Before Making CHOICES...Godly Questions To Ask Yourself (!!!)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
If I choose one course of action:

...does it help my witness for Christ? (1 Corinth 9:19-22) I motivated by a desire to help others to know Christ? (1 Corinth 9:23; 10:33)

...does it help me do my best? (1 Corinth 9:25) it against a specific command in Scripture and thus cause me to sin? (1 Corinth 10:12) it best and helpful? (1 Corinth 10:23,33) I thinking only of myself, or do I truly care about the other person? (1 Corinth 10:24) I acting lovingly or selfishly? (1 Corinth 10:28-31)

...does it glorify God? (1 Corith 10:31)

...will it encourage someone else to sin? (1 Corinth 10:32)

I found that these questions were very good questions to ask myself when make a choice in all sorts of issues and situations. All of us make hundreds of choices everyday. Most choices have no right or wrong attached to them--like what you wear or what to eat. But we always face decisions that carry a little more weight. We don't want to do wrong, and we don't want to cause others to do wrong, so how can we make such decisions? These questions help greatly in guiding our motives and actions in order to honor God through everything we do.

Be blessed! :)
I really love this post.:)

I've been trying to do this lately, maybe a reminder would help me also *looking for what would Jesus do bracelet* wearing this helped me out allot to.