Becareful When Going to Get Your Hair Cut/Trimmed


New Member
I was talking with some of my coworkers and we were talking about long hair. One of my coworkers was saying that one of my other coworkers used to have some really long hair. She said that she went to her beautician to get her hair cut because she wanted something different. She even showed the woman where she wanted it cut to (her shoulders). She told us that the woman turned her around to cut her hair and when the woman got done. She was turned back around to look in the mirror and her hair was cut up to her ears. Our male coworker commented on how he has over heard beauticians talk about how they purposely cut more than they should. I am sorry but some women are haters and they don't want to see another woman with longer healthier hair than theirs. I have experienced the same when I told my beautician at the time that I wanted to grow my hair longer so don't cut it and she turned me around and cut it anyway (not trim but cut). I had to stop going to her. I just want to make the point that you should make sure that you are specific and watch these women when it comes to cuting your hair and even trimming it.
I believe this. This is why I cut my own hair. In Sept my former stylist cut 3" more than she should have.
I agree, watch em' like a hawk because it has happened to me before as well :yep: -- Isn't this such a shame :nono:.
dlewis said:
I believe this. This is why I cut my own hair. In Sept my former stylist cut 3" more than she should have.

UGH:mad: ,Sorry to hear that Dlewis,still your hear is beautiful:) .

I too believe that to be true,a hater is a hater,no matter if it's their job to look out for your best interest or not.
*smh* That story just sends shivers down my spine. :(

Yup, i definitely watch any stylist who puts scissors near my hair like a HAWK!!!! A Hawk, i say!!!! :mad:
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I got shanked by a scissor happy stylist last year. I trim my own now, and I dont trust anyone.
well the stylist that cuts my hair
she has long healthy hair
and is soooo nice
she always trims the minimal
HOWEVER, her coworker or whatever, stay saying how much "more" i need cut
and she's (my stylist) always whispering to me "no you don't"
I love her
You are exactly right. Thats why I don't understand people who let themselves get bullied into getting there hair cut....if I don't want them cutting my hair I will just say "someone else does my cuts" or "next time". Then when I do get it cut I make them show me EXACTLY where they plan to cut...scissors up to the hair and all...THEN I hold a mirror and watch. We have to man up or we will be forever shoulder length. Also I don't know if men or women are different but I have a male stylist who LISTENS to me.
my story from other thread....

nvybeauty said:
From previous experiences......


I have had botched relaxers and my hair weathered the storm. A botched trim by a STYLIST === TRAMATIC EXPERIENCE!!!

I had one in say October 2006 (my mind has apparently blocked out the exact date to spare me further harm). Before my trim, my hair IN THE FRONT was APL. I got compliments every day on my hair even when my hair and I played tug of war in the, women, even children would stop me and say " I love your hair" then.....

I decided to get long layers. Went to this ok salon (been there a few times before for wash and sets) and thought the stylist is stylish, and everyone seems to flock to her so I'll let her do it. Well....when the first hunk of hair fell into my lap like a dead rat that I shrieked and flung it to the was over. I was tramautized forever. I still think back to that dreadful day and say ......."WHY, WHY>>>>>>>" I shouldn't have let her do it. That chick had hair the size of a mustard seed and I let her near my mane. THAT CHICKED DARN NEAR SCALPED ME....simply butchered me!!! I have the right mind to go and tell her too..... It would have been cool if my layers looked good after the cut but nooooooooooooo....I looked like I had a mushroom cap on my head.

Every bad and memorable experience I have had has been because of a BAD CUT BY A STYLIST!!!
I never gave my old stylist permission to cut my APL length hair. She turned me right around and gave me a cut to above shoulder length after I told her I didn't even want a trim. This is the same stylist who relaxed me with a Super Affirm perm for too long after I told her to use mild for only 12 minutes.

I reported her to the Better Business Bureau and she lost her license. She no longer does hair and I was not the first person whose hair she purposely butchered. I should have known that she was a horrible stylist she kept oohing and ahhing over my hair (not in a good way) and saying "you have good hair, don't you?' :ohwell:
cupcake said:
I reported her to the Better Business Bureau and she lost her license. She no longer does hair and I was not the first person whose hair she purposely butchered. I should have known that she was a horrible stylist she kept oohing and ahhing over my hair (not in a good way) and saying "you have good hair, don't you?' :ohwell:

Way to be proactive, girl!!!!:DThats the happiest ending to a Hair Horror Story ive EVER heard!!! :yay:
This is why I would never let someone else cut my hair, I've been doing my own hair for yrs. and even at my little visit to the salon a couple wks ago, it was just too tense for me. I was suppose to be going to give my arms a break, relax and enjoy the atmosphere, but I was on her every move like a hawk, the entire time I sat facing the mirror. When I think about it I don't think I would be able to spend a suppose to be relaxing moment all up in arms, I don't care if it was once a yr. it's just not worth it to me, to loose all my hard work, time, money and energy in a matter of seconds.......

If you really have to let someone else trim your hair, the best bet is to tell them to show you what their trimming or better yet you show them what you want removed, and never ever let them turn your back to the mirror!
senimoni said:
You are exactly right. Thats why I don't understand people who let themselves get bullied into getting there hair cut....if I don't want them cutting my hair I will just say "someone else does my cuts" or "next time". Then when I do get it cut I make them show me EXACTLY where they plan to cut...scissors up to the hair and all...THEN I hold a mirror and watch. We have to man up or we will be forever shoulder length. Also I don't know if men or women are different but I have a male stylist who LISTENS to me.

