Thanks for contributing ladies. I think this can help a lot of women who are thinking about going bald or have to go bald for what ever reason. We're showing them you can still be feminine and fierce with out the hair.

DDTexlaxed I can fully understand that it can be difficult at first to not have the hair there and I think its why a lot of women dont try it

naija24 Yes, if you are already having a bad day the lack of hair can take you further down. But I didnt start experiencing that until my hair started to grow out to that awkward stage. When it was still low, boy you couldnt tell me nothing. And with your smile I'm sure no one could tell you nothing either!

IronButterfly lol Yes you can use them on the weekends since I'm not using them lol. They come in handy now as an adult but at the age of 8 I hated them!!!! lol

Mane_Attraxion Too round?!?!? lol I think we all think there is something wrong with our heads. I think because its so foreign to us lol

Ms. Tiki You are working that short cut!!! It fits you very well!