BC/TRIM or Nurse Raggedy Ends?


Well-Known Member
I HATE MY ENDS! :mad: One thing I have come to notice is that all my hair idols on LHCF seem to have lovely, very strong and healthy looking ends. My question to all is when you were first trying to grow out your hair did you do a BC, a substantial amount of Trimming or Cutting or did you just nurse those raggedy ends and Dust along the way? Also, are there other treatments/techniques that can transform raggedy ends besides cutting? I want strong, healthy ends but I don't want to loose my little length that I have been working all year to try to achieve. :(
hi cbc!

i would treat my ends with extra tender loving care:

moisture tx
protein tx
little/no heat
little manipulation
mini dustings/trims
keep your ends/lower length protected (ie buns, french braids, tec)

ladylibra_30 said:
hi cbc!

i would treat my ends with extra tender loving care:

moisture tx
protein tx
little/no heat
little manipulation
mini dustings/trims
keep your ends/lower length protected (ie buns, french braids, tec)


Thanks Lady Libra! So, mini-dustings versus cutting off 3 inches would be okay? They are not split but they are thin. How often do you do a protein treatment and which one do you swear by?
When I first started in sept., I did a dusting of my ends (you can see in my album). Currently, I am just going to nurse them until Mar. 2006, then I'll do another dusting... Then after March, another dusting Dec. 2006. Then I'll go from there and see what progress I'm making towards my goal of thick BSL with full ends. So far I am noticing SUCH a difference in my hair... When I touch my ends I can't believe they are on MY head!... My nursing methods are:

*BAGGIE, BAGGIE, BAGGIE! I use Garnier Fructis "Long and Strong Split Ends treatment on my damp ponytail, then I alternate btw sealing with carrot oil (for strength), and castor oil (for thickness of strands)

*Deep condition 2x a week with Essential oil on ends

* No heat on my ends

*I actually act like I have a Jherri Curl, and I'll moisturize overnight with S-curl spray and a plastic cap :lol: (hey, you never see any of them folks with split ends!)... My hair LOVES this!

* I do not wear my ends "out", I wear a bun most of the time and tuck ends under with shea butter and castor oil.
I am interested in this topic also. I have some ragged ends, but am not willing to sacrifice my length at this time. They are uneven for sure, but they are not unhealthy.
I think you really have some pretty hair-I think I mentioned that to you before. As you see in my current aviator, I am tortured by split ends. I can not say if my technique is the best or not, but I am trimming/dusting at least 1x a month. I blew my hair out yesterday and I do see a phenominal difference in thickness since I started dusting . Even though I'm nursing my hair religously, I am prepared to cut my hair once it gets past my shoulders as I know that my hair will probably not be as thick as I would like...due to those darned split ends. I do see growth all over my head but the ends are semi thin due to split ends.

Hope this helps. :)
CantBeCopied said:
Thanks Lady Libra! So, mini-dustings versus cutting off 3 inches would be okay? They are not split but they are thin. How often do you do a protein treatment and which one do you swear by?

you are very welcome.

i do a protein tx 1x/month.

(I) wouldn't cut off 3" all at once especially if i was planning to wear protective styles...that's just me.

i have/love several protein tx:

-nexxus emergencee (heavy duty)
*** i like to mix botanic oil, keraphix, emergencee, humectress together w/heat for 45 mins***
-nexxus keraphix (mild-medium but it's awesome!)
-aubrey organic's GPB
-keracare's super reconstructor
-elasta qp breakage control serum

remember, to do a moisturizing tx after protein applications, okay.

also, don't forget to use a good leave-in like giovanni direct leave-in, salerm, lacio lacio, ntm, etc.
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Thanks NoNapNique. Girl you look like Nia Long! :p I am taking your end regimen and emailing it to my home email address so that I can print it out and STUDY it. Thanks so much! :p
I lopped off two inches then BABIED my ends. That means no direct heat, using end papers when rollersetting, and, most importantly, I oil my end at least 4-5 times a day. Sparingly, but I oil, or use Vitapoint or Cantu Shea Butter Leave In. I carry oil in my purse, one in my desk drawer at work, and lots at home. I also wrap my hair at night after oiling my ends. I also wear a loose pony or bun quite a bit.

I felt like I had to start with "clean" ends and preserve them from there.

So far, it has helped a lot. If I touch my ends and they feel "crispy" or crackle when I bring them to my ear, it's time to moisturize them with oil.

I also dust fairly regularly.

Bluefolli, my ends look GREAT when I have blown dry and flat ironed my hair. But, I feel that when I airdry my hair, my ends look horrible and it concerns me. I had permanent highlighting done in the summer of 04 and my ends are what is left of that abuse. They just make me feel like even when I get my ideal length (brastrap) that it will still look janky because my ends will be thin, scraggly, damaged, etc.