Oh I know! I wouldn't let them turn me away from the mirror.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
This is why I would never let someone else cut my hair, I've been doing my own hair for yrs. and even at my little visit to the salon a couple wks ago, it was just too tense for me. I was suppose to be going to give my arms a break, relax and enjoy the atmosphere, but I was on her every move like a hawk, the entire time I sat facing the mirror. When I think about it I don't think I would be able to spend a suppose to be relaxing moment all up in arms, I don't care if it was once a yr. it's just not worth it to me, to loose all my hard work, time, money and energy in a matter of seconds.......

I completely agree with you. Going to the salon is supposed to be a relaxing, enjoying experience. Nowadays, I'm so on edge watching the hairstylist's every move. I wish I could just get the chair, close my eyes and let them do their thing but I have to make sure they don't trim to much, don't put the relaxer on all of my hair, don't try to yank a rattail comb through my hair, don't overload my hair with grease and oil sheen.... I mean it's just awful. I think I'm just going to have to learn to do my hair myself. It shouldn't be like this.
Wow, this is crazy. I just started back going to the salon for touch up, I hope she never try anything crazy. I do think it's kind of hard to watch and see what they're cutting back there, you always see it after they're done. Some of these stylists need to get it together.:eek:
I remember that one a stylist that I went to would say that my hair was stunted in growth and would never grow past necklength when I told her my goal was to grow my hair to at least my back. After she said that I stopped going to her.
Serenity21 said:
I was talking with some of my coworkers and we were talking about long hair. One of my coworkers was saying that one of my other coworkers used to have some really long hair. She said that she went to her beautician to get her hair cut because she wanted something different. She even showed the woman where she wanted it cut to (her shoulders). She told us that the woman turned her around to cut her hair and when the woman got done. She was turned back around to look in the mirror and her hair was cut up to her ears. Our male coworker commented on how he has over heard beauticians talk about how they purposely cut more than they should. I am sorry but some women are haters and they don't want to see another woman with longer healthier hair than theirs. I have experienced the same when I told my beautician at the time that I wanted to grow my hair longer so don't cut it and she turned me around and cut it anyway (not trim but cut). I had to stop going to her. I just want to make the point that you should make sure that you are specific and watch these women when it comes to cuting your hair and even trimming it.

this is true..i had this happen to me as well...they are scissor happy!
senimoni said:
You are exactly right. Thats why I don't understand people who let themselves get bullied into getting there hair cut....if I don't want them cutting my hair I will just say "someone else does my cuts" or "next time". Then when I do get it cut I make them show me EXACTLY where they plan to cut...scissors up to the hair and all...THEN I hold a mirror and watch. We have to man up or we will be forever shoulder length. Also I don't know if men or women are different but I have a male stylist who LISTENS to me.
After a botched cut, this is what I do when I want my hair trimmed. I also telll the sytlist up front, if you trim more than I ask you to, I won't be paying.
This happened to me, the woman just got cut happy after commented "oh your hair is so long"... ive learnt to just stick to who i know(friends/family) they never cut to much!
senimoni said:
Also I don't know if men or women are different but I have a male stylist who LISTENS to me.

I think its makes a huge difference. I have a male stylist, and he never trims more than I ask for.
I'm so happy that i ain't never been to a stylist in my life. The only people who've really done my hair are my sisters (who also ar lurkers on LHCF) and they never gave me a cut. Well one time cause my hair looked a hot mess; like it was all chewed up. I've had friends put in my relaxer for me but i do everything else after that 'cause i'm so careful nowadays.
I havent been to the salon since the fall but I went to see this one lady because my old hair stylist quit doing hair.

Well my back was turned and I didnt even know she had the scissors out. All I heard was a quick few snips. She didnt even tell me she was going to trim the back of my head. She cut like 2-3 inches I believe. I was so pissed.

My old hair stylist used to say I needed my ends trim EVERY time I went to get my hair relaxed.

I learned from this board that you dont need your ends trimmed that much if you take good care of them. Maybe trim once or twice a year if neccessary. No wonder my hair grew even slower over the years because she just kept cutting my ends off and would cut more than needed!

I would ask for a trim and end up with basically a hair cut.
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Wow that's scarry. I watch my stylist like a hawk and she shows me the length she is going to clip before she starts.
yeah exactly. thats why I stopped going and decided to do my own hair. I get paranoid at hair shops these days and every time i asked for a trim they would cut too much off and it would look like a freakin haircut.

Im paranoid they would burn me too and not get all the relaxer off my head.

Prayingforprogress said:
I completely agree with you. Going to the salon is supposed to be a relaxing, enjoying experience. Nowadays, I'm so on edge watching the hairstylist's every move. I wish I could just get the chair, close my eyes and let them do their thing but I have to make sure they don't trim to much, don't put the relaxer on all of my hair, don't try to yank a rattail comb through my hair, don't overload my hair with grease and oil sheen.... I mean it's just awful. I think I'm just going to have to learn to do my hair myself. It shouldn't be like this.
Absolutely. This is why I had to start taking care of my own hair. They would always suggest to "trim" my ends. And then charge an extra $10 to do so.
Yes, my former male hair stylist used to literally cut my hair at least three or more inches every time it needed trimming. In fact, he did this every three months for nine years. During one visit, he cut so much off that I couldn’t even roll the back of my hair. He was so surprised . . . it would always grow back. He even told me the following: “Every time I trim your hair, it always grows back, but this is not the case with my other customers.” I told him: “My mother’s hair grows fast; maybe that’s why.”

The reason why they cut it is because it makes their job a lot easier, and my former stylist would get me in and out of the salon in an hour.

My current stylist said: “If your hair is long, they are not suppose to charge more. The reason why they do this is because it’s more work involved in doing long person’s hair. The price is suppose to stay the same as a short person’s hair, regardless."
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