Raggedy Ends

Re: Raggedy @$$ ends...

I.D.T's.H and MSA:

Thank you so much! I gotta wake up in 4 1/2 hours, so I'm gonna go to bed. Thank you SO MUCH though! G'nite! :yawn:
Re: Raggedy @$$ ends...

This post on mane and chic may help you decide if your thin ends are from growing or breaking. It's written by Chicoro, who is an LHCF member and also wrote the book Grow It! She also has some super beautiful hair and a great fotki.


For both of you, thin ends aren't always a sign of breakage or unhealthy hair. You should definitely check out the link I posted.

Think of it this way. Let's say you're trying to grow your hair to APL. Since your nape is closes to APL it's going to get there first and the rest of your hair, growing at the same rate, is going to be shorter. At that point, it will appear that your ends are thin because some is at APL, some is at SL, some is in between, etc. etc.

That doesn't automatically mean your hair is unhealthy or breaking, it's just that hair doesn't grow in evenly and the rest of your hair is going to have to catch up. Trimming the "thin" ends at that point would just set you back. It makes more sense, IMO, to wait until more of your hair is at APL (in this example) and then trim for eveness. It's not that your thin ends need to catch up, it's your shorter hairs that need to catch up.

OP, IMO, if your hair isn't breaking and isn't unhealthy (splitting, brittle, etc) then I say keep the ends and wait until the rest of your hair gets closer to your goal. Then trim to even it out if you want to have a blunt cut.

I have another question.

I completely understand the whole "health before length" thing.

But, you say your ends "looked" horrible. Not being pleasing to the eye is not the same thing as being unhealthy. You also said they felt horrible, which I'm sure could indicate a problem, I just don't know what problem.

I understand the importance of trimming ends that are breaking off or so jacked up that they are causing tangles or if they have splits that are going up the shaft.

I guess what I don't get is people keep saying "health before length" when, IMO, what they really mean is "aesthetically pleasing hemline before length".

Some great posts msa! My hair cuz also referenced Chicoro when I was worried about my thin ends.
Thanks MonaLisa :bighug:! I refuse to be scissor happy when I am working this hard.

I LOL at "aesthetically pleasing hemline before length".

OP--I know what helped me was remembering that I'm not experiencing a lot of breakage or shedding and I treat my hair well.
Re: Raggedy @$$ ends...

Well your ends don't look bad to me. It does look like the last couple of inches are thinner than the rest of your hair, which could be from over processing or it just could be that your short hair needs time to catch up with the longer parts. I think it's the latter.

Anyway, I don't see any obvious reason why you would need to cut. Why don't you just keep going with your regimen until you reach your goal and then trim once you get there. Your hair really looks fine to me.

ITA..I couldn't have said it better!
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