I am going to dust my heart out tonight.
ladylibra_30 said:
i do a protein tx 1x/month.

(I) wouldn't cut off 3" all at once especially if i was planning to wear protective styles...that's just me.
i have/love several protein tx:

remember, to do a moisturizing tx after protein applications, okay.

also, don't forget to use a good leave-in like giovanni direct leave-in, salerm, lacio lacio, ntm, etc

Great, LadyLibra. Thanks for the reminder too. I have Elasta QP breakage control serum at home. I wanted to try that Nexxus Emergencee....EXPENSIVE. But, I suppose it's tried and true on LHCF right? I am surprised you are only protein-ing 1x per month. Maybe I'm protein-ing too much? This past month, I have done it 2x. And that was with Joico K-Pac. Girl I'm so confused! :confused:
I know the feeling about that air drying result of , "What in the world happened to my hair?" Dusting is good, now only if I can do it evenly. I refuse to go to a stylist yet.
bluefolli said:
I know the feeling about that air drying result of , "What in the world happened to my hair?" Dusting is good, now only if I can do it evenly. I refuse to go to a stylist yet.

Girl, who you telling? Going to a stylist isn't an option. I don't like them. I have become jaded from my own bad experiences and the horror stories I've heard from others. :ohwell:
i know that protein-know-how can be confusing.

my hair is healthy so i just do a maintenance plan, hence, 1x/month. this wasn't always the case. a couple of months back i bought a ceramic iron and used it once a week and my hair let me know about it. i upped my protein tx to 2x/month, did pre-poos, dustings, & protective styles and my hair is on the right tract again. i'll be getting a touch-up this saturday after 16 weeks and a bunch of newgrowth!

oh, don't say "i hate my hair!" b/c she can hear you. i'm just kidding (sorta) when we get fed up with our tresses we can handle them a little too rough. so treat your hair like silk/porcelain.
ladylibra_30 said:
i know that protein-know-how can be confusing.

my hair is healthy so i just do a maintenance plan, hence, 1x/month. this wasn't always the case. a couple of months back i bought a ceramic iron and used it once a week and my hair let me know about it. i upped my protein tx to 2x/month, did pre-poos, dustings, & protective styles and my hair is on the right tract again. i'll be getting a touch-up this saturday after 16 weeks and a bunch of newgrowth!

oh, don't say "i hate my hair!" b/c she can hear you. i'm just kidding (sorta) when we get fed up with our tresses we can handle them a little too rough. so treat your hair like silk/porcelain.

Girl! You are SO RIGHT! You are so right! About everything you have said! I love my ends. :look: I have been using a flatiron a bit too much lately...trying to be kute....(that's what I get!). I even slept on a COTTON PILLOWCASE with NO headscarf a couple weeks ago! (I know. I know) :ohwell: Now, I am looking at my hair and she is like, "yeauh....keep mistreating me hear?" I will do 2x a month, pre-poos, cw's, dustings and 1x week dc's and I vow not to blowdry and/or flatiron my hair not one time for the next 30 days. (what about Thanksgiving!?!?!) :(
CantBeCopied said:
Girl! You are SO RIGHT! You are so right! About everything you have said! I love my ends. :look: I have been using a flatiron a bit too much lately...trying to be kute....(that's what I get!). I even slept on a COTTON PILLOWCASE with NO headscarf a couple weeks ago! (I know. I know) :ohwell: Now, I am looking at my hair and she is like, "yeauh....keep mistreating me hear?" I will do 2x a month, pre-poos, cw's, dustings and 1x week dc's and I vow not to blowdry and/or flatiron my hair not one time for the next 30 days. (what about Thanksgiving!?!?!) :(

oooohhhh, you need a spankin, cbc...put that blasted flat iron and cotton pillow case away!

no flat irons for thanksgiving for you missy...why don't you do a doobie? if you find that you must flat iron, do this:

deep con
rinse w/moisturizing con
leave-in, 3 drops of oil, foam
wrap/dry under hooded dryer
apply serum
flat iron only the top (does this make sense?)
try to wear a silky type blouse or bare shoulders/back (whatever the weather permits) to reduce friction/rubbing of your ends
soon as you step foot back into your house bun your hair and at bedtime wrap it with a silk scarf.

i'll be watching you...LOL!
i think that you can definately baby your ends. You can protect them with the baggy/ bun or anyother protective style and when you do wear your hair down, prepoo and maybe do a light protien treatment then ROLLERSET only, no direct heat, bc that might further damage the ends. Hope this helps.
ladylibra_30 said:
deep con
rinse w/moisturizing con
leave-in, 3 drops of oil, foam
wrap/dry under hooded dryer
apply serum
flat iron only the top (does this make sense?)
try to wear a silky type blouse or bare shoulders/back (whatever the weather permits) to reduce friction/rubbing of your ends
soon as you step foot back into your house bun your hair and at bedtime wrap it with a silk scarf.

i'll be watching you...LOL!

