Baggy edges only?


Well-Known Member
Anyone tried this & have a good method down?

I love the results of baggying. I know you can either whole head baggy or do your ends only. My ends are okay, it's really my edges (and some at the crown) that I have chronic dryness (maybe due to low porosity). Every time I baggy the whole head, I get sinus problems even if just for a few hours. I'm trying to play around to see if there's a way to do just the edges or edges + crown, to get the baggy effect but maybe no sinus problems since it won't be the whole head. Anyone ever tried this?

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Saran wrap?

Also, why are you so sure your ends are OK and couldn't use or don't need baggying at night? They are the oldest part of your hair so need the most TLC. Even perfect ends after a trim are open and a quick route for moisture from inside your strands to be lost. IMO, ends are the ones most in need of baggying. You could wrap saran wrap around your head and leave the top open to baggy your edges, I guess.
Saran wrap?

Also, why are you so sure your ends are OK and couldn't use or don't need baggying at night? They are the oldest part of your hair so need the most TLC. Even perfect ends after a trim are open and a quick route for moisture from inside your strands to be lost. IMO, ends are the ones most in need of baggying. You could wrap saran wrap around your head and leave the top open to baggy your edges, I guess.

Thanks, I'm trying saran wrap...a little awkward...maybe I just need practice lol.

It wouldn't hurt my ends, it's just my edges are desperately dry, almost to the point of being a different texture from everywhere else. I thought if I could focus on the worst area instead of the whole head it would alleviate sinus problems.

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Thanks, I'm trying saran wrap...a little awkward...maybe I just need practice lol.

It wouldn't hurt my ends, it's just my edges are desperately dry, almost to the point of being a different texture from everywhere else. I thought if I could focus on the worst area instead of the whole head it would alleviate sinus problems.

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LOL mg1979 why awkward? You'd just start from the temple, wrap it around your head covering your forehead take it around then over your forehead again. It sort of sticks to itself. Then instead of folding over the top to seal your head in, you can roll it down or just crunch it down. Then put on a doorag or heat cap.

This my full head baggy with Saran wrap:

Also, I don't know why your edges are dry? Do you drink water? Eat oily fish or take essential fatty acids supplements? Are you relaxed? Is your skin dry in general? Do you oil your scalp?
LOL @mg1979 why awkward? You'd just start from the temple, wrap it around your head covering your forehead take it around then over your forehead again. It sort of sticks to itself. Then instead of folding over the top to seal your head in, you can roll it down or just crunch it down. Then put on a doorag or heat cap.

This my full head baggy with Saran wrap:

Also, I don't know why your edges are dry? Do you drink water? Eat oily fish or take essential fatty acids supplements? Are you relaxed? Is your skin dry in general? Do you oil your scalp?

Nonie: Thanks, this picture helps. I was trying to wrap without getting the saran wrap on my forehead, so maybe that was the problem.

As far as why my edges are dry, I have no idea. I am natural, last relaxer was three years ago. When I first started transitioning, I thought it was after effects of relaxer damage to my scalp-it definitely did not grow as fast. But I think by now it would be fine. I do take fish oil supplements and drink almost only water. My skin does tend to be more dry in general, more in the winter. I oil my scalp more in the winter, not so much in the summer-just too heavy, but I do oil it before shampooing. I finally figured out that I had low porosity, so I was hoping that was the missing puzzle piece to finally solve this dilemma.
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This maybe reaching but do you have skin problems such as eczema? I do and it has caused my edges to be dry. You may not like this solution but the only thing that helped me was vaseline.
This maybe reaching but do you have skin problems such as eczema? I do and it has caused my edges to be dry. You may not like this solution but the only thing that helped me was vaseline.

I don't think I do. I have dry skin, but I don't think excessively so. When I look at pictures of eczema online, I don't have anything like that.
mg1979, have you considered not applying oils to your scalp? I tell you what I believe: if you smother your skin with oil, your body's own lubricating system shuts off, coz after all, you seem to have a handle on things.

I remember when I used to my scalp, if I didn't it itches something awful and I felt very dry. I was dared by a teacher when I was 11 to go w/o applying anything to my scalp. I thought he was mad but I took the challenge. The first day my scalp itched something awful. But by day two, no itches. And I stopped greasing my scalp. The only other time I used anything on my scalp was when I had bald spots and was treating them with an essential oil concoction.

Another case: my skin. I used to have combination dry skin. If I didn't apply moisturizer after washing my face, it'd feel tight and have dry patches. I learned from a friend who has great skin that she used nothing on her face; not soap and not moisturizer. She had oily skin, but I'd always wondered if we sometimes don't interfere with our body's own system by loadinge it with crap. I gave her regimen a try. Two days later, I happened to go by The Body Shop and saw their test strips. I was curious because my face wasn't looking or feeling dry. To my surprise, the strip said I had oily skin. By stopping the smothering of my skin with products, I seemed to have given my skin a chance to do its thang.

All this to say that you should probably try baggying w/o any product on your scalp and give this "test" a couple of days. You may find that sebum will be produced in an amount that keeps your edges from being dry.
I have been trying to think of a solution to this problem, too. My scalp did not do well with whole-head bagging unfortunately. It gave me scalp zits. ICKKK!

The best theory i can come up with is some sort of headband made out of suranwrap. Been too nervous to try it out though.