Be HONEST!!! What is the most damaging thing you've done to your hair???

LOL!!!, As a hairdresser I was waaaaaay more experimental on my on hair, I would def say puttin bleach on permed hair, I stayed platinum for several yrs. If the color wasn't pale enough I would bleach as many days as necessary , up to 3 times a day till I got the desired result, the scary part is my one of my friends ( who also does hair ) was my partner in crime!! We wanted to shatter the theory that baldness would be a instant result from doing so. I lost hair twice starting out , but eventually got down a routine that kept it from sliding off my head!!:grin: I was NEVER scured cause I always knew how to do hair , so I figured If I lost some I could weave it back on , after all it was only hair , back then I viewed it more as an accessory, like earrings or a handbag. I would say " if you can't grow it, sew it!, if you can't do it , glue it! , if you can't achieve it , weave it! ":lachen:
Relaxed it. Should have NEVER did that-should have listened to my granny. Paying for it now. And then not washing it or oiling it like I should.
I don't know which was worst, but:

Brushing my hair back into a pony tail at my nape daily in middle school. My hair was still an inch or two longer than it is now, though.

Brushing hair with a plastic paddle brush 100x every night some time during my pre-teen years because I saw the long haired girl on TGIF do it and she had pretty hair and I also read it in a white magazine or article. Had I known better I would have realized scalp stimulation was the real key to that. :rolleyes:

OH!!!! This was the worst: Deciding I wanted a cute blunt late 90s / early millennium cut where the bottom layer flipped up and the top curled under. This was in maybe the summer before 9th or 10th grade. So what I did was flat iron my hair super straight, then brush it so it was in front of my shoulders and trim it until blunt, not realizing that my hair would take an upside down V shape when brushed back! :eek:

I pinned my hair up to hide it from my mom. With all this plus extra I destroyed my once BSL childhood natural hair. :nono:

Eventually my mom realized my hair was broken in a V shape in the back when she was styling it for the first time in a long while since she let me start doing my own hair. I pretended I didn't know how it got there, and she trimmed my hair with blunt scissors out of frustration (she knew not to use them but was mad at me for losing the sharp ones) and cut my thick, way too far back bangs that were uneven and split. The scissors were VERY dull.

She then curled it under and told me I looked okay, but it was so bad that I had to wear a hat to school (coincidentally it was the Sydney Olympics beret), and a few of my white friends noticed and ripped off my hat and laughed and told me I had a mullet. I didn't even know what one was. When I found out and learned the connotations, I cried.

Man, so many regrets. I wish I never had any self-induced setbacks and just kept the pretty hair I was blessed with from the get-go. :sad:
Bleaching my hair blond 4 weeks after applying highlights. . . and then flatironing it twice a week, every week.

Yeah, not good.
Color, hard curlers at night, too much protein, freq. touch ups(this was years ago when i relaxed), & inadequate moisturizing (still working on this).
Neglect...sometimes just leaving it plaited too long. I once untangled a baby dreadlock. LOL
By "baby" I mean it was starting to lock nicely tho it hadn't done so fully, but I got it out just fine w/ patience and oil. I lost a little hair, of course, but not much. That proved to me that even mature locks CAN be removed w/o the big chop.
Dumbest of all times: was bleach blonde for 6 months...even relaxed it...all fell off but I wore it short....

Recently: Flat ironing week old hair without washing it...knowing I know better...
Relax whole head for 45 mins not including application time. Relax whole head root to tip again for 45 mins exactly a month later. Needless to say I lost my nape and my ends were hard and crunchy. Smh
When i was relaxed i used to flat iron my hair every day and night as i couldn't bare to see any frizz, with no form of heat protectant!! As like the other stories this just caused my hair to severely break.

When i used to have braids i used to be so impatient when removing them that i ended up just pulling them and thus breaking what ever growth i had achieved.
* flat-iron hair with no heat protectant
* flat-iron damp hair
* try to take the bulk out of my hair by razor thinning it myself :eek:
* using curling irons on the highest heat with no heat protectant
Relaxed it too much for too long... still paying for that (2007).
Set it on fire when I was 10 (I liked Michael Jackson that much)
Using a hand held dryer once a week for 2 months ruined my length (2006).
Cutting,and then pulling micro braids out because i was too lazy to undo them all the way to the tip...

Hot curling my hair almost every day my senior year in high school,wanting that fresh curled look...

Colouring my hair honey blonde(over a mahogany coloured rinse)then relaxing about a month later...You are always supposed to colour a relaxer,not relax a colour:nono:
..back then I viewed it more as an accessory, like earrings or a handbag. I would say " if you can't grow it, sew it!, if you can't do it , glue it! , if you can't achieve it , weave it! ":lachen:

Oh my God! :lachen::grin: Hysterical!!!!!!!!!!

