys. I think a lot of it has to do with how dey step to me. Some of them caint even talk for theyself, they friend is like "ay, my friend want to holla atchu". :rolleyes:
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ok here is my secret:

My SO is 24 Im 32 and Im in love. We have been together for a year and some months. First off he is my BFF's younger Bro. She use to make fun of me saying her Bro adores me and he follows me around the room with his eyes like that little cute animal the shy one from madagascar the movie and too scared to approach. I used to tell her, he is a baybay.. she said SO he is an old man really mature we call him Sesssiitiiiive lol , he had an Identical twin who died at 2 weeks old. But I loved him (singing like Genuwine) in those JEEEAAANNNSS . Well girls last year we got together. Its been the best decision of my life. I was about to give up on black men ( i know baaad) but i found Mr. 6 feet 4, Mr. gooood luvin, mr Fix it, do my laundry, Mr cook my meals, rub my feet, wash my hair, does my perm ,get flowers, paint my toes , the other day he goes "you are about to have your monthly visit ( i look at him crazy) he said I always know i grew up in a house full of women trust me you developed a sense of smell a refined one. ( i looked at him crazy again) and Mr. loves my cats ( they follow him around the house now, Im no longer their mommy) He has no drama, no baby mommas, has a great Job, his own place and takes care of his bills and mine when Im not in town.. he does not do clubs and hang out. He said that ish only gets you in trouble. He wants to get married I keep saying no take your time. My BFF keeps saying "when you guys get married I want a bench in the center isle cause I will be in both bride and and groom's party" . I have never been this happy. GO for it. But make sure he is mature and you are comfortable with it. Life is short enjoy it. And they are trainable (Tee HEEE)
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ok here is my secret:

My SO is 24 Im 32 and Im in love. We have been together for a year and some months. First off he is my BFF's younger Bro. She use to make fun of me saying her Bro adores me and he follows me around the room with his eyes like that little cute animal the shy one from madagascar the movie and too scared to approach. I used to tell her, he is a baybay.. she said SO he is an old man really mature we call him Sesssiitiiiive lol , he had an Identical twin who died at 2 weeks old. But I loved him (singing like Genuwine) in those JEEEAAANNNSS . Well girls last year we got together. Its been the best decision of my life. I was about to give up on black men ( i know baaad) but i found Mr. 6 feet 4, Mr. gooood luvin, mr Fix it, do my laundry, Mr cook my meals, rub my feet, wash my hair, does my perm ,get flowers, paint my toes , the other day he goes "you are about to have your monthly visit ( i look at him crazy) he said I always know i grew up in a house full of women trust me you developed a sense of smell a refined one. ( i looked at him crazy again) and Mr. loves my cats ( they follow him around the house now, Im no longer their mommy) He has no drama, no baby mommas, has a great Job, his own place and takes care of his bills and mine when Im not in town.. he does not do clubs and hang out. He said that ish only gets you in trouble. He wants to get married I keep saying no take your time. My BFF keeps saying "when you guys get married I want a bench in the center isle cause I will be in both bride and and groom's party" . I have never been this happy. GO for it. But make sure he is mature and you are comfortable with it. Life is short enjoy it. And they are trainable (Tee HEEE)

Dang girl that is great! Does your BFF have another brother? I'll take him :lol:
Dang girl that is great! Does your BFF have another brother? I'll take him :lol:
shoot if she had more I would hook every girl up. Their house is run by the woman my BFF don't play. She told him she would Jack him if he screwed up with me. And his Mom threatened him to. I think a lot of women are afraid because the society's standards. its funny they call women who date younger men cougars but its cool for guys to day girl 20 30 years younger. I still get a bit nervous but Im getting past the age difference.
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I'm really not into younger guys. If I hooked up with one, he would have to be EXTREMELY mature.

I'm having a hard enough time trying to find guys my age or older that are about something. Younger dudes are even more of a headache. I will say though that maybe when I'm in my thirties and younger is late 20s or something, maybe I'll feel differently. But at 29, younger for me is like early 20s and I think people in general at that age are still trying to find themselves, sow their oats, whatever.
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I'm really not into younger guys. If I hooked up with one, he would have to be EXTREMELY mature.

I'm having a hard enough time trying to find guys my age or older that are about something. Younger dudes are even more of a headache. I will say though that maybe when I'm in my thirties and younger is late 20s or something, maybe I'll feel differently. But at 29, younger for me is like early 20s and I think people in general at that age are still trying to find themselves, sow their oats, whatever.