:ohwell: Alright, LadyLibra....I will do it. I CAN DO IT!!!! (boyfriend and I were in a renewed honeymood phase but NO MORE!) I have had a "talk" with him and I threatened to get braids if he does not support me in my hair goals by putting up with the head scarves, buns and MTG. He promised. (he hates braids) But, your idea sounds great and I know what you mean when you say "flat iron only the top". Thanks for the advice. I feel better about what's going on now. I LOVE Y'ALL!! :D
maryj1584 said:
i think that you can definately baby your ends. You can protect them with the baggy/ bun or anyother protective style and when you do wear your hair down, prepoo and maybe do a light protien treatment then ROLLERSET only, no direct heat, bc that might further damage the ends. Hope this helps.

Thanks MaryJ. Do you dust?
IMO everybody's ends look terrible compared to blow dried or flat ironed ends, atleast this is what I've noticed, so I wouldn't trim them off based on that. I think all your hair needs is more TLC like the other ladies suggested.
mahogany said:
IMO everybody's ends look terrible compared to blow dried or flat ironed ends, atleast this is what I've noticed, so I wouldn't trim them off based on that. I think all your hair needs is more TLC like the other ladies suggested.

Thanks Mahogany. That is reassuring. Do you baggie? I don't like phony ponies. I always feel like they are going to fall off if someone puts their arm around me or brushes past me too close. lol.
CantBeCopied said:
Thanks Mahogany. That is reassuring. Do you baggie? I don't like phony ponies. I always feel like they are going to fall off if someone puts their arm around me or brushes past me too close. lol.

Yes I try to do the baggie method when ever I can remember. LOL I know what you mean about the phony phonies they can make you very self conscious, but you can always add extra bobby pins to secure it better. If you are still unconfortable with this method try just wearing the baggie at night. The best results I've had so far was with olive oil and Giovanni Direct Leave IN, My ends look so much thicker using these products.
I had this problem before, but here's what help me.

1) Adding shea butter to the ends of my hair while I deep condtioned
2) Airdrying in plaits instead of a bun made a world of difference.
3) cholestrol like condtioner helped as well.
4) Keep my bun damp
vickiepickles said:
I am interested in this topic also. I have some ragged ends, but am not willing to sacrifice my length at this time. They are uneven for sure, but they are not unhealthy.

me too vickiepickles.
aileendq said:
I lopped off two inches then BABIED my ends. That means no direct heat, using end papers when rollersetting, and, most importantly, I oil my end at least 4-5 times a day. Sparingly, but I oil, or use Vitapoint or Cantu Shea Butter Leave In. I carry oil in my purse, one in my desk drawer at work, and lots at home. I also wrap my hair at night after oiling my ends. I also wear a loose pony or bun quite a bit.

I felt like I had to start with "clean" ends and preserve them from there.

So far, it has helped a lot. If I touch my ends and they feel "crispy" or crackle when I bring them to my ear, it's time to moisturize them with oil.

I also dust fairly regularly.


Hi Aileen. Thanks for your input. That's what I was wondering. I'll bet your ends are to die for. I am afraid to do a mini-chop though. But, I am going to dust and oil like a mad fool. ;)
shawniegee said:
I had this problem before, but here's what help me.

1) Adding shea butter to the ends of my hair while I deep condtioned
2) Airdrying in plaits instead of a bun made a world of difference.3) cholestrol like condtioner helped as well.
4) Keep my bun damp

I like this. When I airdry, my ends seem to be sucking up NTM leave-in like, "...is that IT?" :look: I'm switching to Giovanni Direct but I'll also try this plait method. Thanks, Shaniegee!
Hey CBC, I think you will like the plait/twist method. After you get out of the shower try adding a conditioner of your choice with a natural oil that you like.
Then after that something that will give it a good gloss. I know alot of people don't like it, but cones come my rescue here. When your hair is dry you can add a bit more oil/gloss whatever you like to your ends for additional purposes. You should notice a difference and should have a nice plait/twist out too.
Tanelions said:
Hey CBC, I think you will like the plait/twist method. After you get out of the shower try adding a conditioner of your choice with a natural oil that you like.
Then after that something that will give it a good gloss. I know alot of people don't like it, but cones come my rescue here. When your hair is dry you can add a bit more oil/gloss whatever you like to your ends for additional purposes. You should notice a difference and should have a nice plait/twist out too.

Thanks Tanelions. I'm trying this tonight.