Jeesh I have so many stories... well once I paid $250 for some crazy lady to glue in a weave in my hair and didn't even do my research or find out if she even know wtf she was doing. My hairdresser popped off 4 weaves trying to blow dry my hair, so my hair was gone from the ROOTS. I took the weave out 4 weeks later and most of my hair fell out cuz she didn't know how to put on a weave or take it out! I had to cut about 4 inches of hair and it took 6 months to look decent again. That was my first and last weave experience. Most of my horror stories involve other people doing dumb stuff to my hair. My self-BC was probably my only insane "waiting to exhale" moment.
I went to the beauty shop to get my extra dry over processed hair highlighted with brown and honey highlights and the stylist dyed my whole head Ronald Mcdonald Red and all my hair fell out. Thing is I knew she was doing it wrong and I was too scared to say anything. All the other girls in the shop were like she gonna f**k up you hair, but it was too late. When I was 13 my mom decided it was time to start to combing my hair. I was mbl unstretched natural that hadden ever tried to comb my hair. As a sign of rebellion I refused to comb my hair for a whole summer. End results? shoulder length bob and ball spots.
Colored it Honey Blonde for 10 years overlapping the color.
Flat ironing daily and blow drying whenever I decided to shampoo which was maybe twice a month.
Never deep conditioned. I won't sit under a dryer to save my life.
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The most damaging thing I've done is put a jet-black demi-permanent rinse in my hair. It looked beautiful but changed the feel of my hair and made it break quite a bit at first.
bleached it, then relaxed 10 mins later (was only going to leave it for a minute to get the front straight:ohwell:) needless to say it rinsed off in clumps and i had a baldpatch right on the top of my head:yawn:
Okay, so I didn't know that flat ironing hair that isn't freshly washed was a bad thing, it's a wonder I still have hair on my head!:rolleyes:

Also, I've never heard of heat protectant, so you can imagine what I've been doing w/ my generic CHI (it's a GVP) from Sally's... set on 410 degrees... LAWD help me!!!

I guess I have done more than one very damaging thing, huh?:wallbash:
Back in 2000 I got a weave and the stylist got the hair glue in my real hair. When I went to take it out - it was a mess!! It took awhile to recover from that.

In 2005 I decided to out some color in. When it started to grow out, I had to touch up the roots - but I got the wrong color. So I ended up putting it all over my hair so the color would look the same, :nono: but my hair was fried! I had to just let it grow out and start all over again! :wallbash: When it was halfway grown out it did look pretty though, lol.


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Back in 2000 I got a weave and the stylist got the hair glue in my real hair. When I went to take it out - it was a mess!! It took awhile to recover from that.

In 2005 I decided to out some color in. When it started to grow out, I had to touch up the roots - but I got the wrong color. So I ended up putting it all over my hair so the color would look the same, :nono: but my hair was fried! I had to just let it grow out and start all over again! :wallbash: When it was halway grown out it did look pretty though, lol.

That's a nice color......
-putting in my own relaxers not knowing what i was doing. hair all broke off. had to cut all off & start all over.

-blowdrying every single day, permanent burnt hair smell in house

-relaxing every 4 weeks

-i was about 15 and my mom wouldn't let me get a relaxer so my hair was always frizzy & bushy especially my bangs, xcept when she would straighten it with hot comb.
while she was at work i sneaked into a old jar relaxer she had and rubbed it thru my bangs like it was moisturizer, washed it blow dried it then put the hot comb to it..yikes.

-when i was 17 i was bored and watcing the salt n' pepa expressions music video. i wanted their hairstyles,a layer bob didn't kno at time they had on wigs.took some house scissors and just started cutting long pieces of my hair in half all over head. umm yeh..a hot mess

-brushing hair hard with 10 year old hard bristle brushes.
Hmmm lets see....

- Used a marcel curling iron to curl my ponytail and the thing got stuck. My hair was all tangled in there. Needless to say it was burnt off something vicious.:sad:

-Used African Pride blond highlights on my jet black hair. Stripped it and still looked a hot mess. :rolleyes:

-Used a relaxer that didn't take bone straight- Had some wavy roots while still wet. So I reapplied relaxer in the same place, while hair was still wet. :wallbash:

- Flat iron hair while damp.:nono:

-Spritz hair and curl. Letting it sizzle.

- When I got relaxers at the salon, I would sit there as long as I could so it would be straighter.

- Hairdresser: "How you doing there baby?"
Me- "Oh I'm fine..." (straight burning):blush:

But that was years ago! I'm on the straight and narrow now.
Hmmm lets see....

-Spritz hair and curl. Letting it sizzle.

- When I got relaxers at the salon, I would sit there as long as I could so it would be straighter.

- Hairdresser: "How you doing there baby?"
Me- "Oh I'm fine..." (straight burning):blush:

But that was years ago! I'm on the straight and narrow now.

:lachen: I've done all that too!! I thought "no pain, no gain!" if it didn't burn or sizzle it must not be working - silly me.:wallbash:
- When I got relaxers at the salon, I would sit there as long as I could so it would be straighter.

- Hairdresser: "How you doing there baby?"
Me- "Oh I'm fine..." (straight burning):blush:

But that was years ago! I'm on the straight and narrow now.

This was me too!
Put Fusion Hair extention in my hair in '06. After taking it out, my hair broke off so badly. That was when I found LHCF.

Also on Monday I decided to leave my deep conditioner overnight..well the next morning my hair was all notted. Chunks of my hair broke off. I was so upset that I almost reach for the sissors and cut my hair all off; but I patiently took my time and detangle with lots of conditioner under running water.