Generally you are right. all I can say is from my expriences his exes were older. I guess it depends on the individual
so true...i find that the younger guys are actually approaching me now im like no baby- its not gonna work..

all of my male cousins are 19-21 so im like illlllllllllll so werid..i dont do the younger guy thing-- he would have to be very very mature...there is one trying to break me down now a cute asian/blk 21 yr old im sweety--you are too young fo rme..and im only 25 but! lol

maybe when im mid 30's or etc...big maybe !lol

I'm really not into younger guys. If I hooked up with one, he would have to be EXTREMELY mature.
I'm having a hard enough time trying to find guys my age or older that are about something. Younger dudes are even more of a headache. I will say though that maybe when I'm in my thirties and younger is late 20s or something, maybe I'll feel differently. But at 29, younger for me is like early 20s and I think people in general at that age are still trying to find themselves, sow their oats, whatever.
At 26 I was not enthusiastic about this 24 year old guy that wanted to "get hooked up" with me, by my friend, his then next door neighbor. Of course I was thinking, this is sooooo high school. But, after talking to him, I realized that yes he's young in age, but his mind is on a completely different level, very mature. We have talked to each other nearly daily since that first conversation, never struggling for topics to discuss.

Even though it's not that big of an age gap, I never would have imagined myself with a younger man. My last two exes were 10 and 15 years my senior. I thought I was destined to be with an older man...I thought wrong!

Younger men rock!!!:lick::yep:
My soon to be husband is 5 years younger than me and by far the most mature man I've ever met.

I don't want nothing old but some money!!!! :lachen:
I'm really not into younger guys. If I hooked up with one, he would have to be EXTREMELY mature.

I'm having a hard enough time trying to find guys my age or older that are about something. Younger dudes are even more of a headache. I will say though that maybe when I'm in my thirties and younger is late 20s or something, maybe I'll feel differently. But at 29, younger for me is like early 20s and I think people in general at that age are still trying to find themselves, sow their oats, whatever.

Yup !

I'm 25, and after I'm done with the current SO, I don't want anyone younger than 30 :nono:. Closer, your SO is def. a rarety. I want someone to show me some things, not someone who doesn't have their life together. Heck, at 30 a lot of men still don't have thier stuff together. Ideally, I'd like to date someone 4-8 years my senior. I want a MAN :yep:. I look at younger boys, well as boys :look:...
My soon to be husband is 5 years younger than me and by far the most mature man I've ever met.

I don't want nothing old but some money!!!! :lachen:

you can say that again!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

It depends on the individual... my husband is the first younger(by 8 yrs.) guy i gave a chance. I used to only like older men. over myself.
ok here is my secret:

My SO is 24 Im 32 and Im in love. We have been together for a year and some months. First off he is my BFF's younger Bro. She use to make fun of me saying her Bro adores me and he follows me around the room with his eyes like that little cute animal the shy one from madagascar the movie and too scared to approach. I used to tell her, he is a baybay.. she said SO he is an old man really mature we call him Sesssiitiiiive lol , he had an Identical twin who died at 2 weeks old. But I loved him (singing like Genuwine) in those JEEEAAANNNSS . Well girls last year we got together. Its been the best decision of my life. I was about to give up on black men ( i know baaad) but i found Mr. 6 feet 4, Mr. gooood luvin, mr Fix it, do my laundry, Mr cook my meals, rub my feet, wash my hair, does my perm ,get flowers, paint my toes , the other day he goes "you are about to have your monthly visit ( i look at him crazy) he said I always know i grew up in a house full of women trust me you developed a sense of smell a refined one. ( i looked at him crazy again) and Mr. loves my cats ( they follow him around the house now, Im no longer their mommy) He has no drama, no baby mommas, has a great Job, his own place and takes care of his bills and mine when Im not in town.. he does not do clubs and hang out. He said that ish only gets you in trouble. He wants to get married I keep saying no take your time. My BFF keeps saying "when you guys get married I want a bench in the center isle cause I will be in both bride and and groom's party" . I have never been this happy. GO for it. But make sure he is mature and you are comfortable with it. Life is short enjoy it. And they are trainable (Tee HEEE)

Funny, I was watching How Stella Got Her Groove Back" just yesterday. My friend just married a younger man. She is a HBW (Happy Black Woman) that out beams a BMW. My fiance is younger and both she and I will agree with you. And yes, I was always the one who preferred them older. Let's just say Not Any More- if the maturity is straight and everything else is straight then brother is straight and he is more apt to be more flexible and willing to learn than being rigid and stuck in his ways. I honestly can say it is like having the best of both worlds when it comes to my fiance. He is younger but he has a wise perspective. He is "housed" in a younger shell but has an old school way about himself and I love it!
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ive always been approached by sometimes mostly younger guys....

i perfer not to date anyone at least 1 or 2 years younger than myself(i just turned 29)....i tried going out with one guy and he was my sisters age at the i think i had to be 27 and he was like 23 or 24...and all he could talk about rapping(no school no career)....and he had a very juvenile convo that was very boring i felt like i was out with a young cousin....
I'm 41 and younger men hit on me as well...yes it is flatterig...:grin:. I am married so being hit on can boost your self esteem...younger men are feeling older women more than ever.