Being cheap in a relationship


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I don't know why but it's not that I'm selfish with my money, but I feel like he should use his money more in the relationship, and all that sh*t about you being in the car too which makes him ask for gas is such a no-no, or he takes you home and asks you for gas. Only if me and the guy has been together for years and even then I'm counting pennies. Do anyone feel like me, or shouldn't feel that way!

One reason I feel that way is people I know who started off giving 5 ,10 dollars here for gas, or toll, or whatever he may need, then it turns to "baby I wanna come see you, but I ain't got no money" and they are paying all the time. Or when ya go out to eat he use to pay the whole meal then it goes to "baby i ain't got no money for us to eat out tonight can you pay this time, or half" which turns to almost ever time!
I do NOT pay on dates. If he wants to take me out he needs to be able to afford taking me out. If he is broke, either get creative with free dates or leave me alone. I won't go half and I won't foot the bill. Yes, I am fully capable of paying for dinner but it's not something that I believe that I should have to do. He better not ask me to either. :look:
I'm cheap too but no man I've been with has ever asked me for money (and vice versa). Part of it for me is the guys I was with made more money than I did. I really have no experience with that because it's never happened to me.
Well if a guy asks you to pay your half isn't that kinda paying for the dinner but your food, or if you go see him and you are paying to get there then you are spending money for transportation
We take care of each other. He would rather pay for everything as he says but I don't let him. I make a little more money than him but neither of us is "balling out of control" so to speak. What will often happen is we take turns. He'll pay for dinner, I'll buy some beer and a blockbuster rental. He'll buy our plane tickets, I'll pay for the fancy meal. He cooks dinner, I'll do the dishes or whatever you know? I did his feet Saturday night and he cooked me breakfast on Sunday. I can't stand keeping tabs on every tit for tat in any relationship I have friends or otherwise.
Well if a guy asks you to pay your half isn't that kinda paying for the dinner but your food, or if you go see him and you are paying to get there then you are spending money for transportation

Many times I have paid for my half but he never asked me to pay. I went with a guy who lived an hour and 1/2 away. He would always come see me and he never asked for gas money. I drove to see him a few times and I never asked for gas money (this was when gas was a lot cheaper). I've never had a guy ask me for money for anything. I have taken them out and paid because I wanted to treat but they never asked for money from me.
ive never paid and ive never been asked to whateveri have bought or paid for was my idea and it was probably his birthday or something...

until i get really serious with someone eg engaged to be married :grin: will i contribute more
Well if a guy asks you to pay your half isn't that kinda paying for the dinner but your food, or if you go see him and you are paying to get there then you are spending money for transportation

If it is my idea, I will pay for it or offer to pay for it. More than likely, SO will step in and pay for it anyway. I won't go half! We are a unit therefore we get ONE check. If I'm driving to see him then I wouldn't expect him to pay for gas as he would never expect me to give him gas money for coming to see me. The car is my responsibility not his. I would have filled my tank up anyway no matter where I was going.
If he's not paying I'm not interested. When I was in college it was negotiable because we were both broke college students. But a grown (cheap) ass man? Nah... I don't mess with broke dudes.... NEXT.

ETA: Also, I don't ask a man for $$$ either.'s become a non-issue.I am more selective about men who make it clear or insinuate that they are asking me out
I will do the tip or something if I am in the mood :look:

A good woman friend said when she went on a date ...she always made sure to have the money to cover it if it came up...and if it did ..she smiled and paid without a word...
and then that was THE last date with that particular guy..:rolleyes:
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